1. Lunch at Grandpa's

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Carlos' POV

I yawn as I wake up, it's finally Saturday so I can relax all day. I decide I should get up and make breakfast for everyone. I get up and put on some pajama pants and a white t-shirt, and go out to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I walk into the kitchen and see my 15 year old daughter Ava sitting at the counter on her phone. "Morning sweetie." I say smiling at her. She doesn't even bother to look up at me. "Ava Lynn I'm talking to you." I say raising my voice at her. Still no reply, something about me is I have a very short temper when it comes to disrespect. "If you don't answer me in the next five seconds your phone is gone for the day." I tell her. That get's her attention. "What?" She says with sass. I raise my eyebrow at her. "Wanna rephrase that?" I ask. "Sorry sir." She says as she looks down. "That's better now I said 'good morning to you'." I explain to her. "Morning." She says looking down. I sigh. "Sweetie I'm not mad but I don't want anymore attitude, understood?" I say. "Yes sir." She says. I go around the counter and give her a hug and place a kiss on her forehead. "Does pancakes sound good?" She shakes her head yes, so I get started on the pancakes.

When I'm close to done with the pancakes I ask Ava to wake up Tk. "Ava, please go wake your dad up." I tell her. "Yes sir." She says.

Tk's POV

I'm on my phone scrolling through twitter when Ava walks in. "Morning sweetie." I say. "Morning dad." She says as she climbs in bed with me. "Father wanted me to come wake you up since breakfast is almost ready." She explains to me. "He didn't make those healthy breakfast burritos again right?" I ask. She laughs and nods her head no. "I'll be out in a few minutes let me get dressed. She nods and exits the room.

Carlos' POV

"He's getting dressed, he'll be out in a few minutes. Ava tells me. "Okay, thank you sweetie." I Set the table for breakfast and pour me and Tk a cup of coffee, and Ava a cup of milk. Just as we're about to sit down Tk comes out. "Morning babe." He says as he kisses my cheek. "How'd you sleep?" Tk asks Ava. "I slept good." She said. "That's good, you've been well behaved this morning correct?" Tk asks her. She looks at me with fear in her eyes. "Tell him." I tell Ava. "But father." She whines. "Now Ava." I say being more stern. "I-I gave father some attitude this morning." She says looking down. He raises an eyebrow. "And why is that?" Tk questions her. "I-I don't know." She says. "No more attitude today or you will be over my knee, Am I clear?" Tk says sternly. I've never seen him that stern, at least with Ava I haven't, thinking back to before we had Ava and we would spank each other when we caused trouble. "Yes sir." She replies quickly. "Are we still going to your dad's house today?" I ask Tk. He nods since he has a mouthful of food.

After breakfast we all clean up and I send Ava to get dressed for today. We plan on going over to Captain Strand's house around lunch time, because he wanted us over for lunch.

Tk's POV

We arrive at my dad's house and we all get out, when we get to the door my dad is already waiting on us. "Hi dad." I say as I hug him. "Hi Tk." After he hugs everyone we go into the house. "Lunch is ready if you guys are hungry." We all agree so we go to have lunch in the dining room.

Owen's POV

"How have you been Carlos?" I ask him as were getting our food. "I've been good sir, thank you." I give him a nod and smile. "What about you Ava?" I ask my granddaughter. "Fine." She says giving me a short response. I raise my eyebrow and look at Tk and Carlos. "Ava I thought we had a talk earlier about being respectful, did we not young lady?" Carlos asks Ava. "You did sir." She says looking down. "That doesn't just apply to me and your dad, it applies to everyone." She rolls her eyes.

Tk's POV

I'm watching Ava be disrespectful to my dad and Carlos for the second time today and I'm sick of it. "Ava Lynn stop with the attitude or me and you can go have a talk in another room." I say strictly. "Oh my god just fuck off dad." I'm taken back by what she just said to me. "That's it." I say. I stand up and grab Ava out of the chair and start laying smacks on her jean covered bottom. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK I give her about twenty smacks before I turn her back around. "Now you apologize to your father and grandpa right this instant. "I-I'm sorry." She says as she rubs her bottom. "Now sit, and that was just the warm young lady."

The rest of lunch goes smoothly, after lunch me and Carlos help my dad clean up while Ava goes into the living room to watch tv. "Son you know if you had acted that way, I would be belting your ass and you would have a bar of soap in your mouth." My dad tells me. "I know dad." I say. "How do you two planning on punishing her, if I may ask." My dad says. Carlos speaks up first saying. "We're not gonna belt her but she sure is going to get a spanking she won't forget and a mouth washing." I agree nodding my head.

After we help my dad clean up lunch we head into the living room and Ava looks up at us. "It's time to go." I tell her. She nods and we all say goodbye. "Tk don't forget you have a shift tomorrow." My dad tells me. "I know, see you then." I tell him waving goodbye.

Carlos' POV

"Ava I want you up in your room when we get home." I tell Ava. "Yes sir." She says and sighs. I park my truck and open the garage door so Ava can go in. "Go ahead me and your dad will be in, in a few minutes." I tell her. "I think one of us she spank her and the other should give her, her mouth washing." I tell Tk. "I agree."

When we get in the house I head down the hall into Ava's room to hand out her punishment. I knock on the door lightly, and hear a small come in. Ava is sitting on her bed with her head in her hands. I sit on the bed next to her and start rubbing her back. She scoots closer to me, and I sit her in my lap and rub her back. "I'm sorry daddy." She says as she cries in my lap. Ava hasn't called me daddy in years, I know she's feeling guilty inside. I sit her up and have her look at me. "Sweetie I know you're sorry and I already forgive you." She looks up at me surprised. I give her a big hug, I know she needs it especially right now.

After our hug we decide to just get this over with, I lead her across my lap and start laying smacks over her jean clad bottom. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OW FATHER!" Ava yells out. "Stop that yelling, I'm only using my hand young lady." I say as I place two smacks on her thighs. SMACK SMACK I land the next ten smacks on her bottom going left to right. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OWIE" She cries out. "You're getting ten more and then you have a mouth washing coming up." I tell her. "Nooo." She says kicking franticly. "Hey! Stop that." I say as I place two more smacks on her bottom. SMACK SMACK She calms down so I take that as my queue to place the last ten smacks. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Once I'm done I pick her up and cuddle her, rubbing her back and calming her down. "You're okay sweetie." I say as I rub her back.

After she's calmed down we head down to Tk, so we can get the rest of her punishment over with. As soon as Tk sees her, he gives her a big hug and rubs her back. "Your punishment is almost over and then we can all watch a movie if you'd like?" Tk says. She shakes her head yes and smiles at that idea. "Okay, you're gonna stick this bar of soap in your mouth for four minutes." She nods her head in understandment.

Tk wets the bar of soap under the sink and then puts it into Ava's home and starts the timer for four minutes. During the four minutes Tk twisted the soap and told Ava to bite down so this lesson would really sink in.

After the four minutes are up Ava spits and tries to get as much of the soap taste out as possible. Everyone who's had a mouth washing knows it's basically impossible to get the taste out right away. Especially me I had a really bad mouth when I was younger and my mother finally had enough. Let's just say I got lots of mouth washings when I was younger.

After she's spit as much as she can we all go to watch a movie, Ava ends up picking 'The Addams Family' one of her favorite movies to watch for comfort. At the end of the day we will always love Ava no matter how much of a fight she puts up sometimes.

A/N: The Addams Family is one of my favorite movies btw! I hope you liked this chapter please vote and comment if you have any suggestions, I hope you liked this!

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