rot why does it smell like something died

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"Tv?" Rot said confused. "Yes tv do you not have one?" The boy even more confused than Rot. "Well no what is a T..v? It said interested "it a box or rectangle that shows pictures or footage to entertain people or keep them up with the news" The boy decide to teach Rot about technology.

{Time skip}

Geez this took way to long it makes me wonder how much tech do we have ... "be better get som sleep" the boy said "sleep?" Rot said "you don't know what sleep is ???" "No?" °no wonder he has black all over his eyes° "it's basically how some ppl recharge there body so they can remember stuff and so they be able to focus " the boy said very tired "oh well I don't need that then" the boy didn't know what it meant but he went to sleep..
I waken suddenly its smells horrid like something died
"Rot?" ... no response. "ROT!?" It was gone?
God where is that smell Is coming from . The boy got up and searched around he was a lil scared and starts to bit down on his teeth and accidentally bit his tongue it started to bleed ans then he found Rot. "ROT!" The thing was scared and turned around and saw the lil boy "... what are you doing up I thought you'd be dead by now.." The lil boy was shocked "w-what?" The boy heard a sound and turn to see..a it.. was a Wingo... the one he'd heard in the tales that was the horrid smell it smells as a dead body ... he runs bc of fear he was so betrayed...

Some years past -rot's pov
°hunger....° Rot hears nothing everything was silent. Seeing that it was in the forest the silent scared it . Suddenly a weird muppet thing came out the bushes . "HIIIII" It yelled "..." rot didn't like talking that much a specially to weirdos. "Not much of a talker huh?" Rot didn't respond. "Welll I heard you have some well beef with that moon guy" [base on video]
"Yeah?" Rot said intrigued "well he seems like a good snack to me I was wondering if you could help me find him" °snack?° Rot though
"What do you mean snack?" Rot said in a weirdly calm voice "Well I have a thing for eating jerks and he seem really [jerky]" Rot stop to process the stupid pun the wierd thing just made.
"Sure but tell pun like that I will tear out your vocal cords out."
"Geez chill I'm not here to get [beefy] hehehe"
The muppet that looked like unicorn puke "ugh" the annoyed rot started to walk off he didn't like jokes he thought they are stupid "Hey! hey wait I'm sorry just help me out please." The wierdo said he sounded lil panicked that got rot's attention bc he has nothing better to do. "What's in it for me?" Rot said in a impatient voice. "Uhhhh some food? You sounded pretty hungry 😋" it said "fine.. well do you have a name?" Rot said "a name hmmm nope" [T^T I can't come up with one]

{Well ty for reading till next chapter hehe there's gonna be some bloodshed}

542 words <3


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