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8:14 am.

Jimin woke up before her but he was unable to move because Y/n is still sleeping peacefully in his arms.

He can't resist it as he reached out his hand to touch her right cheek as lightly as possible.

She opened her eyes slowly when she felt someone is touching her cheeks and their eyes met. She didn't say anything and Jimin too.

"Why is this dream so realistic?" She murmured to herself and touched his hand that is still on her right cheek.

"It feels so real." She automatically closed her eyes when she saw Jimin leaned forward toward her.

And she felt his lips on hers.

Both of them startled when her phone is ringing. It is a phone call from Jungkook as she didn't text him since last night.

He is worried about her, scared that Jimin might do something to her since he is their suspect now.

Groaning in pain, Jimin is now on the floor after being kicked by her. She feels shocked before feeling bad. 

Living room.

"Should I apologise to you?" Y/n asked while sitting across from him.

They are having simple breakfast that he prepared and both of them didn't have to work today since is weekends.

"Not really?" He didn't know the answer since he kissed her without thinking much.

"Then ok. We are good."

"Who says it?" He looked over at her and stared down to her soft lips unconsciously.

I want to kiss her again.

"Don't tell me, you are going to ask me to be responsible for the kiss?" She questioned while staring back.

"What if I say yes? What are you going to do then?" Jimin fixed his gaze on her steadily.

"I have no choice but to accept then." She stood up before grabbing his cheeks to pull him closer so that their lips will meet.

Being your girlfriend will be much more easier for me to find the evidence that you are the murderer of my mother.

A western restaurant.

Taehyung and his family were having lunch together in the comfortable environment with some chilling music being played in the background.

"Dad, can I seek for your advice on something?" He questioned after they are done with eating.

"About how to have a girlfriend?" His sister looked over him and teased him.

"Nah, it's related to Y/n's case. You guys have heard of it, right?" He replied.

"Yep, of course. It was talk of the town back then." Answered by the former retired police detective.

"She was released a few days ago and we decided to help her investigate secretly since we felt that she was innocent." Taehyung leaned forward and lowered down his voice.

He told them the suspicious things about Jimin and waited for his father's advice on Jimin's motive to murder her mother if he is the real murderer.

"Hm, the Jimin that I know doesn't have any bad habits. His family is always there for him and he doesn't have any financial issue as well."

"But his love life faces some problem, right?" His sister said.

Jimin's ex girlfriend, Hye Su was the one he started to date with since 9 years ago.

Eveything was well in the first place until a few months ago, he found out she cheated on him more than twice with her different colleagues.

What's worse is that, she actually started to commit that after they dated for more than 1 year.

Either she hide it well until a few months ago or Jimin was too busy to notice it.

"I don't think this is related to his motive though." Taehyung crossed his arms while seeking for the other reasonable reasons.

Jimin's place.

"Jungkook, I'm gonna to stay here for  a few days. I don't know how long it will take but yeah, I'm his girlfriend now." Y/n took the opportunity to inform him in the bathroom.

"Huh? How? Why?" A lot of confusion can be heard from Jungkook's side.

"Y/n, do you want to watch movie later? What kind of movie do you prefer? Comedy? Horror?" Jimin shouted from outside.

She quickly whispered talk to you later before hanging up the call and replied Jimin with anything you like.

9:30 p.m.

"Am I too old fashioned? As we know, horror movie will be more suitable for couples to watch since you will hug me when you are afraid." Jimin chuckled as they were already seated.

"I can hug you even when I'm not afraid." She took her action immediately and even pecked him on the lips.

"Woah-" He was surprised and feeling shy slightly on how straightforward she is.

"Hello, excuse me." A pair of couple had to move from the hall to the seat beside Jimin.

It was normal until the guy passed by him as he saw the woman behind that guy.

Hye Su.

Both of them noticed the existence of each other. Hye Su sat beside Jimin comfortably and chatted quietly with her current boyfriend.

"Are you ok?" Y/n questioned Jimin as she saw his startled expression and glanced over Hye Su.

The lights were turned off in the hall, indicating the movie has started as Y/n shrugged aside the question.

Why should I care? It is not like we are a real couple anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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