Chapter 30

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Olivia and I were what you called highschool sweethearts. Stupid and in love. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that teenage love is a joke or any of the sorts. But, being a teen can lead to you making dumb decisions such as myself. I thought that whatever I had with her back then was pure love, the kind of love you see in cliché movies. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

She proved to me that whatever we had back then wasn't love.

Not only did she prove it by cheating on me with Cameron, but she used me as well. Seeing as though I was considered 'the rich kid', she approached me with the intent of spending my money on herself. I got multiple warnings from Bentley that she was simply with me for materialistic things, but I was too damn stubborn and told him that he simply doesn't know her the way I do. I didn't want anyone to see her in a bad light or dislike her. I wanted to prove to everyone that she was the all kind and loving Olivia I fell for.

But, boy was I wrong.

After I saw her and Cameron latched on each others faces, I later found out by one of her classmates that she was in fact with me for money. The girl that told me this played a recording of Olivia claiming that she indeed was after my dads riches.

It was funny. But really, I was hurt.

Who knew that she was such a selfish person. The fact that went to such far lengths as to mess with my feelings, just for her self satisfaction...

"Hey, Vee?" Anneline perks up.


"Let's just focus on ourselves from now on. Besides, we're in the process of making our little family." She says with a smile as she carreses her belly.

The way I feel for this women here and now, is true love.

"Of course. Hey Ann."

"What'sup?" She asks with a grin.

I take a deep sigh and turn to her.

"I was planning on asking for your parents permission, but fuck it. I know this isn't the ideal setting to ask something like this, and I was actually planning on doing it at a fancier spot. But, after hearing you say that we should focus on us, I'll just go ahead and pop the question."

"Would you make me the happiest women alive and marry me?" I say as I take out a small box with a ring inside.

Anneline looks at me wide-eyed before she finally nods her head as a yes and jumps on me from her seat.

"Yes!" She yells as she drapes her arms
around my neck and sobs into my chest.

I place my palms on her face and tilt her head up so she can look me in the eye.

"Who knew that me, Violetta Chekov, would propose in a car parked in a damn parking lott of a grocery store? Love really does make you do crazy things." I say as I place my lips on hers.

Soft and succulent as always.

I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. Initially, I planned on proposing to her on the beach with a beautiful sunset as our view. We'd be sitting next to each other and simply admiring the view and the sounds of the waves. And, when we have a moment of silence, I'd finally pop the question. That would've been the ideal setting. I know I should've contained myself and go on with the original plan, but patience isn't exactly my strong suit. I'm eager to make this women mine and mine alone. I want her to wake up next to me as my wife. I'd admire the ring that I would place on her finger on our wedding day every morning. I wanted to do all those loveydovey cliché things with her. I want to treat her like the beautiful women she is.

"Our wedding day is going to be like the ones out of a fairytale." I state.

"Not in a grocery parking lott?" She asks with a giggle.

"God no!"

She laughs with her head thrown back and more tears streaming down her face.

My Anneline.

The rest of the day went amazing.

We went to go meet up with Mr and Mrs Evans -Annelines parents- and announced the news to them. They were overjoyed but even more happier when we told them that Anneline was expecting. For the rest of the day we spent our time there and celebrated. When Anneline told her mother about how I proposed, the lady laughed for one second and the next she was chasing me around with a spatula. She was quite fast for someone who was in her forty's....

After a while of chasing, she finally calmed down and swore that my wedding day is going to be the most extravagant. And definitely not in a parking lott. I came to the conclusion that she will likely hold a small grudge against me for that part.

"Make her the happiest women alive." Mr Evans said.

We sat on the porch with two bottles of root beer in hand.

"That's exactly what I'm doing now." I reply with a chuckle.

The two of us decided to sit outside so we can get to know each other while Anneline and Mrs Evans were inside prepping something to eat.

"You know, when Anneline talked about you for the first time, it's like she had a sparkle in her eyes. It's the happiest I've ever seen my daughter, even after she married Cameron. If I may, how did the two of you start of?" He asks.

"Well," I start, "she got drunk one night and stumbled into me. Long story short, after I took her home I couldn't stop thinking about her. I knew she was married but that didn't stop me from aproaching her. Another reason as to what led me to her was Cameron himself. I knew he was a cheating bastard and who he was having an affair with. Whenever Anneline and I spent time alone, she'd always worry about the time and Cameron. It pissed me off, so I made a decision to make her mine. I guess you could say I was jealous but also mad at the fact that she was willing to be faithful towards him."

Mr Evans give off a chuckle after I finish of. I take a sip from my almost empty bottle and lean back.

"Has your parents ever told you that you're quite stubborn?" He questions.

"Too many times." I reply.

I consider myself stubborn as well. But, if it wasn't for my stubbornness then I wouldn't have ended up here. I wouldn't have sat down here with a bottle of a root beer next to my future father-in-law. In a way it's actually funny. I always thought that I would end up being single and a workaholic. But, my fiancée is right behind a door expecting my children. It still feels like it hasn't sunk in at the fact that I'll have a family of my own either.

"I'm going to be a momma..." I mumble.

"Still hasn't sunk in has it? When Sylvia was pregnant with Anneline, I was happy although it didn't hit me that I was going to be a father. But, when Anneline was given birth to... I was the happiest man alive and still am. Trust me, the moment those twins are born, it's gonna hit you like a bus." He says as he places a hand on my shoulder.

"Hit me like a bus? Really?" I question with a raised eyebrow.

"Trust me, you'll know what I'm talking about."

After a while, Anneline called us in for dinner. We spent time around the table talking about mundane things and simply enjoying each others company. It was quite nice really, although Anneline did get mad when Mrs Evans brought a bottle of wine.  She was mad because she couldn't drink with us, resulting to her staring at me with daggers in her eyes when I drank.

Overall, the day started of shit but ended off well. Time flew by and next thing I knew, it was time to go back home.

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