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"You killed my mother." Somehow, she felt that he is the murderer that she is finding.

"Bingo. How is life inside the jail? So sad that I never get to experience it." The other side is producing some laughter sounds.

The evil and sarcastic one.

"You will soon, don't worry. I will make sure you will be punished."

"By what? The law? Lady, the law is only standing on my side and not yours."

"You are only lucky to get away that time and you are now running out of luck."

"Do I?" He laughed sarcastically once again.

"You are so brave that you decided to call me, don't you?" She is going to find Jungkook.

"That's when I know you guys will not be able to find me. You are going to find your CEO, huh?"

She stopped her steps and looked around quickly, feeling fear inside her.

He is watching us.

"Why do you stop? You should keep going, dear Y/n. Are you afraid you might die if you move?"

"What do you want? Why are you doing all of this and why do you kill my mother?!" She is starting to lose her patience a bit as she raised her voice.

"What a funny question I got from you. Just remember this one thing." Just then, Jungkook is approaching her with curiosity after what she said.

"Everything happened for a reason."

Jimin's place.

"I can't track him. I don't think he did all of this alone. He must have people that support him." Taehyung sipped the red tea calmly.

Taehyung and Jimin lived nearby each other. Once Jimin knew what happened to Y/n, he called the expert, Taehyung to find his location but they failed.

"It won't be easy then especially when this case is closed. We will be in trouble if our team leader is aware of it." Jimin ruffled his hair like a habit.

"Then, we will all blame you, Jimin. You are the one who insists on doing this, aren't you?" Taehyung jokingly said.

"Yah, you guys feel pity for her as well aren't you?" He questioned back.

"Yes but not as much as you and Jungkook. Now, tell me, why did you do that? I don't think she is your ex-girlfriend. Even more impossible to be your ex-wife."

"Just stop it, Taehyung. I am just impressed by how hardworking she is and how good she is at eating spicy food."

Jimin avoided his gaze because he is sure that he will laugh at him for how easily he gets attracted to a woman.

"Ah~ the woman you mentioned before? At the tteokbokki place that you often went to? I can see that our Jimin has fallen in love~"

He stayed silent and sipped the green tea he prepared for himself, thinking about what topic he should talk about now.

"Seems like now you will be competing against Jungkook then. We know she is his first love."

"No such thing, don't think too much and go back to your home." Jimin pushed Taehyung out until he was outside of his house.

"Yah! How can you treat your guest like this?" Taehyung's voice has been lowered after he closed the door without turning back.

Jimin turned off all the lights downstairs before heading to his bedroom. He laid down comfortable and stared at the ceiling.

Is it normal if I messaged her now? Perhaps, she is sleeping?

Jungkook's place.

A hand is patting her back gently to comfort the woman that just stopped crying.

"I just don't understand...why it will be my mother?" Y/n wiped her tears off with her hands.

"What did he say?" He asked curiously.

"Everything happened for a reason." She repeated the words without forgetting anything.

"Do you remember you or your mother have offended someone before?" He questioned.

"No." She replies without any delay because she is certain about it.

"How about you go to rest now? Don't think too much about it. If you recall anything, you can tell me."

Jungkook wrapped his arms around her shoulders to force her to go back to her room immediately.

"I recall something just now but I'm not sure if is it related to my case."

A day before her mother's birthday, she was walking back home after throwing the garbage in the right place.

Just then, she saw a knife placed on the ground and she was kind enough to take it and threw it to the right place she went just now.

"If I'm not mistaken, the knife is the same as the photo the detective showed me as evidence. It is JY brand." She spoke.

Her eyebrows raised slightly when Jungkook's face showed a shocked expression as if he knew something she doesn't know.

"O-ok. I will inform Jimin and Taehyung about it." He changed the subject back to the topic before this one.

"Aren't you going to tell me what you know? Aren't you will help me to find the murderer? So why are you hiding something?"

"It is not like that, Y/n. It is just-Nothing." He is hesitating.

"Just tell me if you want to help me. I don't need your help anymore if you aren't going to say it, Jungkook." She waited for him and he was still the same.

"Ok. That's the end of our collaboration. Bye." She walked past him but stopped her steps when he spoke.

"I am not sure about this but I remember when riding his car. I saw the knife and it is the JY brand. It happened on the same day of your mom's death as well."

"And who is him?"

"Jimin. The one we knew."

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