The first night over "!"

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Tony spent all week trying to convince you to stay the weekend with him, knowing your parents were gone so this was the perfect opportunity. He decided the best way to get you to say yes was by constantly bringing it up, following you around campus repeating the same question over and over and over again.

"Oh my god! Fine! I'll stay with you, just please shut up." You say and turn around as he runs right into you, not expecting you to turn around so abruptly. His tactic worked, as much as you loved Tony, he was becoming beyond annoying today.

"See that wasn't so hard, huh?" he smirks and presses a kiss to your forehead, grabbing your hand as the two of you finish the walk to his car. You rolled your eyes and smiled to yourself. Tony opens the door for you and shuts it as you slide in, quickly making his way over to the drivers' side.

You rolled down the window and leaned back in your seat as the breeze hit you, feeling the sudden nerves that cause your leg to bounce up and down. This would be your first time meeting his parents, you heard great things about them, but the thought of not being up to their expectations scared you. Tony notices your nerves and places his hand on your thigh, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Hey, what's the matter?" he asks looking over at you.

"What if your parents don't like me? Are you sure this is a good idea?" suddenly, the car swerves and Tony pulls off to the side "What are you doing?"

He puts the car in park and turns his body so he faces you, grabbing both your hands and bringing them up to his mouth, kissing your knuckles.

"Y/n, you're all I talk about at home, they already love you and they haven't even met you. It's gonna be okay baby, and if for some absurd reason they don't like you, we can just spend the weekend at your place, yeah?" he says, waiting for your answer. You nod your head, he lets go of your hands and grabs your face, placing gentle kisses on your forehead, nose, and lips. "They'll love you just as much as I do," he whispers and kisses you once more.

You spend the rest of the drive to your place thinking about how meeting his parents would go. Tony's words helped you calm down a bit but the nerves were still there, this was a huge deal to you. You had no idea what you would do if his parents didn't accept you.

Once pulled into your driveway, you get out of the car and make your way into the house, hearing Tony shut the door as you walk up the stairs to your bedroom. Dropping your school bag on the floor, you walk over to your closet and grab a small duffle bag as Tony makes himself comfortable on your bed to watch you pack

When you were satisfied with the amount of clothing and toiletries you had packed, you walked over to your boyfriend as he stretches his arms out to reach you, pulling you by your hips till you straddle him. Smiling down at him you lean down and give him a loving kiss. One of his hands trails up and weaves through your hair while the other one stays on your hips, deepening the kiss as you subtlety grind down and feel his boner right on your core.

He moves his hand lower, pushing your ass down so you grind with more force. You moan into his mouth, and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue in. His phone suddenly starts ringing, completely ignoring it, he starts to kiss down your neck stopping every so often to suck on your sweet spot. You look over and see his phone lightening up with his mother's name.

"Baby, it's your mom." you breathe out, grabbing his phone and sitting up. He takes the phone, answering the call with a huff of breath.

This is usually what happens every time you and Tony get intimate, something or someone always manages to interrupt and leaves the both of you hot and bothered. You place your hands on his chest and admire him while he talks with his mom, pinching your side when he notices your staring.

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