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Hyrum was stunned to say the least.

"you're... You're what?" Hyrum heard sage loud and clear he just felt a need to clarify.

"P-P-preg-nant" sage responded she was full on sobbing right now from the overwhelming guilt and shame she feels for not telling Hyrum any sooner like she really should have.

"A-and i-it's yours" sage stuttered out she felt horrible for springing this on Hyrum.

"H-How" Hyrum stuttered out after a long silence well it wasn't really that long it just felt like an eternity to them both.

Sage tried to collect herself at least a little so she could give Hyrum a response without stuttering, "We didn't use protection" she responded sniffling a little.

"I'm so, so, sorry I...I forgot" Hyrum felt horrible for forgetting to use protection, if he had just taken the time to think about it they wouldn't be in this situation.

"N-no I'm sorry for not t-telling y-you sooner. I'm sorry you didn't get to experience a-all o-of t-the l-little s-steps a-along my pregnancy y-you deserved to k-know if  not anything else I was just scared but that's no excuse. I'm done with the pregnancy now I-it's all done but I-I'm here now to ask if you would like to see and be in your daughters life?" Sage asked Hyrum hesitantly but growing more courage along the way.

Hyrum was silent for a long beat, he was absolutely stunned and honestly ecstatic to be a father he was upset that he missed sage's pregnancy but he was mostly upset that she had to endure that all on her own. "Y-Yes" Hyrum stuttered out, " Yes i would love to be apart of my daughters life how old is she now?" Hyrum asked.

"A-almost two weeks now." sage admits growing more guilty as she admits it.

"S-Sage did you tell anyone about the baby?" hyrum questions.

Sage is taken aback by the question but none the less she shakes her head signaling 'No'.

Hyrum wraps sage in a hug felling the absolute dread he was feeling waiting for her answer, turn into absolute pity. He feels bad that sage had to go through all of that on her own.

Hyrum hugs sage like he is never going to get her back if he let's go but also being careful not to hurt her.

Sage breaks down into tears once again as she feels the man she has grown quite fond of in the last while embrace her in his soft, gentle, loving touch that she has also grown rather fond of.

When they part once again the begin to discuss when Hyrum can meet Navy. to which sage responded with "whenever you want she's your daughter too i won't keep her from you"

With that figured out they decided that they needed to tell his parents. so with that they went down to tell Emily first.

"Mom w-we have to tell you something" Hyrum said.

"What is it honey?" Emily asked her son.

Sage and Hyrum looked at each other then told her "Y-your a nana."

A/N hey everyone that is reading this i hope you like it and please tell me what i can do to improve sorry this part is so short bye everyone i will try to get the next part up as soon as possible stay safe and remember you're loved!!😘

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