Leave me alone.

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I lied in bed. It was Saturday so I had a  right to lie in. I was just drifting off again when suddenly there was a bang from outside followed by a load of kids screaming. "Shut up!" I yelled from my bedroom. Then, one of the younger kids came into my room - he was called Kyle. He had blonde curly hair and was a pain in the bum. "Oh dear!" he came in screaming. "Ergh get out." i moaned throwing a pillow at him. "OUCH!" he yelled at me, he leaped onto my bed and started hitting me with his stuffed teddy. "Get off!" I yelled picking him up and plonking him on the floor outside my room. One of the other kids yelled "Oooooo, someones mardyyyy." I would of thumped them only I didn't know who it was. I stormed back into my room slamming the door behind me. Then it started to quiet down - most the kids had gone downstairs to tell Julie what had happend, I didn't even know myself what they had done but I didn't want to know. Julie is the head careworker all the kids seem to like her but she just gets on my nerves.

By 10:00am I decided to go downstairs and get some breakfast. I streched as I got out of bed. I slept in my underwear so i slid on some trousers and just put a loose top on to cover my scars. Julie always makes me hide them so that the other kids don't think of doing it. To be honest I couldn't care less if the other kids coppied me but if I don't cover them I get my TV taken out of my room - I can't live without it. I walked out my room to be confrunted by a flying doll. Smack, in the face. It was Kyle again. "I could kill you!" I yelled chasing after him. He ran down the corridor, when he reached the end he had nowhere to go, I lifted my arm up to smack him when Julie grabbed my wrist from behind me. "Ahhh!" I winced in pain. I snached my wrist away from her. She looked down at me worried as if she knew I had cut again. I was about to cry when I ran to my room, slamming it behind me. She really hurt my wrist, I only cut it last night. Charlie, a boy from my school had recently started talking to me. I didn't know why but I started to talk to him to. We'd only spoken a few times on Facebook and text.

Last night though, I recieved a message from him saying. "Your a wierdo, it wasn't even me talking to you.  Why the hell would I talk to you. You never speak to anyone - you're so unsociable and when people try to speak to you, you just lash out at the and get into a fight. I don't want to get to know you. Bye." This really hurt, it was the one time I had spoken to someone that made me feel good about myself it wasn't even them! I grabbed my pocket nife a slit the word 'Bitch' into my wrist. I pulled back my sleeve to see the cut Julie had pulled at. It was bleeding. As I was checking my wrist Julie walked in. "Hey missy." she said quietly. I yanked down my sleve I winced at the agony but tried not to make it obvious. She came and sat next to me on my bed. "Show me?" she asked gently. "What? What are you on about?" I said trying to cover it but I think I reacted too soon. "You know what I mean, Tori. Show me." she said, slightly more sturner. "No, get lost." I said loudly turning away from her. "No, I'm not going anywhere until you explain yourself." I sighed. I looked away and gave her my arm. She took in in her hand and gently roled the sleeve up. She sighed. "Why do you keep doing this to yourslef?" she roled back down my sleeve and I took my arm back. "Why not?" I said in a mardy tone. Julie sighed and walked out my room. "Please stop?" she pleaded. I shrugged my shoulders and left her to walk out. "Leave me alone." I said under my breath. 

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