The Orb Hero: Sphere

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3rd POV:

Three days ago...

"Your first mission is to find this person." Principal Nezu told the group as he slides a folder full of personal pieces of information about the person that he wants them to track and find. "Do you recognize this person?" He asks them as Momo stepped forward to pick up the files and scanned them while the others leaned in to look.

"Oh," Momo gasped, recognizing the person's picture on the files. "Isn't this the mysterious hero that everyone called as the Traveling Hero?" Momo questioned as Principal Nezu nodded his head.

"That's correct, he is The Orb Hero: Sphere, also known as The Traveling Hero." Principal Nezu introduced as the other three boys exchanged looks of confusion.

"Who the heck is this guy? How come I have never heard of him before?" Katsuki questioned in his husky voice.

"I also do not recognize him." Shoto followed.

"Same here." Hitoshi added as well.

"That's because he keeps a low profile and tends to not stay in one place for too long. Hence, that's why he's named The Traveling Hero." Principal Nezu explained as the boys nodded their heads, understanding why they never even heard of this person.

"Hey, Ponytail, why do you know him?" Katsuki asked with one brow raised, giving the girl a questioning look.

"I actually met him two years ago when I participated in a villain raid." Momo told everyone as she looks back to that memory. "I remembered him primarily being the support of the raid because of how strong his quirk is in defense which was lacking in the team at that time." Momo recalled.

"I see that you have already met him, so please try your best to find him as soon as possible." Nezu smiled and tilted his head to the side with his paws together. This may seem like kind and encouraging words to others but to the four of them, it meant "Find him now or else" kinda thing.

"Wait, how are we suppose to find him if he's always traveling from place to place?" Hitoshi asked. "Are we gonna circle all of Japan just to find this guy." Hitoshi sarcastically said as Nezu smiled that made the purple-haired boy jolt backwards in shock.

"Well, I know for certain that he will be here in Musutafu starting tomorrow and will be here for the next five days." Principal Nezu informed them.

"How do you know that? It's not stated here in the files?" Shoto asked as Nezu smiled in response.

"Just trust my judgement and find him as soon as possible. You only have five days, may I say, or else, you will fail this very simple mission." Nezu warned and threatened them as the four immediately nodded their heads enthusiastically as Nezu's smile grew brighter.

Four days later... Present time...

"So this is Sphere?" Katsuki asked with an unimpressed look on his face as he stared down on the unconscious body of Izuku who is laying down on Recovery girl's nurse's office in U.A. "He doesn't look much." He commented with bemused eyes as Momo pushed him to the side.

"Oh stop that," Momo told the blonde. "You can't say that to a person you don't even know, especially one who is on recovery bed." She scolded the blonde as he tsked at her in response.

"It's been almost twenty-four hours and he's still not awake. This is taking forever!" Katsuki groaned impatiently.

"Maybe if you would've just shut up and stopped whining for the last few hours then he might've already woken up." Hitoshi tiredly and sassily told Katsuki as the blonde growled at him.

"What did ya' say eyebags?! I'm about to fuck you up!" Katsuki yelled as he got up and walked towards the Hitoshi but was stopped by Momo who grabbed his waist and tried to pull him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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