Silly Antics

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Roommate Y/N x Peter

You started a routine of stealing Peters phone just to change his phone wallpaper into something stupid. However, this time you don't have the heart to change it because his current wallpaper is a cute picture of you two together.
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You and your boyfriend Peter have been dating for 3 months now, finally living in his apartment after he asked you to. But despite that he is still clingy and obsessive, You don't mind it one bit though, you still love him regardless.

But that doesnt mean you'll let him off the hook, So you started a routine of changing his wallpaper into a silly and stupid pic of him that you secretly took on your phone just to mess with him. You know its a stupid and childish act to do but you just ignored and kept doing it, theres no harm done and you want to mess with him, his reaction is always so funny. Like that time you change his wallpaper into a pic of him picking his nose, you laugh hysterically at the way his face contorted into disgust.

You started doing it weekly, if not daily just to mess with him. He always changes it ofcourse, mostly a picture of you. He also hides his phone or keeps it with him just so you can't put your hands on it, but you're a sly little shit so you always find it. His password is so easy to guess because it's mostly about you . He is so bad at it.

So here you are again, looking for his phone around the apartment. Peter left just a moment ago to go get groceries nearby, you didn't see him take his phone with him so it's your best chance to do your silly antics once again. As you look around you finally saw it on the couch hidden below a pillow, you smiled in victory as you snatch it with your hands.

you sit down on the couch as you open his phone; finding yet another new password. You huffed, already had some ideas in mind. It's numbers only so you thought of any possible ones.

Your birthday? Incorrect. Your favorite number? Incorrect. Your favorite date or year?? Incorrect.


"WHAT THE FUCK IS IT?!". you've tried again several times but you kept failing, that bastard finally learns how to keep his password hard for once….

you thought again, thinking back on what numbers he could possibly use. You tried everything you think you like, even the date you met, but it's always incorrect. Maybe he tried thinking something that's not related to you for once??....

You tried it, but it's still incorrect. You're thankful his phone doesn't shut down by how many tries you had, but you're still going to try it again anyways. You'll never stop until you accomplish your goal (cuz that's how petty and determined you are).

You checked the time on your phone, noting that your boyfriend will come back soon so you have to hurry.

You think hard, is there anything Peter told you that could possibly be the password ??.

Then a sudden memory hit you, THAT'S IT!. you thought back to the conversation you and peter had the other day.


"831" Peter said suddenly as you two sat on the couch watching a movie.

"what?" you asked, brow raised as you look at him. "I just thought of it, it's probably my favorite numbers now," he said, a goofy smile plastered on his face.

"pfff-, why are you telling it to me then? is there any meaning behind it that i should know of?" you joked, giggling. His smile only grew more because of this "Why of course there's a meaning behind it, i made it up just for you actually".

you tilted your head, confused as you asked him "for me? Now I'm hooked, tell me what it means!" you exclaimed, attention all on him.

"it means i love you"

caught off guard, your face flushed "W-wait wha-...!" you stuttered as you continued "T-that doesn't make sense at all!!".

"of course it is, I love you. It has 8 letters, 3 words and 1 meaning~" he said as he looked at your blushing face amusedly.

you huffed, "you're so cheesy!" You said as you focused your attention on the movie once again while munching on a popcorn. He only grins at you in return.


You thought back at how cheesy yet flattering that time is, You forgot how he can be so goofy and sweet sometimes...

Okay now back on the matter at hand, you started typing it in. Wishing it's the right one.

I swear if this one still incorrect i'll fucking trow his phone across the room.

You enter it, smiling victoriously. IT WORKED!.

"Fucking finally!" you exclaimed; phone in hand, ready to put another funny pic of your boyfriend that you just captured yesterday.

but you abruptly stopped, seeing what wallpaper he put on.

…it was a picture of both of you, the one you two took on your date just last week. Both of you smiling while peters holding the camera in one hand as his other hand is wrapped around your shoulders, it's almost sunset at that time so it makes the picture more scenery. You smiled as you looked at it, it really is a beautiful picture….

 Too lost in thought, you never noticed peter entering the apartment with groceries in hand. 

"Darling i'm back! did you miss me?~" he shouted, finally seeing you sitting on the couch. "hmm? What are you doing over there?" he asked, setting the groceries down while making his way towards you. He looked at your hand holding his phone and he smirked.

"Oh, trying to change my wallpaper again, darling? you're so clever, always guessing the passwords that i put. I guess I came back early that you didn't have the time to change it?" He said, his smirk getting wider as he hugged you from behind the couch.

"you used the picture we took on our date last week.." you said. "Well of course I will, you look absolutely amazing in that picture afterall" he said smugly.

"pfff-, you're such a dork as always" you said, kissing his cheeks.

..just maybe, you'll let this one slide for now.

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