Chapter 5 ~ Tag and Heart-Attack

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Everyone was running from you, laughing, screaming, screeching... Wait heh?- Why is everyone running.

Let's rewind a few minutes before. 


5 minutes earlier

"As payment for you both scaring us.. You have to play tag with us!! And slimey-boy has no choice to join as well!!" Noah yelled, Rimuru sulking.

"I'm not that slimey! I'm not even slimey at all!" Rimuru ruffled Noah's hair, causing the poor 13 year old to have bed head. You were watching this happen while lightly laughing.

"OK! OK!! Just stop it!." Noah swung his arms around, before grabbing Rimuru's hand and removing it from his head and fixing his hair. 

Evelyn pulled on your dress slightly, getting your attention, "Yes Little Witch?" You ask, calling her the nickname you gave her and to your surprise she tapped your leg and yelled, "Tag!! Everyone run!! Momma is it!!" and she ran off laughing, so did everyone else, hell, even Rimuru.

They all just left you there, letting you process what just happened.

"That little.. Oi!! Rimuru-sama!! Come here!!" You yelled as you started running after Rimuru, him screaming and continuing to run, his scream quickly turned into a laugh as he ran, you laughing as well, catching up to Rimuru.

"What'd I do?!" Rimuru yelled back at you laughing, you caught up to him, and was about to touch him when he jumped, behind you, causing you to skid to a stop and turning around to chase Athena who was right in front of you, letting Rimuru off the hook.

Everyone was running from you, laughing, screaming, screeching.

Ah, welcome back. Let's continue now shall we?

Even the towns people started to join in this little game. It was an amazing day. You had assumed that everyone loved Rimuru, they seemed to anyway. You were happy about that.

You were chasing Noah when you just went poof. Everyone stopped running and tried to look for you, "Mister Rimuru! Behind you!" Sofia yelled, but by the time Rimuru turned around you touched him, catching him, completely off guard.

"Gotcha Rimu~" You giggled, watching the male reprocess what happened. By the time he did everyone was running again.

"Hey! Hold up-... (Y/N)!!!" He yelled your name as he started running after some village people, sadly he wasn't able to reach anyone just yet. But, of course, being the absolute pervert Rimuru is, he was extremely red at the new nickname.

This game went on for a while, Rimuru ended up catching Noah, who caught Sofia, who caught Danial, who caught Jake, who caught Athena, who caught you.

Yes, you're it. Again.

But you went easy on the kids, so did Rimuru.

Once the game finally stopped, it was around the time for the sunset.

Everyone had already eaten. Everyone was in bed sleeping peacefully. That is, except you and Rimuru.

Rimuru POV:

Today was great! I was informed I could stay for as long as I want. But that's besides the point, it's night at the moment and slimes don't need sleep, so I was just staring at the ceiling. That was until I heard someone go outside, I being curious went outside myself.

I saw (Y/n) she was going somewhere, I followed her like a lost puppy. We got to a cliff and she started talking to hers- her Sage. 

"Didn't you say I can get a skill called wings?"


"Is this good enough?"

She kept talking to her Sage, as I just watched wondering what she was thinking. As she got closer to the edge of the cliff.. I was starting to think she would jump.

But then I thought 'DaS a DuMb ThOuGhT. sHe'S sMaRtEr ThAn ThAt', which..



Nehehe, cliffhanger (⌐■_■). Ok, my writey-ness has failed me. Have a good day/night/whenever the heck you saw this. New chapter tomorrow, be aware of  "Chapter 6 ~ The Heck Was That?!" 


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