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It had been about 2 weeks since Navy Brooke Monty was born and Sage had yet to tell the father Hyrum Parson about his child.

Sage knew she would have to tell him eventually but was really scared of what he might say. Sage wasn't sure what she was expecting Hyrum to do because he was the sweetest guy she had ever met but she knew telling him she had his baby and didn't tell him wasn't going to be a fun conversation.

Sage got ready for the day even though she was still really sore after her 32 hour labor only 2 weeks ago, she figured if she was going to tell Hyrum she might as well do it sooner then later. she left Navy with her mom and brothers and one sister. all of sage's family adored their neice and grand daughter so much.

Sage drove to Hyrum's place after texting him she was coming over. it took her an hour alone just to send him that message. of course he was confused as to why she was coming over because they had a few dates 8 months ago and i mean yeah she kept in contact but they weren't on a basis where she would just come over randomly.

When sage got there she sat in her car for a few minutes trying to get the gut wrenching nerves in her stomach to calm down so she wouldn't throw up. she had no such luck. sage couldn't get her stomach to stop twisting into multiple knots or her heart to stop hammering against her ribs so hard she felt like it was going to break through the cage that was her ribcage and burst through her chest . After a few minutes sage realized she wasn't going to be able to stop any of the things making it so hard to deal with what she came here to do in the first place, she got out of her car and walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

Hyrum's house was really nice, it was made out of dark grey-brown bricks on the out side with a small porch next to the door where there was a small yellow and white patio set that complimented the house's color quite nicely, the door was a dark mahogany color that made the house look elegant and prestige there was a small garden of flowers along the front of the porch that made the house look friendly and welcoming to everyone. the inside had same elegant, prestige, and welcoming look on the inside.

The parson family is a very accepting, kind hearted family that welcomes everyone into their home with open arms.

The dark mahogany door opened about 30 second after Sage knocked, which was far too soon for Sage's liking. Hyrum's mom, Mrs. Parson was the one that answered and as soon as she saw Sage she pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.

"Sage, dear, I'm so pleased to see you, but is everything okay?" Mrs. Parson asked reasonably so seeing as how sage hadn't come over in months.

" It's good to see you too Mrs. Parson, and yes everything is okay I just came to see Hyrum" Sage responded, in the time Hyrum and Sage dated his mom and Sage got pretty close.

"please dear call me Emily, and Hyrum's in his room you can just go up if you like." Emily stated

Sage smiled and thanked her. Sage went up to Hyrum's room while Emily went back to fixing up dinner. Sage was happy that Emily was the one that opened the door and not anyone else. Emily always had a way of calming Sage when she was upset. Emily was like a second mother to Sage.

When sage reached Hyrum's room she took a deep breath to try to calm her nerves that had returned as soon as she and Emily parted ways. She entered Hyrum's room after softly knocking and getting a muffled "come in" from Hyrum inside the room.

When Sage entered Hyrum seemed surprised by her arrival. he must not have seen the text.

*Hyrum's pov*

Hyrum had seen the text he just still couldn't believe it. he hadn't heard from Sage in almost 2 months. so for her to just show up at his house was very unexpected.
*end of Hyrum's pov*
Sage felt bad about ghosting Hyrum for the past 2 moths but she didn't know what she could say to him.

"hi" Sage said a little rushed and anxiously.

"hey" Hyrum responded much less shocked as he had been when Sage had entered the room.

"um... we need to talk...." Sage explained

Hyrum could tell that sage was anxious and so he tried to sound calm and understanding so she could relax "what about?" Hyrum asked.

"I'm so, so, so sorry" Sage rushed out starting to cry.

Hyrum stood up from his desk chair where he had been sitting when Sage walked in, and walked over to Sage taking her hand in his and leading her over to his bed where she broke down even more from his gentle touch. he tried to calm her because he didn't want her to be upset.

Hyrum hugged Sage while she cried on his shoulder for about 30 minutes. when sage calmed down she felt bad for breaking down and apologized once again.

"i-I'm s-s-sorry" Sage said through the hiccups from her previous breakdown.

Hyrum then said "you don't have to be sorry sometimes we just need to let it all out, do you want to talk now?" Hyrum questioned.

Sage just nodded her head 'yes' because at that moment she didn't trust her voice not to betray her.

"I'm sorry i ghosted you i was just scared" sage explained. Hyrum just stayed quiet. so sage went on "do you remember when we did 'it'a few months ago?" she questioned, Hyrum nodded his head starting to get concerned.

"Well..." sage explained starting to get even more nervous "something happened... I.. got pregnant." Sage finished starting to silently cry, relieved to finally have told him, but still worried to find out what Hyrum would say....

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