Put a baby in me Pt.2 "•"

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It had been a couple of weeks since you and Tony decided to try for a baby. The two of you spent every day "practicing", which was the excuse Tony put every time he lured you into the bedroom.

You bought a few tests but the feeling of seeing a negative result always scared you out of taking them, so you had been procrastinating. But last night you had a dream, a vivid one, where you were a few months pregnant and getting the nursery ready with Tony. Which is why you decided to finally take one, your husband was out for a few hours so you were doing this alone.

You sat in front of the test for the 5 minutes you needed to wait and just stared at it. Your timer went off and you grabbed it with shaking hands to see the result, the little test read 'pregnant'. Part of you didn't believe it so you ended up taking three more, all giving you the same result. You looked down at your stomach with tear-filled eyes as the realization settled in, you were going to be a mom.

You quickly drove out to the closest store to find a baby outfit to surprise Tony with when he came home. Finding the perfect one you came back and arranged it on the sofa with the . The elevator dinged as soon as you placed everything down, you jumped up and waited for him in the living room, a stupid smile plastered on your face.

"Hi baby," he said as he walked towards you and gave you a welcoming kiss. "D'you wanna get some more practice in?" he said as he grabbed your ass. You laughed and put your hands on his chest, pushing him away.

"Actually, I want to show you something first." You say and grab his hand, leading him towards the living room. Tony gives you a confused look as you bring him towards the sofa. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees the little outfit, he slowly gets closer and picks up the test. Looking at you and the test, tears fill his eyes.

"Are you serious?" he asks, voice shaking

"Yes, I had a dream last night so I took a test this morning. Well, four." You laugh, your own eyes watering.

He lunges towards you, picking you up and spinning around as he yells in happiness. Gently putting you down, he drops to his knees and lifts your shirt to kiss your belly. To anyone else, it wouldn't be noticeable, but he knew your body like the back of his hand and could feel the small bump that was already forming.

"I'm gonna be a dad." He whispered against your stomach


You sat in the ultrasound room with Tony while you waited for the doctor to come in, you were almost 6 months pregnant and about to find out you were having. Both of you wanted it to be a surprise but ended up changing your mind when you realized how hard it was to plan a nursery when you didn't know what the gender was.

"I'm kinda nervous," you whispered, squeezing Tonys' hand

"Me too, I don't care what we have as long as it's healthy." He said, placing his elbows beside you and kissing your hand.

The doctor soon walked in and prepared everything, spreading the cool gel on your stomach, and grabbed the Ultrasonic Transducer to look around for the baby. A few seconds went by before he found the perfect position to see the baby. You still had a hard time believing you were pregnant, but seeing this always warmed your heart.

"Well, it looks like you two are having a baby boy! Congratulations!" The doctor said as he took some pictures for the Ultrasound.

"Oh my god!" you gasped, feeling tears gathering in your eyes. You look over at Tony and see his eyes glued to the screen, a huge smile on his face. You squeeze his hand to get his attention and he instantly looks over at you.

"You ready to have another one of me running around?" he laughed, you smiled, wanted nothing more.


Today was your first day home with your newborn, he was a beautiful little thing, an exact copy of Tony. You thought it was quite rude that you carried your baby boy for 9 months only for him to look just like his dad.

You walked straight to the nursey and sat on the rocking chair Tony made for you, looking down and admiring the baby that lay asleep in your arms. Your husband walked in and leaned on the doorway, falling even more in love with you than he thought possible. He'd never be able to thank you enough for making him a dad, you and his newborn son were his world.

Placing the baby in his crib, you felt arms wrap around your waist. Tonys face in your peripheral vision as you both watched your baby.

"We made that" he whispered

"We did." You laugh and lean into him, feeling his place a kiss on the top of your head.

"So when can we start making another?" he teases and pretends to be hurt when you slap his chest.


You lift your now 2-year-old, Orion, out of his car seat and put him on your hip while you grab the beach bag. Tony pops the trunk of the car open and takes out the rest of the things you packed.

Today was Orion's first time at the beach, you could see his little eyes light up when he saw the ocean. You walk up to the shore and place him down, letting his feet touch the water. He instantly starts laughing, finding it hilarious that the waves touch him.

"Looks like he likes it," Tony speaks from behind you, setting the blanket down and taking his shirt off.

"I told you he would, it's basically impossible to get him out of the tub when we bathe him." You laugh when the toddler starts to kick the water, looking up at you with his big brown eyes.

Tony comes in and swoops up Orion, he screams with laughter as his father walks into the water. He slowly puts him in, up to his waist, and watches as he slaps the top of the water with his hands.

You strip down to your bathing suit and join them, loving the feeling of the warm water. You dive into the ocean and swim out a few feet, admiring your boys from afar. Tony's an amazing father, he spends every waking moment with his son, refusing to miss anything. He even built him a playpen in his lab so you could all be with him while he worked.

Feeling the sun slight burn your skin, you realize you forgot to put sunscreen on the Orion. So you swim back out to shore and grab the small blue container. You walk up to Tony as he lifts Orion back up so you can apply the lotion.

"Uh uh," the toddler says as he covers his face with his hands. "No Mama"

You look at Tony and he shakes his head.

"Baby you need to put sunscreen on, the sun isn't good for you." You try to reason with the baby. He just looks at you and shakes his head, pouting his lip.

Apart from looking exactly alike, Orion also got his dad's personality. Which also includes his sassiness, which is a blessing and curse. Tony hands you the toddler and you take him, handing the bottle to Tony. He squeezes the white lotion onto his hands and starts to rub it into his face. Orion doesn't make a peep, he just watches his dad. Tony starts to make faces and makes the baby laugh, quickly distracting him when he notices his lips trembling.

Once finished, Tony looks up at you and winks. You stare dumbfounded at your husband, he always manages to get Orion to listen, while the toddler simply ignores you.

"I guess he just likes me better." He teases, giving you a kiss on the cheek and intertwining his fingers with yours.

"Well then you can carry the next one," you spit back as the three of you walk down the coast. Tony throws his back in laughter and Orion laughs at his dads' outburst.

But you wouldn't have it any other way, You and Tony created a beautiful little human and that's all that matters.

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