Chapter 23: I'm Drowning

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Time: May 20th, X820, ~8pm

Location: Addy and Lexi's apartment

Objective: The memories

Vee cupped the water in her hands and watched it swirl as it leaked between her fingers.

Her mouth corners perked into a smile.

She dipped her hands back into the water and pulled up another small pool.

Once it was drained she repeated the action a third time.

As her hands sunk back in, she slowly spread her arms, sending a small wave to the edges of the tub.

Vee watched her wavy blue locks around her bare shoulders bob in time with the ripples.

She lifted one arm up and watched the mini waterfall. In one wrist flick, the remaining water on her arm spattered away, leaving her skin dry. She turned her arm in various directions as the light reflected off her smooth skin.

"I didn't know skin could be so clear," she muttered.

"What does it normally look like?" a deep voice inquired.

Vee's head swung to the right. Addy sat there fully clothed with his back to her. The door on the other side of the room was half open to a hallway.

"Scarred. Bloody. Bruised. Dirty," she answered.

Addy bobbed his head.

"When was the last time you saw your skin this clear?" he wondered.

"When I first woke up at Fairy Tail."

"And before then?"

"I...don't remember."

Addy bobbed his head again.

A smile poked Vee's lips.

"Thanks for staying with me, by the way," she said.

"You're welcome. Lexi would've been a better companion."

Vee's face fell. She stared at the water's reflection.

"N-no she wouldn't."

"Hm? How come?"

"I...I've been ordered to never take a bath without the presence of a man. Regardless if I want him or not."

Addy's pupils dilated. His muscles tensed.

"Who tol–? Er, whoever told you that is sick-minded."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean they have messed up thoughts. Unless it's consensual you should never have to bathe with someone against your will."

Vee blinked. She looked at his back.

"What does consensual mean?" she squeaked.

Immediately his shoulders became rigid.

He audibly swallowed.

"It means both people agree to the actions they're about to do. Each person has to verbally and explicitly say 'yes'. And you're not allowed to use violence or guilt tripping to make someone say 'yes'. That's coercion, which is not consensual."

The water around the girl started to sway in various directions.

"But...why?" she whispered.

"Why what?"

"Why do I need to say yes? I was told I need to follow whatever orders I'm given. Regardless if I want to or not."

Addy gritted his teeth.

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