Chapter 11: Lost

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Time: April 28th, X820, ~12pm

Location: ???

Objective: Locate

Flowers, grasses, and ferns happily danced under the beaming sun.

A perfectly clear sky stretched above them, inviting the local creatures to come out.

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over a patch of fresh grass.



The shadow slowly backed off.




The blades were mercilessly ground between two sets of molars. Remnants dribbled out of the mouth corners. They fell past a wooly wall back to the grass, where a hoof caressed them.

Tweeet tweet tooweet!

Arf! Arf!

The wooly creature pawed and baa-ed. It started to trot away before a large streak darted across its path! Immediately the hooved animal turned around and trotted the other way. As it ran, the enemy nipped at the heels.

Baa!! Baa!!

Off in the distance, similar calls could be heard. The wooly creature trotted faster towards them.

"Well done, boy! You brought the lost sheep!" a deep voice called.

Arf arf!

The sheep paid no mind to the voice and kept trotting towards the familiar voices. The dog yipped and bounded after it to keep it from straying.

The man sighed and stretched.

"Thank goodness we got 'em all rounded up again," he grunted.

As the man started to follow the sheep and dog, he stopped.

Voices echoed in the distance...Human voices.

The man looked over his shoulder at the hill looming before them.

"For the umpteenth time, Mr. Compass! Are we there yet?!" a woman roared.

"Mavis, you're gonna make me deaf before I'm eighteen!!" a young man snarled.

"Good!! That'll teach you not to eavesdrop ya Poisonous Prick!" she retorted.

"Nashi. Jace. Please. Enough," a third, exhausted voice pleaded.

"Why the hell should we be quiet?! There's nobody here!!" the woman shrieked.

"Quiet! I sense someone ahe–," a fourth, tenor voice interjected.

"Shut up Sun Dude!"

"Kee kee kee kee," a fifth, baritone voice snickered.

"Stop laughing Ice Princess!!"

Fairy Tail Adventures Await Volume 2: Undercover InvestigationWhere stories live. Discover now