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7 years passed.

The city is filled with numerous vehicles, people and almost everything but there is someone who owns nothing.

She lost it or let's say someone stole it from her.

Feeling the hunger, Y/n is standing outside of a noodles restaurant as she is watching the customers enjoying the food and drinks.

She licked her dry lips before gulping her saliva. She can't stand it anymore but she won't do something illegal.

"Do you want to have lunch with me?" A man stood beside her while giving a polite smile to her.

Before finding the person that ruined my life, I have to survive first.

"Can I?" She replied carefully.

That man nodded his head, still keeping his smile and gestured for her to walk ahead after opening the door.

"Do you need a job?" He questioned softly while she is eating.

"Thank you for asking me about that but I think you will take back what you have said if you know my story." She rejected him before he did it to her.

She knows the world well. No one will accept someone that came out from prison.

"I know who you are, Y/n." He uttered before pushing the side dishes that have just been served toward her.

"And because of that, I insist on hiring you." He sipped the ice lemon tea.


"The real murderer is someone else. You have been framed, aren't you? You are not going to just let it go like that, right?"

I will always remember the reason why I stayed in jail for the past 7 years.

"So you need a job to survive first and we will help you to investigate it secretly." He spoke sincerely.

"We? Who are they?" She asked curiously.

"They are Police Detectives and they are my friends as well. We feel unfair to you so we wanted to help."

She felt touched after knowing there are someone who cared and trusted her.

She is not alone.

"So, would you accept my offer?"


Jungkook is the founder and CEO of this company. It is a small and medium-sized enterprise.

"The only witness was found dead right after he wanted to show us the video. That's when we know something was wrong."

Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi and Jungkook are all gathering in the CEO's room to have some private talk with Y/n.

"We tried to find the video and we failed so due to lacking evidence, you served a 7 years sentence for murder." Yoongi explained.

Y/n can feel that they are feeling sorry for not being able to prove her innocence.

"It is all in the past now and I'm surprised that you guys are here for me but thank you so much." She stood up before bowing to them sincerely.

11:07 pm.

Jungkook arranged a corporate dinner among his employees to welcome Y/n for joining them.

"Thank you for the meal, Jungkook~" Seokjin wrapped his arms around his CEO's shoulders.

"How are you going to go back home, Y/n?" Namjoon asked curiously.

"I will bring them back home, do you want to follow?" Hoseok invited her for a ride in his vehicle.

The three of them don't know Y/n's prison story. Not everyone can remember what happened to her.

"Don't worry, she will ride in my car. You guys don't be late for work tomorrow." Jungkook patted their backs as they walked away after waving to them.

"Let's go." He walked ahead to guide her the direction where his vehicle is located at.

"Where are you going to bring me?" She questioned while obeying him.

"My house." He opened the front passenger seat's door and signalled her to get in.

Should I request him to rent a small room for me? The rental fee can be deducted from my salary. Will it cause trouble for him?

The house she lived with her mother 7 years ago didn't belong to them so she doesn't have a home now and Jungkook knew about it.

"What are you thinking?" Jungkook glanced at her while driving professionally.

"Can you rent a small room for me? As long as I have a space to sleep." She requested as she is watching his reaction.

"And the rental fee will be deducted from your salary?"

"Yes, for sure."

"Nah. You are living a tough life already. I'm not going to let that happen, Y/n. Don't even think about it."

"I can't live in your house for free."

"Then you can help with cleaning the house when you are free. Besides that, what if the murderer comes at you when you are alone?"

"That will be more good because I'm going to catch him and break his bone." Just thinking of it made her feel good.

"You can fight?" He asked in a serious tone.

"No." She replied honestly and knew that she lost to him.

"So just stay."

One of the guest rooms in Jungkook's place.

"Hope you don't mind." He scanned around the room, making sure she got everything she needs.

"It seems like you prepared it like a long time ago." She spoke.

"Not that long but since yesterday." He crossed his arms while smiling softly.

They are so nice.

"You can't remember me, don't you?" This question from Jungkook made her raise her eyebrows.

"You are the CEO of JEON co?" She thought that today is their first meeting.

"Yes, that's true. We went to the same university, Y/n. I'm your junior under the same major."

"Ah~" She doesn't remember it but she will pretend to be to avoid being awkward.

"Back then, I had a crush on you. You are my first love and they said your first love is always alive, do you agree with it?" His lovely eyes fixed on hers.

"Haha, maybe?" She laughed awkwardly at the sudden confession.

"Well, you should rest now. See you tomorrow. Goodnight, Y/n." He left the room after closing the door gently.

"If he confesses to me back then, will my fate be changed? Will my mother still be alive?" She smiled weakly before answering an unknown phone call.

"Hello." She greeted that stranger.

"I heard you are finding me."

"And who are you?"

"The one that you wanted to meet so much."

He is not using his real voice. Is he him? The murderer that killed my mother.

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