Chapter 1 - Piper Parker

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Today was a regular day. I went to school. Got punched in the face by everyone's favorite bully. Didn't fight back because I'd bash in his brains without meaning to but hey, it's fine right? He beats me up, no one else gets hurt. Not my friend Ned, not Mich- MJ who I have the world's worst crush on (I can talk normally to her and stuff but...), not anyone else. Then after that I had my stark internship.

That's right. I intern at Stark industries. I work under the famous Pepper Potts and Tony Stark.

I actually PA for both of them from time to time.

It's abnormal for someone aged 15 to be an intern at Stark industries but back when I was 13 I submitted an AI I built to a science fair and was offered a job when I was 14 which is barely the working age but I managed to apply for a work permit and Aunt May and Uncle Ben signed it for me since my parents were dead. Pretty soon after he signed it Uncle Ben was shot and I had to hold him as he bled out.

Then I went on a field trip to oscorp and got bit by this huge-ass radioactive spider while I was trying to take a video. The spider literally died like 5 seconds after it bit me.

You may be wondering why my aunt and uncle signed my work permit. You might be going, aren't your parents supposed to do that? Why yes. Yes they are. My parents died in a plane crash when I was 3. Don't even remember their faces save for a picture my aunt has. I try to imagine what their voices would have sounded like.

It's not very helpful to be honest.

So back to how today was a regular day. I swear I must have ADHD or something with how badly I can get sidetracked.

Anyway, a normal day.

When school was finally over I walked out the door with Ned who's my best friend.

"Are you going to your internship or..."

Or SpiderWoman.

That's right. I'm the notorious street Vigilante/Hero. You know that spider I met on that oscorp field trip? Yeah, I slept the spiderbite off and when I woke up I heard a fly and thought it was thunder and I jumped and got stuck to the ceiling. Then, my aunt walked in and my window happened to be open so It looked like I snuck out. It'd be easier to make up a story about sneaking out then to tell her I got stuck to the ceiling.

It took me a month and a whole lot of tests to figure out what had happened to me (don't worry it was me who administered the tests). I was 14 by the way, when this stuff happened.

"I'm headed to my internship."

"Don't let them find out."

"I know!"

Ned was talking about the fact that the avengers had been hunting me down trying to get my identity for the past 2 months. I usually managed to get away before I sustained any injuries that were bad enough to take like a day to heal.

I have enhanced healing so things that take a day to heal can be things like scrapes, cuts, and maybe even bullet wounds if I'm lucky and if I eat enough.

I walked the walk from Midtown to the SI building also known to some as the avengers tower. Oh great... there's the new receptionist. They change them once a month for security reasons but the old one doesn't get fired they get a different job.

"Hey, kid! Get out of here!"

I held up my badge to the scanner and my ID appeared on his screen, "Look it over. I'm approved." I stood there in my black star wars t-shirt tapping my foot. I have a nose piercing, 2 earrings in my right ear and three in my left so I look like a cross between a nerd and a gangster. I only wear blood red or dark clothes because it hides blood if I accidentally reopen injuries from patrols.

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