3. Sneaking Out

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Tk's POV

Me and Carlos are making dinner for Ava and her best friend Chloe since she's staying over this weekend. We decided we would make some spaghetti, garlic bread, and salads, something easy anyone should like.

"Girls dinner time." I yell up the stairs. As me and Carlos are setting the table Ava and Chloe come downstairs. Ava and Chloe sit down next to each other at the table as we finishing set it and me and Carlos each sit at an end.

"Dad I was- I mean we were wondering if we could go out tonight." Ava asks me sounding very suspicious. "Out?" I ask eyeing her. "Y-yeah." She says stuttering. "Out where?" I ask starting to eat. Ava and Chloe look at each other before she answers me. "A p-party." I look up at her and shake my head no. "But why?" She asks acting like my answer is unreasonable. "Number one you're 15 years old way to young and I said no so that means no young lady." I tell her. "Ugh this is unfair." She says and kicks the table.

Carlos' POV

I stand up having enough of Ava's attitude, stand her up out of her seat and place five fast smacks on her backside covered by her shorts. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OW FATHER!" She yells as she covers her backside and backs away from me. She runs up to her room and slams the door. I sigh. "I'm sorry Chloe I don't know what's gotten into Ava, you can eat we'll be right back." I explain to her. "Yes sir."

I knock on Ava's door and she doesn't answer so we go ahead and walk in. "I didn't answer for a reason." She said and rolled her eyes. "Excuse me? Would you like to repeat that." I say. She just looks down not answering my question.

"We don't want you going to this party because you're too young and there's drugs and alcohol there." I explain to her. "But it's not fair you guys went to parties." Ava whines. "Sweetie I lived with your grandma for most of my childhood and teen years and she was a single mom who had to work, you think she ever knew?" Tk says to Ava. "No sir." She says with a small smile. "We're going to go back downstairs and you will apologize to Chloe for interrupting dinner. Understood?" I tell Ava. "Yes sir." She says with a sigh.

Ava's POV

When we get downstairs I make sure to apologize to Chloe and she tells me its fine and gives me a hug. We eat the rest of dinner in peace and then me and Chloe help my dads with the dishes. After we help we go up to my room to hangout.

"So Chloe I was thinking we sneak out since my dads aren't letting us go." She looks up at me like I'm crazy. "I don't know about you but I don't want to experience the way your father swatted you at dinner." She tells me. "Cmon we won't get caught it will be fun." I say trying to get her to agree. It took a lot of convincing but me and Chloe are gonna sneak out to the party.

At 9pm my dads came into my room and told us they were going to bed because they had a long day at work. "Okay night love you guys." They say the same back to me and hug me goodnight, and say goodnight to Chloe. "Okay you wanna start getting ready?" I ask Chloe. "Yeah, but how are we gonna get there?" She asks me. Shit, I didn't think about that. "We can just walk, it's like ten minutes I explain to her. She gives me a nod and we go into my bathroom to get ready. After we got ready I grab my outfit and let Chloe pick an outfit for herself. She can't go back to her house and get one or her mom would ask way to many questions. After we're ready we sneak out my window, my window is on the first floor so it wasn't that hard to get out of.

When we get to the party there is lots of loud music and people are down each others throats. My other friend Maya who threw the party found us as soon as we entered the front door. Something about Maya is she lives with her dad who goes on work trips a lot so she's home alone a lot of the time which means she gets away with almost everything. "Hey Maya." I say giving her a side hug. She gives me and Chloe each a red solo cup with some type of alcohol in it.

We're at the party for about an hour before the cops show up. Me and Chloe look at each other knowing if we don't run out of here now my dads will have our asses. We quickly take our heels off and run out the back door.

After we are out of sight of the cops we start walking trying to catch our breath. When we get back to my house I see the living room lights on, oh no my dads must of found out somehow. We quietly enter just incase the light was just left on.

Carlos' POV

As soon as I hear the door opening I watch both of them walk in. I clear my throat and both of them look at me knowing they messed up. "Both of you sit. Now." I say. They both sit down on the couch while me and Tk stand in front of them. "What were you girls thinking? Me and your dad specifically told you, you guys weren't going." I say sternly. "How did you even find out?" Ava asks me. "You act like I'm not friends with the people I work with." The realization hits her face. Since neither one of you wants to talk we can just move to your punishment." I tell them. "No Father we'll talk." Ava pleads. "Then talk." I say.

Ava explains everything that happened tonight from sneaking out to getting caught by the cops. I sigh. "You both were very out of line tonight you understand that?" I ask them. "Yes sir." They both say. "Chloe you will go to Tk, Ava you're with me." "Wait sir, what do you mean?" Chloe asks me. "You're getting a spanking sweetie, that's your punishment I know it's not your first time." I tell her. "B-but y-you can't do that." She says. "We got permission from your mom she's at work and can't pick you up so she wants us to handle it." She looks down and nods sadly.

"Come here Ava." She slowly walks over to me, when she's in reach I grab her arm and place her across my lap. I slide her dress up and panties down and start laying smacks on her bare bottom. SMACK SMACK SMACK "OW FATHER THAT HURTS." Ava whines. "It's supposed to." I say laying down more smacks. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Ava starts kicking her legs rapidly so I place a smack on her thighs. SMACK SMACK "OUCH!" She yells. "Your going to get twenty more but if you give me any more trouble I will add smacks." I explain to Ava. "Yes sir." She says through sobs.

I rub her back for a few minutes before I start the last twenty smacks. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OWIE." She yelps. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "AH FATHER PLEASE." Ava cries out. "Just five more princess." I say as I rub her back. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK I land the last five smacks and then pull her into my lap and rub her back and say soothing things. "Your okay sweetie it's all over."

Tk's POV

"Chloe come here please." She walks over to me playing with her fingers I can tell she's nervous. "Chloe what's bothering you." I ask her rubbing her back. "I-I just my mom usually spanks me bare so-" I stop her there. "I'm not going to bare you I'm not your parent I don't have a right to do that." She gives me a nod and smile.

I guide her across my lap and slide up her dress but leave her panties where they are. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OUCH!" Chloe yells out starting to kick, I trap her legs so she can't kick. I trap the persons legs so they don't kick where Carlos gives warning smacks on the thighs, which I know from experience hurts. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OUCHH PLEASE SIR IT HURTS." Chloe yells out. "Just five more and then it's over." I say as I rub her back. I'm not giving her a lot as I know her mom will probably give her a bedtime spanking tomorrow night. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "Shh all done sweetie." I say as I rub her back. After a few minutes she's calmed down and stands up and pulls her dress back down. "I'm sorryyy." She says as she hugs me and cries into my neck. I rub her back and hug her back trying to calm her down.

After a few minutes both girls are calmed down and me and Carlos tell them to go get ready for bed and get some sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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