Randicon 1

104 9 8

Nomi's P.O.V

The sun has set, finally the night time has come to rise. It was such a pain in the sun, forced to talk to people and doing stuff that I personally don't enjoy. Oh well, the moon is shining there so its time to go out.

Taking my robe, I jumped from building to building, feeling the wind flow through my red hair as I landed on a skyscraper, where the view of Norrisville spreads to me like a painting. My, time flew by so fast. It felt like yesterday when I finally freed from the curse of Sorcerer. But, I'm still immortal. So even if the Sorcerer finally moves on, my job as the Nomicon is still on going. There's more evil that I must know and teach my student to fight.

A sigh left from my mouth as I thought of my life until now. 800 years has passed, well... 805 years to be more precise. I looked through the hardships that I've went to see what I could learn from them. There's so many memories, so many different people, so many ninjas that come and go.

My mother once told me that whatever tragedy that come, I must stay strong. Frankly enough, it lasted until now. My grandfather gave me the Nomicon who I turned into my own notebook. I closed my eyes as a specific memory came to me.


He was a... unique Ninja to say the least. He has the most kindest of heart, such smart of a mind, and tho he can be stupid at times, he learns. He was a very interesting Ninja when I chose him. He was such a nerd as well, knowing a lot about the old ninjas and what he can learn from them. Honestly, he's so amazing.

"Nomicon, there you are!" A voice that I adore so much came to me. He lands and hugs me tightly, like a child hugging their favorite plush. I hugged him back as well. He's a pure child alright.

"My apologies, Ninja. I must say, you took quite a while to find me. Are your skill slipping?" I asked, looking at his beautiful blue eyes. Like sapphires, it's so beautiful.

"Well, kinda literally." He said, laughing a bit as he lay down. I chuckled from his reaction. He's such a child.

"Well, what should we do?" He asked, looking at me in boredom. How should I know? I only know meditation and training. Well, I do know another one.

"How about our favorite activity?" I suggested, giving a small smirk as he quickly understood what I meant. His face flushed red under the mask, and yet I can still see it. He gently lifts his mask up, revealing his mouth. I caress his cheek gently and gets closer to his mouth.




We kissed gently, letting our instincts to take over. I mostly being more "experienced" got a bit into it. My rut instinct of making him mine grew stronger as I make out with him.

It lasted longer than I expected.

We both breathed heavily as the moon slowly setting down and revealing the sun that's shining through the horizon. I looked at his face and caressing it gently, feeling so much care towards him.

"Nomi, you went too hard. Tomorrow I have a sport training to do and now I won't be able to." Randy said, pouting as he looked away. He's pretending to be angry but I know he's just playing around.

"I'm sorry, Randy. How about I help you for your training tomorrow?" I suggested, hoping he'll give a shot. He nods his head and looked at the sky. The blue sky soon emerges and its now morning. We both got up and went back to the Cunningham's household. We went through Randy's bedroom window and lays down on the bed. Randy yawned as he snuggles in to sleep in. He did stay up the whole night with our uh...


"Rest well, I'll make breakfast." I said, taking my robe off and went to the kitchen to make the food. I took some bread from the fridge, jams, chocolate spread, and some tea bags. I toasted the breads and made the tea as warm as possible for Randy to drink. I estimated that it'll get cold from the wind soon so it's best to be prepare.

Spreading the jam on the toast, I used a spell to keep the warm nice and toasty- no pun intended. I walked up to the bedroom and rest next to Randy, feeling myself slowly went deeper to the slumber. My body soon slowed down and I slept with Randy for a while.

We both woke up at the same time no thanks to Howard who not only came into the house without permission, but ate the food I made and honked us awake using a chicken. Randy screamed in fear when that happened so I took the chicken and threw it out of the window. Hey, it's only on second floor. It's fine.

"Howard, really?" I asked, annoyed at this guy's presences. He's clearly not liking it either.

"Hey, it's either you date my buddy and I'll annoy you, or hurt him and I'll burn that book of yours." He threatened. The book he meant was the Nomicon so you bet I got a bit nervous. Randy broke our argument and asked Howard to get some games prepared for them to hangout. We have this agreement where in one week Howard will hangout with Randy, the next week will be my date with Randy.

Even tho I don't like the idea, it's fair enough for me.

I sighed and went towards the bed meditating as the two friends playing their video games on Randy's TV. It was the new Grave Puncher game, so they played it for the whole day. Randy has the most experience when it comes to gaming so I smiled a bit. Howard kept whining and trying to get Randy to lose the game. Such playful times.

Today is the first day of the week for Howard and Randy's hangout. That means that I won't be able to hangout with Randy until next week. It's sad but a deal is a deal after all.

"Oh come on! You always win, Cunningham!" Howard yelled in frustration, throwing the controller on the beanbag. Randy only laughed and I chuckled a bit. Howard isn't that good at gaming than Randy.

"Sorry, Howard. Winner winner chicken dinner." Randy simply said, doing his victory dance. I find it adorable seeing him dancing. Honestly I could watch it all day.

"Ugh, fine. So, what's the dare?" Howard looked away, still wondering his dare. Randy smirked and took his own phone. What is he planning to do?

"Tell Heidi "I Love You, From Howie Wowie" and end call." Randy grinned as he looked at Howard's disgusted face. I almost laughed from it.

"Fine!" Howard beamed, taking out his phone and called Heidi. On speaker by the way. That means Randy and I can hear it as well. The call got connected and Heidi's voice can be heard from it. I'm still amazed by their amazing technology.

"What now, Howard?! I swear if it's more lunch money I'm telling mom and dad!" She yelled, clearly not wanting anything from her brother. Howard groaned and started to say his dare. Oh this is gonna be good.

"I love you, from Howie Wowie." He said, embarrassed at his words. Randy and I laughed quietly as Heidi was still processing what's happening.

"Who are you and what did you do to my stupid brother?" She asked sternly. It was a bit shocking to say the least. We thought she'd be ending the call first.

"Uh, its just me, Heidi." Howard said, surprised by her attitude as well. She doesn't sound like she's believing him.

"Howard will never say things like that." She said and ends the call. The three of us were shocked by the situation that happened. Howard got up and walked up to the door.

"Cunningham, I have to uh, go home. I'll let you two lovebirds hangout for the day. See ya, I guess??" He said and walked away, going to his home. He seems to be confused the most.

"Well, that took a different turn than just expected." Randy said as he looked at me. I shrugged it off and lay down.

"Well, siblings will stay siblings no matter how far they are. I think deep down she cares about her family members, no matter who it is." I said simply, remembered my childhood. My family... I hope they're happy in Heaven.

Randy snuggles up to me, purring on my chest. He is so cute sometimes. I hugged him in my arms and sighed at the comfort.

"I love you, Nomi." He said simply, but it's enough to make my heart beat faster than ever. With a soft smile, I spoke.

"I love you too, Randy."

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