The Book!

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Villagers: All hail the Reito Takahashi! The Samurai Hero!

On a hill, two silhouettes stood, waving at the crowd. The sun shone behind them, blocking their image. As they kept waving, the sun's light slowly increased before everything went black.



He gasped for air as he falls out of his bed, hand on his chest. Keeping a steady breath, he stands back up and turns off his alarm clock.

Reito: That was by far one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had. Hmm?

He looks at the clock and see's that It's 6:49 AM

Reito: Shit, my the kendo match will start soon! I got to get going.

He quickly eats his breakfast and changes into new clothes before rushing out of his abode and running to his school. It took some time, running through alleyways, and through traffic, but he finally arrived.

Teacher: Reito, where have you been? The match is starting soon.

Reito: Sorry. I didn't wake up early enough.

Teacher: All that matters is that you're here now. Change into your gear. You're going to be going last.

He nods as he runs to the changing room and changes into his kendo attire and joins the other members of his school. The match starts with the combatants bowing and then kneeling at their start lines. Every match was ferocious. But as the second to last match ends, Reito's team loses the round and now he's the only one left for the win. He puts on his helmet and steps into the arena, his shinai at his side. The two opponents bow and then walk to the start lines. Each holding the shinai with both hands.

Referee: You may begin!

The two stand up and circle each other. Feet twitching and moving around. Reito goes in for a quick jab, which is deflected. He blocks a strike, slides the shinai down, and hits his opponent on his side, raising his flag color. They separate as people cheer and clap. They start the process again before walking around.

A minute passes, and neither fighter makes a move. Reito sees movement in his opponent's back leg and goes to the counter. But it was a distraction. Reito's opponent extends his shinai and slams it on Reito's head, getting his flag raised. They separate as people clap and cheer.

Referee: The score is one-to-one. The next point wins. Ready...!

The two fighters stay crouched and look at each other.

Referee: Begin!

Wanting to finish quickly, Reito shoots out with speed and they clash before pulling away. Neither takes their eyes off their opponent. Reito twirls and deflects his attacks as they lash out. All while keeping his balance. They lunge toward each other and shout before trading a few strikes before they both go to strike vital areas. Reito aims for his opponent's side, while a shinai goes to the head. They both hit. Everyone's in awe. Which one had hit first? They separated and were told to go to the starting lines as the referee's rewatched the clips in secret. Reito was starting to sweat as his heart rate increased.

Referee: Ladies and gentlemen, after numerous examinations, we have concluded. The winner, by 10 milliseconds is Reito Takahashi.

They cheered and clapped as Reito let out a sigh of relief. He fist-bumped his opponent and they exchanged compliments. All of Reito's teammates gathered around as they were handed a trophy. They all kneeled, helmets off, and took a group picture. Copies were handed out to every student. Reito changed out of his gear and took a quick shower before exiting the building.

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