Strange Caller.

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I was sat at my desk on my laptop writing a story. It's what I do when I'm upset. I cut then write all of my feelings in a story or a song. I love singing and playing the guitar, it's my way of expressing me without people knowing what I mean. I hate talking in front of people but I don't mind singing. I feel comfortable when I sing, as though they're just enjoying it rather than judging my words. I sometimes wonder if my Mum ever sang to me, oh well...some things I guess you'll just never know. I started writing this story about a little, vulnerable girl. She was called Lauren. When she was younger she was harassed but nobody got punished. I wrote about how much I hate it when people get away with things. I used my knowledge of what it's like being in a fight and the other person not getting in trouble but you do. Anyway, I wrote in detail about what happened and how her friends didn't help her and didn't tell the police what had happened. I was writing away when the phone went off. It was really loud, you could hear it from the office and that’s downstairs.

I couldn't hear what they were saying but I heard Julie come up the stairs. She knocked on my door. "Someone's on the phone for you." she said. She passed me the phone. "Hello?" I said quietly. I HATE talking on the phone; I hate it more than I hate people. I cannot talk on the phone! Not that anyone calls me anyway... The voice on the phone said "Hi, is this Tori?" it was a boy, maybe a man - inbetween. Julie left the room. "Yeah..." I said, how did he know my name? Who was it? Was it Charlie from school? "It's Louis...from One Direction." says the voice. "What do you want? Seriously, I'm not in the mood for your stupid jokes." I said. The caller laught "I'm not joking, honest!" he said. I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "Prove it." I said. "What's your twitter?" he asked. I started to believe him, nothing good ever happens to me though. I told him my twitter. "Go check." he said a few seconds after. I logged onto twitter on my laptop. "Oh my god!" I yelled. I think a lot of people heard and Tia came into my room. "What's so Oh my god?" she asked. She was 15 and had a very strong American accent. She had been abandoned at an airport near us. She also loved One Direction. I pointed to the screen. She walked over and stood there staring at it. "Hello?" asked the voice on the phone. "Oh, right, yeah, sorry." I said realising I had ignored him for the past minute. "So, believe me now?" he asked. "Yeah." I said "Sorry..." This was probably one of the only times I had ever said sorry. "It's alright, Tori." he said. Oh my, he said my name! I was starting to get all shaky. "So, how come you’re ringing me?" I asked, slightly confused. "Well, when people are unhappy..." he started. Oh no, here we go... "Well, what I'm trying to say is...the boys and I have heard about you, self-harm, your life etc. I really want to meet you one day." he said, he sounded embarrassed but I couldn't tell. "Oh...I see." I really don't want anyone knowing! But I suppose, if this will mean I get to meet them, I suppose it might be a good thing? "Well I think you know I would love to meet you too!" I said. "Well...are you doing anything tomorrow? You're not far from me, you're in London right?" he asked. "No, I'm not doing anything and yeah I am in London." I told him, I was starting to get excited! "So, be ready for 11:00am tomorrow. I'll come pick you up and we can go out for a bit and get to know each other?" he asked. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. "Yeah, okay!!" I said, I was trying so hard to contain my excitement. "Okay, see you tomorrow Tori." he said. "Bye Lou!" I hung up and screamed at the top of my lungs.

I ran out my room and to the office knocking Kyle over on my way. "Oh my god, Julie! Thank you!!" I yelled, giving her a hug. What was happening to me? I never thanked people, I never hugged people, I never appologised and I'd just done all 3 things in the space of 5 minutes. I could sense Julie looking over a Sid in shock. She hugged me back. "It's okay?" she said, I could hear the shock of the hug in her voice. I pulled away blushing slightly then ran back to my room. "Don't forget breakfast!" she yelled after me. Pah, I wasn't going anywhere. I was staying on twitter and DMing Louis. "Hi Lou, thank you so much for believing in me. Nobody ever give me a chance. You see, I have anger issues and I lash out easily. I can never trust people - it's horrible. I wish I was normal. I wish I had a real family with people who care, but I guess that will never happen. Sorry for being arsy to begin with, I love you." you clicked send. I suddenly got butterflys wizing around my tummy. "Hey Tori!!! Don't worry about it sweetie, I promise one day you will meet someone that will open your eyes and will make you believe not everyone is bad! You can trust me, I promise. I don't care how long it takes I will help you and I'm not one of those guys who just drop you like a tone of bricks. I'm here for you. Who knows, maybe you might meet the special someone tomorrow! Love you too darling!" Oh my god, Louis Tomlinson just said he loved me! He just said I might meet the special someone tomorrow! Does he mean him? Oh I don't know! I've never been this happy!! I'm too happy to think.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2013 ⏰

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