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Juliet Po

Sixth Year certainly wasn't a walk in the park, my mind was constantly thinking of how any second Joanna could show up and take Leo from Andy and it would keep me up at night. On top of that, we've been getting tons of homework ever since term started, true it came as a sort of a distraction but only for a couple of hours. James has been growing more distant since we returned, he claimed he was busy studying but I doubt he needed to study during eating times. I ignored it as I knew we could figure it out eventually.

I was walking to DADA one day when something odd caught my eyes, I could've sworn I saw a stag and a dog rushing to get somewhere, I knew I was tired but I wasn't that tired, I shook my head and continued towards the classroom. We had gotten a new teacher this year and she was amazing, unlike our previous teacher she actually allowed us to do magic, we've been learning wandless magic the last couple of days and it's been going quite well, Evelyn was able to levitate something with her mind, making her believe she's the next Scarlet Witch, whoever that might be.

I was only able to conjure up a small flame to light a candle before it would go away, it was quite frustrating, Professor Spellman claimed I just had to clear my mind and concentrate, that way I'd be able to control my magic better, that was better said than done.

"It's alright Jules, you'll get there." Evelyn assured me, levitating a flower from the vase on the professor's desk and placing it behind my ear and I smiled at her. "Thanks Ev."


Whith DADA over it was time to go to Potions, Slughorn had told us we'd be smelling Amortentia this week and I was unusually exited, Slughorn had been busy preparing it ever since we came back.

"You think you'll smell Potter?" Evelyn asked and I shrugged.

"Maybe." I smiled and she laughed.

"How are things going with you two?" She asked as we took a seat at our bench, we had Potions with the Gryffindors so Remus and Peter sat behind us while Sirius and James sat behind them. Marlene and Dorcas sat infront of is while Lily took her usual seat next to Snape, though they weren't on speaking terms seeing as he had called her the 'forbidden word' not long ago, to be honest I don't understand why she didn't just move, everyone could sense the tension between them, and not the good kind.

"Wish I could tell you, we'd have to talk to know what is going on, he's been distant recently, I swear he's trying to avoid me or something." I told her, making sure to speak so that only she could hear me, she sighed and put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure it's nothing, if it continues I can break his nose for you." She said making me laugh.

Just then Slughorn came into the room and everyone went quiet, he quickly greeted us and walked into his office to retrieve a cauldron, I looked at Evelyn with exitement in my eyes and saw that she had the same look. Slughorn instructed us all to form a half circle around his desk and we all quickly did so, soon he lifted the lid and the room was filled with a mouth watering aroma.

"Just so that we're all informed, who can tell me about Amortentia?" Slughorn asked and a couple of hands flew into the air, including my own. "Miss Evans." He said pointing towards Lily.

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam that rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them." She explained and Slughorn clapped enthusiastically.

"Brilliant, 6 points to Gryffindor, who wants to step up and tell me what they smell." He asked, there were less volunteers this time and Slughorn chuckled. "Come on, don't be nervous, Mr. Black, how about you?" He asked, Sirius nodded and stepped up to get a better smell.

"I smell old books, rainforest and......dark chocolate." He breathed out, his cheeks turning red as a tomato, he cleared his throat before taking his place in in the half circle, avoiding eye contact with Remus, about damn time if you ask me.

"I bloody knew it." Evelyn whispered in my ear and I couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm. Sirius hasn't exactly done a great job at hiding his crush towards Remus, although he believed he did, almost everyone knew how he felt about him, you'd have to be blind to not see the way he looks at him everytime he talks about a new book he's been reading or how he's gotten the new David Bowie vinyl for Christmas, knowing full well he's the one who gave it to him.

"Excellent, thank you Mr. Black, now Mr. Potter, if you will." He said pointing at James, Evelyn looked at me with a cheeky grin.

"This is the moment of truth." She whispered into my ear and for some reason I felt nervous.

"Uhh, I smell.... Peppermint, Strawberry and.....Green Apples." My heart sank, to my horror James had smelt Lily Evans, well except for the green apples, I should've known, he's been crushing on her for years, yet she's never once shown interest but still, was I just a way for him to make her jealous. I felt physically sick and asked to be excused from the rest of the lesson, Slughorn nodded, I grabbed my things and walked to the second floor restrooms, I knew no one would go there because of Moaning Myrtle so I'd be able to be alone for a while, or so I had thought.

"Juliet, you in there?"I heard a voice at the door, that voice belonged to James, couldn't he just leave me alone.

"Go away James." I said annoyed and he came in, "This is the girls' restroom you can't be here." I told him not once looking at him.

"Can you atleast give me a chance to explain myself." He asked and I let out a humourless laugh.

"Explain what James, explain why you've been ignoring me ever since we came back or how you just smelled another girl in a fucking love potion, and not just any girl, Lily Evans, the girl you've had a fucking crush on for years." I practically yelled, I was looking at him now, he had the audacity to look sorry.

"It's not like I wanted to smell her, you make it seem like I'm the villain here." He scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

"Really James, you're pathetic you know that right, just admit you're in love with Lily Evans and spare us both some time." I told him getting up from the floor. "And while you're at it, go ahead and tell the whole school that way you can humiliate me even more." I spat walking out, making sure to bump into his shoulder on my way out, when I got to my dorm I let out a long breath and finally allowed myself to cry. For days I had hoped this was just a terrible nightmare and that I would wake up soon to James laying next to me.

My Romeo- James Potter Where stories live. Discover now