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ruby athens.

Aaron was a headache.

Just thinking about him gave me a sharp headache.

To get his annoying face out of my mind, I decided to look over the knights' training. I stand a few metres away from the training grounds and walk towards the table a few inches away from me.

The butler pulls out the chair for me and I take a seat before he starts pouring some tea for me into the cup.

I bring the cup to my lips as I keep my eyes on Elias, watching him demonstrate his shooting skills to his knights.

A shadow falls on me and I look up, only to be greeted with a familiar face but I couldn't remember his name.

"He is a great supreme commander, is he not?" The familiar man chuckles, taking a seat at the table, opposite me.

"Well, he wasn't chosen to become the supreme commander without any reason was he?" I murmur, looking back at Elias.

Elias notices me and waves at me, throwing me his brightest grin. I smile back and wave at him. He continues waving at me until someone walks over to him.

"Lady Athens."

I turn my head around slowly before looking at him, giving him my full attention. I narrow my eyes at him in suspicion.

"Yes?" I arch an eyebrow.

"Do you recognise me?" He throws me a small smile, staring at me in hope.

"No," I stare at him blankly.

"Marquis Artemis," he introduces himself, "We met last summer at the annual ball."

I narrow my eyes at him before a smile plays on my lips as I recognise him, "You are the man Prince Aaron spilt his champagne on."

He frowns as if I was not supposed to remember that part.

"Well, yes," he murmurs, "But we danced together as well," he points between us.

"Oh?" I tilt my head, smiling at him, "I have a million dance partners so it is impossible for me to remember one of them."

"Of course, I'd understand that," he murmurs under his breath, "You probably had a million proposals since you did not even look at mine."

Of course, he was one of the many men who sent me marriage proposals.

"I did," I fake a smile, "But that doesn't matter now, does it? I am already engaged."

He blinks, "To who? The Prince?"

"Of course not," I scoff, "That is not possible," I shake my head in denial, "I am engaged to Duke Vasikalis. How could you even think about me being engaged to the Prince?"

Marquis Artemis shrugs, "That is what everyone thought would happen."

"Who is this, love?"

I look up and my eyes land on Aaron. He was standing behind Marquis Artemis, gripping onto Marquis Artermis' collar and pulling him back. Aaron lowers his head to look down at him, staring at him in annoyance.

"Love?" Marquis Artemis looks up at Aaron and then looks back at him in confusion.

Aaron arches an eyebrow at him, "Do you have a problem with the way I address her?"

Marquis Artemis shakes his head, "Of course not, your highness!" He widens his eyes in slight fear.

Aaron lets go of his collar and waves his hand at him in a dismissive manner, "Leave," he rolls his eyes as the Marquis stands up, bows to him and quickly walks away from us.

"Why must you always drive them away?" I sigh, watching him take a seat, "It is heartbreaking to watch them leave."

He lets out a scoff, "Are you telling me that you enjoy their company? That must be a joke, love," he rolls his eyes at me.

"Why? Am I not allowed to have a conversation with a man?" I arch an eyebrow at him.

"Of course, you are," he rolls his eyes, "But limit them. You should talk to notably respectful men."

I let out a laugh, "Like who?"

"Me, obviously," he smiles proudly.

"You? Respectful?" I let out a laugh, "The person you respect the most is me and that is by pushing me into the lake once a week. The other people are treated way worse by you, I pity them."

"You're right," he nods, "It has been quite long since I pushed you into the lake," he looks at me with an evil grin.

"Do not even think about it," I glare at him, "I will stab you in the chest if you push me into that lake."

He scoffs, "You say that but you never do," he smiles a little, "Because you cannot afford to lose me."

I stare at him blankly, "Keep telling yourself these sweet lies, Aaron."

"You should stop lying to yourself, love," he murmurs, "You should just do it," he looks back.

"Do what?" I arch an eyebrow in confusion.

"Annul your engagement," he whispers before standing up and leaving.

He still did not give that thought up.

I feel his hand touch my shoulder, "Hello, sweetheart."

Elias smiles at me and kisses my cheek before sitting down opposite me. He joins his hands together and rests his chin on them as he stares at me.

"You seem annoyed," he mutters, "I guess your conversation with the Prince went good as usual," he chuckles under his breath.

I sigh, "He has been getting on my nerves ever since we met."

He arches an eyebrow, "Didn't you two meet when you were seven?"

"What?" I let out a laugh, "No," I shake my head, "I met him the day he was born. We knew each other for our whole lives."

"God," he breathes, "That is a long time yet you two bicker all the time."

I shrug, "That's just how our relationship works. I can never imagine myself having a calm conversation with Aaron."

"Ah, talking about the crown prince," he looks into my eyes, "We are visiting the Northern Palace. You, me and the Crown Prince. It is a command."

Fuck, now I cannot say no.

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