2. Grandpas and Grandmas House

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Gwyn-Owen/Ava (FM/F)-Hand

Carlos/Ava (M/F)-Wooden Spoon


"Carlos, Are you ready?" I ask my husband, as we're dropping Ava off at my dad's house since me and Carlos are having a date night.

"Yeah, one sec."

I go up to Ava's room to make sure she's ready. When I get up there her door is already open. "You have your bag right?" I ask her just incase she ends up spending the night. "Yes sir." She says.

--At Owen's house--

Owen's POV

"Hi guys." I say as I invite Tk, Carlos, and Ava in. They all give me a hug and then Tk and Carlos say bye to Ava. "Ava Lynn you better behave or not only will your grandpa be spanking you I will. Understood?" Carlos says sternly. "Yes sir." She says. "Where's mom?" Tk ask me. She's out shopping for some things for the house." I explain to him and he gives me a nod. Ava hugs both of them and then they leave.

"Why don't you go put your bag upstairs while I make us some dinner." I say. She nods and gives me a smile.

I end up making us both a ham sandwich with some chips, I set everything down on the table and realize Ava still hasn't come back down. I go upstairs to check on her, but she's gone.

Judd's POV

I'm at the dining room table having dinner with Grace and Charlie and I hear a knock on the door. I go answer the door and Ava is at the door with her bag, I let her in. "Do your dads know you're hear young lady?" I ask.

She doesn't even try to look at me instead she walks into the dining room and sits next to Grace. "Excuse me Ava I asked you a question." I say sternly. "No they don't but I was staying with my grandpa it's not a big deal." She says and rolls her eyes.

Me and Grace exchange looks knowing Owen doesn't know about this.

Grace puts Charlie down for bed and Ava is sitting in living room waiting for us to talk to her. "We need to call Owen." Grace tells me, I agree.

Grace: Hi Owen, Its Grace.

Owen: Hi Grace.

Grace: I'm guessing you're looking for Ava, well she's with us.

Owen: Thank god, I didn't know where she went.

Grace: Me and Judd are going to talk to her and then he will bring her back to you.

Owen: Okay. Thank you Grace.

After the phone call me and Grace go to talk to Ava. "Ava." She looks up at me. "Why would you sneak out?" She just shrugs her shoulders and looks down.

I sigh. "You grandpa is not happy with you." I explain to her. "I-I'm s-sorry." She says as she starts crying into her hands.

Grace sits down next to her and starts hugging her trying to calm her down. "Shh sweetie you're okay." She says as she rubs her back.

After me and Grace talk to Ava I drive her to Owen's house so Grace can stay with Charlie.

"Mr. Ryder t-thank you for not spanking m-me." Ava says. "I figured your grandpa and dads are gonna be punishing you enough." She nods her head and smiles at me.

Owen's POV

"Thank you Judd for bringing her back, I promise this won't happen again." I explain to Judd eyeing my granddaughter. She rolls her eyes at me, oh this girl is in for it.

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