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A couple of weeks passed and it seemed like Marlene had moved on from trying to figure out how Daniel and Juliet knew each other as she was now pestering Sirius on his new hair products as she claimed his hair was, what was it again, oh right more "poofy" than usual. Whatever that meant.

Juliet was sitting in the library with Remus when she heard a commotion coming from behind the bookshelf, she looked up to see if anyone else had noticed, but it seemed like it didn't bother them as they were all still studying. She stood up from her chair earning a questioning look from Remus.

"You done already." He asked and she shook her head.

"Can't find what I'm looking for, going to go see if I can find a different book." She said, hoping she was convincing enough. Clearly he believed her as he just nodded and continued reading.

She walked over to where she heard the noise and let out a breath of relief when she saw that it was only Daniel.

"Took you long enough." He said and Juliet crossed her arms over her chest.

"Excuse me, but I don't remember making any plans to meet up with you in the library." Who does he think he is.

"Well, not important, have you been avoiding me."

"No, why would you think that."

"Because everytime I come close to you, you turn the other way."

"Oh please that doesn't mean anything."

"Doesn't it, then why are you avoiding eye contact with me, Juliet what we had was special." He said and she scoffed.

"Note the past tense Daniel, what we had was a one time thing that lasted about a week, I never expected to see you again but here you are at my school, making friends with my friends and not to mention my cousin, do you know what Sirius would do to you when he finds out how exactly we know each other." She whisper yelled, careful not to raise her voice and draw unwanted attention towards them.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that week meant nothing to you, then I will leave you alone." He said, Juliet let out a humourless laugh and looked him straight in the eyes.

"What happened that week meant nothing to me. You disgust me." She said, turning away and walking back to Remus, when she got to the table she quickly packed her things and made up an excuse as to why she had to leave so urgently. After leaving the library she went looking for one of the only people who knew about what happened during summer break in Bulgaria.

She tried to think of where she could be, considering it was Saturday there was a high chance she was still asleep, not wanting to bother her Juliet decided to talk to her later, and instead she she decided to write a letter to her sister, vaguely asking for help. She went to the courtyard and found an empty bench, She took a seat and searched through her bag for some parchment and ink aswell as a quill. She thought for a while of what she could say before just writing it down.

Dear Trixie.

I hope you are doing well, sorry for not writing much but I've been so busy with preparing for my O.W.L.s I barely got any time to do much of anything.

The reason I'm writing to you is because I need your advice on something, you see there's this guy that I fancy but I can't be with him due to this other lad following me around like a lost puppy. I have no idea how to tell the latter that I am not interested without coming off harsh.

I would really appreciate it if you could write me back as soon as possible.

All my love.

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