Chyna Parks (Team leader) Digimon Colleagues: Shoutmon, Ballistamon and Dorulumon
Olive Doyle (Chyna's best friend and second-in-command) Digimon Colleagues: Sparrowmon and Mervamon
Fletcher Quimby (Olive's boyfriend and Chyna's best friend) Digimon Colleagues: Greymon and MailBirdramon
Hudson (Chyna's boyfriend) Digimon Colleagues: Starmon and Pickmons
Digivolution list:
DigiFusion: Shoutmon and Ballistamon DigiFuse to Shoutmon x2 Shoutmon, Ballistamon and Dorulumon DigiFuse to Shoutmon x3 Sparrowmon and Mervamon DigiFuse to JetMervamon Greymon and MailBirdramon DigiFuse to MetalGreymon Starmon and Pickmons DigiFuse to ShootingStarmon
Rookie/Champion to Ultimate: Shoutmon Digivolve to OmniShoutmon Sparrowmon Digivolve to RaptorSparrowmon Greymon Digivolve to ZekeGreymon Starmon Digivolve to SuperStarmon
Great Fusion: Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Sparrowmon, Greymon, Starmon and Pickmons DigiFuse to Shoutmon x7
Author's Note: I gave each member of this team more than one Partner Digimon because I'm pretty sure that's how DigiFusion works. Otherwise they wouldn't be called the Fusion Fighters.