Mad Love

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Mad scientist y/n x peter.

Your lab rats kept dying, thankfully you had a wonderful boyfriend to ask to fetch you a new one <3.

(Warning for disturbing themes, mentions of syringes, cutting and a psycho y/n and other bullcrap. Be warned.)
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"Please I beg you! let me go!!" the person behind you shouted for the umpteenth time.

You sign, still not looking at them as you replied "sorry, but i'm afraid i can't do that. I'm still not done with you yet after all" you replied sullenly. resuming on your experiments at hand.

"please…please just let me go home…i can't bare it anymore" they sobbed, you're surprised they didn't get tired of crying. you finally turned to them with a syringe and your clipboard in hand; your lab rat panic upon seeing this so they trashed around as best as they could, but you know it's useless because of the bonds they are in.

"I suggest you to stop trashing, it'll only cause you more pain if i didn't inject it correctly" you said; you could care less if they are in pain or not, you just don't want this to fail again. You walk closer to them and hold their upper body in place, positioning the syringe on their neck as they shout "No no no…. Please don't do this! I'll do anything!! I'll give you money or whatever you want!! please jus-" they howled in pain as you injected the syringe in their neck, a little too hard.

You move away as soon as you're done, observing them for a little while. Their trashing and loud shouts get weaker the more you watch; you see their mouth bubbling as their body finally stops moving. You checked their pulse to see if they were still breathing….None.

you sign again,annoyingly. Looking back at your clipboard in your hand.

"Experiment 105, Fail" you whispered, looking at the rest of the experiments that's marked as failures. "Maybe i added something wrong, or probably i did it a little too hard" you said disappointingly, they're probably the longest lab rat you had that lasted longer than the rest.

You turned back on your working place, noting the things that you should do the next time you try it out again on someone.

"ugh, Great" you groaned, finding a perfect subject to experiment on is so time consuming; And you don't have the energy in you to go look for one again. You look at the vase beside you that held a fresh bouquet of roses, then suddenly you remembered something.

…..oh right, you forgot that there's someone with you that you could literally ask to help you on getting subjects.


You've asked him days ago to go find you a new subject for a new experiment that you had in mind, in which he eagerly accepted. Looks like he's still looking till today you thought.

You checked the time, noting that it's almost past midnight. Might as well rest for a bit while you wait for him. you got lost in thought As soon as you sat on a chair however.

Sipping on your leftover coffee ; you thought back on the day you started all of this, all these twisted things you do that not a normal person will ever do. But you couldn't make yourself care about it, you're not a normal person to begin with afterall. You know the day you're born that you have a messed up mind.

 Like that time where you saw your own father got poisoned from his food, bubbles ran out his mouth as he lay dead on the table; and you just sat there, staring at him with wonder in your eyes. Of Course your mother and the police officers only took that as you being terribly shocked, you're still a kid at that time anyways, A sweet innocent child.

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