a liam in help

21 1 14

okay, so, im living in a big crisis rn

and need some help

so, im trying to figure out if I have ADHD or not, right, or wether it's because of smaller "disorders" or problems and their symtomps or if I'm just, idk, weird in that way and it's just me

I did multiple small tests on the internet that say I have (sometimes mild) ADHD (predominantly inattentive type), and ik they dont diagnose you, but I'm just not sure.

I did multiple small tests on the internet that say I have (sometimes mild) ADHD (predominantly inattentive type), and ik they dont diagnose you, but I'm just not sure

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Because maybe I just lose things because I'm clumsy

Or have mood swings/changes after one simple sentence or thing because of a disorder or maybe im just really emotional. (For example, I got hungry and wanted to heat up some soup, but my mom made me and my brother some food already. And I got so confused and didn't know what to do/eat, that I got into an argument with her and in the end decided not to eat anything at all, because in that moment I just wasn't hungry anymore. And I want to know if that's a simple mood swing, or a disorder, just a normal thing or if its ADHD related ? Because I have these outbursts often-)

And maybe I just have a messy room and keep pushing tasks away because I'm lazy.

Or maybe I just forget things easily because I'm very forgetful ?

Or maybe I just have a sleep disorder or a hard time falling asleep in general ?

Maybe I can't keep up with things or have bad organisation skills cause I'm just very disorganized.

Or that I lose track of time and am so often late (terrible time management) because im me ?

Because I know these aren't just there from nothing, even if it could be, im just not sure.

And I would really like to know, im desperate, but I know my parents would most likely dismiss it (not because they're rude or anything, I just shouldn't "self-diagnose" myself and they most likely would've noticed it)

I also have problems with anxiety (most likely a disorder as a therapist said) and can't really go to a doctor myself (or I'll shiet myself-)

I'd really just like to know, i can't remember having signs like these before 12 ? And I don't think these signs are major, they also don't really affect me in a really bad way ?

Like, yeah, I fidget all the time, but maybe that's cause I have anxiety or am 'nervous' (even though, im not in that sense), or have bad time management, even though while i am quite late or don't realise the time often in the morning and people get fed up with it, it's not like I'm actually late to school ?

I feel bad for thinking I have ADHD because I hear people extremely struggling with it and while I do struggle a bit sometimes, its not like others.

and maybe someone has an idea of what else it could be ?

because all these things could relate to either my anxiety or tic disorder and weirdness, idk ☠

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