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ruby athens.

"The last round will begin soon! Can the participants please take their places," the man announces since the winner will soon be decided after this round.

"I'm surprised," he murmurs, "How are you in the lead, love?"

"As I said, you should watch me play with your eyes wide open, your highness," I feign a smile, fluttering my eyelashes at Aaron.

He throws me a look, "Don't ever do that again. It makes you look even uglier."

"Do what, your highness?" I frown, fluttering my eyelashes at him again, knowing he's going to be disgusted by me again.

He places his index finger on my forehead and pushes my head away a little, "Go away. It's time for you to play. Where's your little minion? Did he finally fly away?"

"Elias?" I arch an eyebrow, "He's talking to some other men, including your father."

"Oh," he blinks, "So he's an old man."

"A young man," I correct, "An attractive young man."

"Enough," he scrunches his face, "I don't want to hear more about you fantasising about him. That is disgusting to my ears."

"Why not?" I feign a frown, "Don't you like hearing what's on my mind?"

"When did I ever say that?"Aaron arches an eyebrow, "Can you stop annoying me now? Go and play."

"I will, your highness. I'll win it for you too," I assure him, throwing him a small smile since he was the reason behind me joining this competition.

"Win it for yourself, love," he flicks my forehead, "You need to prove to them what you're capable of, not me."

"That was quite inspirational of you, Aaron," I chuckle.

"What can I say? I'm quite the perfect man," he shrugs, "I can be your role model."

"So you want me to follow you around?" I arch an eyebrow.

"As my maid? That'd be interesting," he hums, "But you're better off as my dog."

I gasp, "At least I don't look like one, unlike someone," I murmur, gawking at his face.

"Don't stare at me like that, you'll be taken as being my fan," he scoffs.

"Your only fan?" I hum, "I hope not."

"You're getting on my nerves. When will you leave?" Aaron sighs, throwing me a look.

"Leave you? Or the world?" I arch an eyebrow.

"Both," he mumbles, "I can't wait to get peace from you."

"I'm the most peaceful person here, your highness," I tilt my head.

"Chaotic, you mean," he corrects, placing his hand on my shoulder and pushing me forward, "Go. Don't delay this round any further so I can go back to the palace."

"You'll see me soon when you put that gold medal around my neck," I wave at him.

He rolls his eyes, "I'll strangle you with it."

"You wish," I roll my eyes back at him, waving at him from behind as I walk towards the shooting range.

There were only three of us left in the final. One Marquis and one Count, both winners of the past competition.

The Count glances at me and throws me a dirty look. I let out a laugh at his disgusting face and throw the same look back at him. He looks surprised as if I wasn't meant to do that.

The audacity of a mere Count to give that look.

The competition begins. The Marquis shoots first. He nearly hits the bullseye.

The Count plays second. He misses the target and he looks so ashamed while I smile at him.

I hit the bullseye. Obviously.

Two more rounds of me hitting the bullseye and eventually I had a perfect score.

"Our winner is Lady Athens!"

I hear claps, cheers and many praises going off as I drop the bow on the table.

I walk up the stairs to the stage where the Emperor and the Crown Prince, Aaron, were waiting for me so they could hand me the medal and the bouquet of lilies.

The Emperor smiles, "I was expecting you to win this anyway. It's what the Athens always do, they win," he chuckles.

I curtsy before I shake his hand with a smile as he gives me the bouquet, "Thank you, your majesty."

He nods, smiles at me and then takes a step back. Aaron steps forward, a medal in his hand as he glances at me while I glance at the medal.

The medal was made of pure gold and held together by a red ribbon. With the medal, I had also won a piece of land in the far north.

"I'm surprised you didn't shoot an arrow at my head, Ruby," he murmurs as he puts the medal around my neck, tucking my hair out too.

"But then it's no fun if someone else places the medal around my neck," I feign a frown, watching him arch an eyebrow at me before he rolls his eyes at me.

"I can put a leash on your neck anytime you want, love," he smiles a little, "Just say the word."

"Go die," I whisper as he stands next to me, smiling at the photographers in front of us.

"Ladies first, love," he looks at me from the corner of his eyes, the smile on his lips growing.

The photographers stop clicking. I roll my eyes at him and walk down the stage. I hand my medal and the bouquet to my butler.

I'm walking towards the table when I feel someone jump on me and wrap their arms around my waist.

I'm already smiling as I turn my head around to look at him.

"You've made history, sweetheart," Elias smiles, "I knew you would win easily. Maybe you should try being a professional archer?"

"Would I be allowed to keep an apple on your head and shoot?" I arch an eyebrow, "I'm sure I won't hurt you in the process."

"I trust you with my whole heart, sweetheart," he chuckles, taking his hands off me, "Do whatever you want to me."

"Promise?" I tilt my head.

"Pinky promise," he joins his little finger with mine, smiling at me.

"Now here's your prize," he puts his hand inside his trouser's pocket, the smile on his lips only growing, "You'll be thrilled," he murmurs.

He takes a small velvet box out of his pocket and I'm staring back and forth between the box and him.

He opens the box and the diamond on the ring almost blinds me.

He takes a step closer to me, "A diamond for the diamond of the Selene Empire," he smiles and I'm already feeling something flutter in my stomach.

"Will you be kind enough to take my hand in marriage, Lady Ruby?"

I let out a small chuckle as I smile at him.

"You're making me anxious now, my lady," he murmurs, "I can feel their stares burning on my back."

"I'll gladly take you in, Duke Elias," I smile, "I like that diamond a bit too much."

He rolls the ring on my finger, "I'll get you a whole diamond mine, sweetheart," he kisses my forehead.

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