NomiRandy X Theresa 1

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(I haven't figured out a ship name for them)

"I'm sorry, Theresa. I don't feel the same way." Randy said as he looked down in guilt. Both of them are under the tree behind the school ground, where Randy and Nomi always hang out. Theresa smiled, knowing his answer already. She has to let it out before it becomes a weight on her shoulders.

"I know, Randy. I just wanted to tell you so I can move on. Thanks for being a friend and listen, I really appreciate it." She said and walks back to the school, leaving Randy who can only watches her from afar. He felt guilty and wanted Theresa to be happy with her love. His mind then went to one guy in general.


Theresa closed her locker door and sighed, feeling a bit lighter than usual. She felt a wave of relief when she confessed to Randy about how she felt. But, there's a hint of pain in her heart. She knew that it's selfish of her if she still wants Randy to be with her. She knew how much Randy and Nomi love each other. Judging by the amount of times Nomi picks Randy up and snuggles him happily, its obvious.

"When will I find the one..." She asked with a soft smile as she walks back to her classroom. She met Randy who looked like he was waiting for her. Nomi was there as well.

"What are you guys doing?" Theresa asked the lovebirds, who looked at her at with smile.

"Theresa, I want you to meet someone. I purposely kept it a secret but I want you to have him." The smile was still on his face despite Theresa's confusion.

"What do you mean, who-" A banging sound can be heard inside the classroom and she saw him.

"NomiRandy, come here!" Nomi said in his stern voice, the voice we all feared. The boy groaned and comes closer to them, stuffing his hands in his pocket.

"Theresa, this is NomiRandy. He's a copy of me but more uh... badass I think?" Randy said, looking at his doppelganger for confirmation. Theresa was amazed by the existence of NomiRandy. How did that happen?

"NomiRandy is also my creation, from the you know what." Nomi commented, leaning against the wall. Oh yeah, she almost forgot that Nomi is the Ninja Nomicon. They told her about this secret when she accidentally found them near an alleyway.

"Yeah yeah whatever, the names NomiRandy." The boy said, his red eyes beamed at her. Clearly he's making judgement about her, she can feel it.

"Don't bother say your name. Theresa Fowler, I know you. I've seen you a few times through that damn of a book." He said, looking at her. Theresa nods.

"I know this is a bad timing, but can you take care of him for us?" Randy pleaded. Theresa couldn't say no to him, but a question did pop up in her mind.

"Why?" She asked gently. Randy and Nomi smiled at each other, blushing a bit.

"You see uh..." Randy tried to explain but his face is still red. Nomi then steps in while scratching his neck a bit.

"Randy and I will be having our uh... Honeymoon if that's the safest word to use." He said with a small smile. Theresa was loading, got the idea and smirked.

"Ah, I see. Okay then, have fun you two~" She teased, taking NomiRandy with her. The lovebirds looked at each other and looks away blushing hard.

Theresa walks away from the scene, it was cute in her mind. As she walks behind the school, she heard NomiRandy's groans.

"Oi, lady. You're pulling me like I'm an inflated doll. Let go already!" H yelled, trying to be free from her grasp. Unfortunately, she's quite strong for a girl.

"Speak up, you're the one who went flirting with Heidi, right?" Theresa asked, stopping herself from walking more. Well, more like running away. Her head was down and she sounded like she was crying.

"Yeah, why?" NomiRandy asked, a bit surprised by her sudden reaction. He really can't understand girls. What's up with her?

"Why did you do that?" Theresa looks at him, her tears are almost at the breaking point. NomiRandy was surprised. Wait, she's in love? Does it hurt that much?

"Why do you even ask?" He said. Stop crying already, why does it hurts me to see you cry. NomiRandy shook his head. Theresa snorted a bit. How funny.

"Are you really that dumb? Heh, go figure. You knew I had a crush on Randy. When you showed up, I thought you were him trying a new persona. I thought it was hot, only for me to realize now that you're just a playboy." She explained, shaking more. Looking down at the grass, she sighed.

"Here I am trying to move on from him, but now here we are, seeing each other like the world trying to tell me that I'll be forever trapped in my own feelings, look at you because you are just like him, but more emo." With that, she walks away, almost running.

NomiRandy was surprised by her sudden outbursts. Why does it make him feel guilty? He shouldn't be feeling like this but for some reason... He felt like he was just broke up from her. No, he can't feel like this.


Fuck it.

"Fowler, wait!" NomiRandy ran towards her as fast as he could. Theresa looks behind and was surprised that NomiRandy was chasing after her. Why is he like this? This is unlikely of him.

"What..." she asked. He's being weird now. NomiRandy looks at her and felt like his cheeks are turning red. That's it, he has to apologise and maybe it'll be okay.

"Look, I'm sorry that I'm a literal embodiment of heart break. I'll make it up for you. How about a date, you and me?"


Is he serious?

"Are you playing a prank of me?" Theresa looks at him, feeling confused of what's going on. NomiRandy shook his head, no.

"I'm not joking, I'm really asking you on a date so you can feel better." This is so unlikely of him and yet, Theresa felt her heart slowly rising from the pain. Maybe...

"A-alright. I'll go with you."

Maybe this newly bloomed love?

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