Chapter 12

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Anneline is simply the absolute best.

It may sound like I'm over exaggerating and making her sound like some goddess, but really, she is simply the best, to me at least.

We spent half the day at the café over a coffee and sweet treats. Whenever she spoke, I felt as if I was in a trance.
I was listening to her and gave a comment every now and then. She spoke about how she misses her parents, how she got interested in art, her favourite movie and a bunch of her other likes and dislikes. I made a mental note on each one of them and tried to remember most of the things she mentioned.

This women does things to me that I just don't quite understand. I've barely known her that long yet I feel myself falling for her even more and more. She doesn't compare to any of my exes. Not that I am comparing her to them, but she simply makes me feel things I've never experienced before.

It started since the first day I saw her. It's pretty cliché but it's almost like saying it was a 'love at first sight' moment.

Or maybe it was because I simply haven't been in a relationship in a while resulting to me having thoughts like these?

My last relationship didn't exactly end of on a good note. My ex and I dated for a while so you can imagine how  betrayed I felt when I caught her with some other man in my bed. It took a while to get over her and caused me to create a stern wall between me and who I let in my life.

She taunted me for a while saying that the man she was in bed with was the one who iniated it and that she was drunk. But I'm no fool.

She was sober for sure. And let's say the guy did iniate them fucking, why would she ride him while moaning his name? She even went as far as to say that he forced himself on her.

The guy she slept with ended up telling me that he thought she wasn't in a relationship. I didn't buy his excuse but then he showed me their text messages. Turns out she really did say she was single. It also turns out that they've actually spoken for a couple of months and that she was the one who approached him first.

All in all, eversince that whole incident it created barriers for me. I started blaming myself that our relationship didn't work out even though I gave it my absolute all.

I thought that if I showed her just a bit more affection, if I was there just a bit more, she wouldn't have done what she did.

But of course, at the time I was 'heartbroken' as one might say and made myself feel like absolute shit. It took me months to realize I wasn't in the wrong and that she was just a mistake of the past.

"So, what are we gonna do when we get home?" She asked.

Currently, Anneline and I were on our way back to mine.

"We can watch a movie and order take out." I replied.

"Mkay." She said, while staring out the window looking at the buildings passing by.

I glanced at her, and saw her nose was against the window. I'll say it again, fucking adorable.

When we arrived home, Anneline ran to the couch and threw herself down in a starfish pose.

"You sure are making yourself comfortable." I retorted.

I locked the door and sat down at her feet.

"Get used to it." She simply said.

"So what are we eating?" I ask.

"Chinese." She replied.

"And Chinese it shall be." I retorted.

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