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Penni heard her mother calling for her. She hesitantly turned around. She took one last glance at the floor and turned towards her mothers voice. "Hold on, I'm coming mom!" I took one last glance at the water and turned around. I jogged over to her and looked at the beach house. "Do you need any help moving the luggage inside?" I asked. She chuckled. "Heh, so now you want to help. No thank you hun, we've finished loading everything in." She said, walking up the house stairs. 

I walked over to the stairs. They still had the creaky sounds they'd always had. I chuckled to myself and moved upstairs. Mom opened the door, and I got a whiff of the stale salty smell of the house. I coughed and my eyes watered, but I still smiled. 

It had been so long and yet not long enough. I walked over to the stairs and touched the cracking paint on the wood. It was just the same as it'd been last year. "I want the big room!" Dot called from upstairs. "Hey!" I yelled. I ran upstairs and heard my mother's voice from downstairs in the kitchen, "Same room's as last year!" I stopped running and shrugged my shoulders. Every year I got the big room . Dot just wanted it because she hated her room. I told her we could redecorate it last year, but she complained. I told her we could every year, but she always pouted. 

I walked back down the stairs to the lounge. I banged my hip on a lot of things. Dad hadn't turned the power back on, so I couldn't see anything. I finally made it to the lounge with one too many scars, but it was worth it. The view of the ocean from the lounge and the balcony was to die for. It was absolutely fantastic. I sat on the couch and searched for the remote. I found it, on it on the coffee table and sat with it in my hand. I felt the outline of the remote in my hand, and looked up at the ceiling. "Mom, is the power on yet?" I asked, turning behind me. "I'm about to check, but honey we won't need it right now. Remember we're going outside anyway." She said.  It's true, every year after we got to the beach house, we'd go outside and play a board game. Sometimes volleyball. I'm pretty sure this year it was supposed to be Uno or Volleyball? That's why mom and dad were in such a rush to get here. Usually we like having some fragment of light left, to watch the sunset or play early, but obviously this year that wasn't the case. 

Mom switched the light switch in the kitchen on, and it illuminated to room. We bother cheered, and I turned on the television. I smiled to myself, and looked the couch. I could see all the little indents left on the couch from my family. I heard my fathers footsteps  approaching from upstairs. I saw that he had Dottie with him. She was running down the stairs in her little cover-up with her bathing suit under. Dot always had a thing for water. Me, not so much. It was icky and wet. Especially the ocean. There was a bunch of creepy deep sea monsters under water. Plus! We've only discovered 5% of our ocean. If thats not nerve-racking enough, I don't know what is! I clicked off the TV and stood.

We all walked through the back door. "So, what game is it this year?" I asked. My mom waved a volleyball in my face. I let out a deep sigh. They were obsessed with that game. "You too can play it. Dot want's to go in the water. I'll watch her while you two play." I say grabbing Dots hand. She smiled and our parents nodded. I walked her over to the water with Dot. I sat on the little beach chair, next to her towel and her cover up dress. I giggled to myself as she ran to the water, first sticking her feet in.

Dot went closer to the water, and I notice her look down. I was waiting for her little head to pop back up but it didn't. I moved closer to her. "Dot? Dottie!?" I said, reached my hand into the water. I lifted her body up and saw her holding something in her hand. "Sorry, I found this thing." She said, as I put her down.  She ran over to mom and dad holding the bottle in her hand and I chased after her. "Hey, Dottie! We don't know what that is, put that back!" I yelled. She was lucky she was so fast, or else I would've been able to catch her easily.  

She handed the bottle to our parents, and they looked at each other. When our mom asked what it was, she tried to sound curious, but she sounded more worried. "Is something wrong? We can put it back! I told her not to touch it!" I said in a worried voice. "No, nothing's wrong, we'll take care of this." She said clutching bottle, walking into the house. I looked at dad, and he hesitantly shrugged. 

I crossed my arms, and turned away with Dot, still eyeing them. Why would they even need a weird old bottle like that from the ocean?

Author's Note:

Hi lovely's sorry for the bad grammar. I try proofreading but sometimes even thats not enough lol! I'm going to try to write on Monday's, Friday's, and maybe Wednesday's I'm not sure cause I got school!

Toodle's  for now~

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