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Author's pov

The members were eating, laughing and chatting but Jimin was only quite never even bugging in to whatever they were saying but when Hosoek was busy laughing- he was glancing at Jimin time to time so, Jimina was only faking  a chuckle just to no to disappoint his hyung.

Taehyung couldn't help but steal glances at Jimin who looked very stressed as he was busy clutching on his hair as he was pushing it at the back. He can also notice how his hands were shaking as he eats and hold the cup.

He was too worried as he look at his chim . That's when he swallow the lump on his throat then decide to ask Jimin.

" Jimin?" He whisper and Jimin look at him slowly. Taehyung was shocked  to see Jimin's face this clear and straight 

The younger looked skinny- his cheekbones were so invisible- his baby fat cheeks were gone- Taehyungs heart did beat fast because he was very shocked but denied to show it.

" are you okay?" Jimin gulped then nod looking away.

Jimin's anxiety raised up as he feel Taehyung's eyes on him .

" Jimi-"

" U- uh- I have to go" Jimin says quickly as he stand catching all the members attention.

" we are still eating dinner though, where are you going?" Yoongi ask furrowig  his eyebrows.

" b-bathroom"  Jungook and Taehyung's eyes were stuck on him which made him to want to get out of here as soon as possible.

Plus- he was really craving for it.

" Jimin- don't start. If you think that thus time we are going to let you escape then you are wrong" Jin says sternly.

" I wa-want to use the bathroom " Jimin says with pleading eyes.

" Jimin " Namjoon asyas shaking his head.

" hyung-"

" Jimin sit down!!" Jin raise his voice.

Jimin sigh as he feel his anxiety being high when all of the hyungs are looking at him. He can't hide how shaky he is,how sweaty he is right now- he can't hide it.

" The kid is not good at all Jin" Yoongi says as he look at how shaky is right now. Jin go really worried then sighed.

" Okay then-" he didn't finish his words as Jimin ran upstairs faster. Taehyung can hear the door shut very loudly.

" what's wrong?" Taehyung ask as he leave the spoon on the plate. He look at Namjoon who sighed.

" He has been like this since last week- always in his room, doenst eat dinner with us- he is barely with us-"

" he has developed this kinda behavior in a fast way that- that also shocked us." Namjoon says shrugging defeatedly.

" what?" Jungook ask in as he see Iin shaking his head.

" Honestly though Jungook, whats wrong with you guys and Jimin?" Hosoek asked seriously sending a galre to Taehyung and Jungook.

Jungook can feel Taehyung tightening a grip on his hand.

" we also do not know- but we should tal-"

" leave him alone, he likes being  alone right? So you stop forcing and worrying about Jimin who won't even listen to you guys" Jin says munching on his meat.

" you are being unfair- the kid seems to be not well. " Yoongi says scoffing at Jin

" Jimin has lost weight Jin, and still you are telling us to not worry? What's wrong ?" Hosoek was being pissed by Jin's selfishness.

" you two,  make sure that you talk to Jimin before we leave. I'm tired of this shit, you guys are annoying , the three of you. Talk" Yoongi click his tongue walking out of the dining room.

" its really annoying and frustrating that  one of our member is not doing well and yet we don't know what's wrong with him. And you" Hosoek says looking at Jin.

" Stop with your shit, it's annoying " he then also left. Jin's heart did break when Hosoek said that to him.

Jungook sigh grabbing Taehyung's hand as the two stand up.

" don't tell me you are-"

" we are going to Jimin" Jungook said as they head upstairs.

Namjoon shake his head walking out of the door to get a fresh air,  leaving Jin all alone as he grip on his hair- heart broken


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