Chapter 9

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Time skip to 10 years later

A little boy cries as he falls right down headfirst into the ground. His older sister immediately comes rushing by his side and helps brush all the dirt off her baby brother before asking him whether he was alright.

The boy sniffles but he answers that he is alright.

Next, their mother comes to his side asking whether her son is alright as she cleaned the dirt off with her handkerchief and lectures how he needed to be more careful before running off suddenly like that.

The little boy nods and apologizes to his mother for worrying his sister and her.

Their father comes over to pat his son on the head praising him for properly apologizing.

Their mother sighs saying he is spoiling the children too much with their father replying fondly how she was also doing the same.

The two children watch as their parents start their usual banter before they puff out small bursts of laughter and their father gives a kiss on his wife's cheeks making her completely blush from head to toe as she shouts at her husband for how shameless he is for doing this in front of such a large crowd.

The family spend some time shopping in town where the two children kept begging their father to buy them candy. In the end, one of the couple's interdimensional space pouches was full filled with all the sweet sugared candy that money could buy for the two respective children and their sweet tooth mother.

The two children were completely exhausted from the shopping spree and were on the verge of sleeping as they munched onto their lunch. Shen Mingchen helps carry his tired sleepy daughter on his back while his wife Shen Xianjiu carries her drooling son in her arms.

They go head to the small hut up on the hills that he and his wife built with their very own hands. Shen Mingchen managed to save up enough money from all the hunting and demon extermination jobs he took to buy the small plot of land where they could safely raise their children in. They even managed to make a small farm of rare herbs and plants his wife collected during their travels and sell them for a rather reasonable price.

Of course, the family still went on their travels but only not very long ones where they would have to leave their hut unattended for too long. Sometimes the Aunty Qian or Owner Liang and her ladies over nearby helps look after it when they were gone for more than a few days.

The townspeople were at first scared of the rogue cultivator's burn marks that marred his face and hands but quickly grew used to it over time.

It was a small, simple, modest life but one filled with happiness and joy.

Flashback to after the Hellfire and the following things that happened afterward

10 years ago just as the fire was about to consume them a mysterious force appeared shielding both him and the former peak lord from the hell flames. Shen Jiu fell unconscious right then and there while Liu Qingge desperately held onto her unconscious body close to his the best he could when a figure of a man that distinctly reminded him of Puffball appeared before him.

The figure smiled at him as he approached the both of them.

For some reason, Liu Qingge felt as though this man was safe and didn't have any need to worry about him hurting either of them.

The figure went to his knees as he put his hand over the unconscious peak lord and absorbed the curses riddling her body onto himself. He also helped heal the war god's burns. Although he couldn't remove the marks completely as his spirit was unfortunately too weak he had told he had managed to remove the effects of the hellfire completely from both peak lords' bodies.

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