Arranged Marriage

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Princess y/n x Prince peter (royalty AU)

Two royalties being tied together without their own will, but somehow it worked out in the end.

…...At Least the other person thinks.

(yes,Female y/n. Fight me)
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They say having royal blood is a blessing, that being born in a royal family is a fortune.

...which is not wrong, being one has its perks; like having immeasurable wealth and sprawling assets, having tons of servants and butlers to order and take care of your well being. and lastly, royals had the power to rule a kingdom as the other human livings bow to them, which led some commoners and other low ranked titles to envy them.

but of course, not everything is perfect and easy as pie. There are downsides of being a royal, including having your life seemingly planned out for you and having little to no privacy, and some rules that made absolutely no sense at all; at least in Peter's perspective.

Peter grits his teeth, still remembering the conversation he had with the queen 2 days ago.

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"What !? '' Peter shouted, looking at the person in front of him with rage.

"You heard me.Now, I expect you to be ready for when they come '' his mother, the person in front of him calmly said, Ignoring the fact that his son is looking at her with a deadly glare. "You set up an arranged marriage for me with a random girl I don't even know and you expect me to CALMLY ACCEPT IT !? Peter said with malice.

"Now now, I did not set you up with just a random girl, she's from the kingdom of Alynthi. And I think you both are a perfect match" She said in a honey-like tone, but Peter can see right through her evil facade. "It's for your own good too, Peter. You're at the right age to be engaged and to expand our kingdom" she added, Adding fuel to Peter's already boiling rage.

He scoffs "Don't sugar coat it, I know you're just after their wealth" the queens smile falters. "Believe what you want to believe, but I still expect you to be ready. Is that clear ?" she replied. Peter just looked at her with hateful eyes, not answering.

"Is that clear ?" She repeated.

"yes…" Peter said defeatedly, the queen staring right through him expectedly. "...Mother" He growled. "Good, you may leave," the queen replied while sipping her tea.

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Just by remembering that conversation makes his blood boil, not only she set him up. But he forced him to stay in his room until he's supposedly other half arrived, oh the struggles he had when he tried to leave, now there's guards guarding his room; Just fantastic. He asked why she didnt set up sarah instead of him but she disapprove of the idea, saying that "her precious child still has alot to learn and experience" yeah, learn and experience my ass.

today is the day they arrive, so it's the perfect time to escape through his balcony. Since the guards there will be by the gate where the visitors arrive. He just had to wait…

"It's a beautiful weather today, isn't it ?" Your father said out of the blue, you hadn't said a word ever since you and your father left. It must be bothering him by now, you thought.

"Yes it is" you finally said, not wanting to upset your father much more. "look y/n, I know this is all so sudden. But it is for your own good, we can go back and just reschedule the visit if you like. We're just going to visit today to discuss some details" he said, making sure you're comfortable. You finally smiled at him, being so thankful for his concern "No, it's okay. I'd like to go out once in a while anyways"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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