The Journey

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Reito: The king despises the Shield Hero that much, huh?

Mirellia: That is correct.

Reito: And his forbidden summoning of the four heroes, you're left to clean up their dirty work.

Mirellia: To my displeasure, yes. I'm ashamed his actions are unbecoming of royalty. I believe the king's antics are going to make him turn against us.

Reito: That's only going to cause more problems than solutions. 

Mirellia: As you now know, there are four Cardinal Heroes. However, there is a fifth hero, one whose equipment and weapons are different from ours. That hero is to help us stop the waves of catastrophe and keep the other heroes in check. 

Reito: I can see where you're going with this. I may not know about what this country or world is going through, but cleaning after others is one thing I despise most of all. Your heroes will have a chance to smarten up. But if they can't, they may end up on the end of a blade.

Mirellia: When you put it that way, yes. With summoning you, this may be our only chance of survival. The last wave, before summoning the four heroes, nearly killed us, and the king's choices are making it worse. With his dislike of the Shield Hero, and rumors spreading, I'm almost certain what will happen.

This made Reito raise an eyebrow.

Reito: Rumors? What kind of rumors?

Mirellia: I've heard many, his attempt to rape my eldest daughter, taking money from people, mistreating slaves, etc. Though, I don't believe them. My eldest daughter, Myne, seems to be quite proficient when it comes to manipulating people. To add to that, she's a great actor to boot.

Reito: A nasty side of royalty. Wait a minute. Since you're in charge, isn't she next in line to the throne?

Mirellia: In terms of age, yes. But with the way she is now, I cannot let her act as queen. If she was crowned, she would ruin the country in months, maybe weeks. All of our allies would turn against us. That must not happen. 

Reito: I'll be dammed. So if she's not next in line, then who is?

As if it was a queue, the door opened from the room where Reito and Mirellia were in. A girl with violet hair and eyes, a dress with violet and white colors mixed. She was young. But the way she walked, she was mature for her age.

???: Mother.

She states before stopping and spotting Reito.

???: Who is this?

Of course, she would ask who he was. He wore armor she didn't recognize. She looked at a pair of swords Reito had on his belt. Putting two and two together, she froze.

???: Mother, tell me you didn't...

Mirellia: It is what you think it is. I had no other choice. I'm doing what's best for our country. With 3 of the 4 heroes acting the way they are, it left me no choice.

???: I see. May I ask your name, good sir?

Reito: I'm Reito Takahashi. I'm the one your mother summoned from another world.

???: So the legend is true. A hero with weapons and armor unknown to us. Oh, where are my manners? I'm Melty Q. Melromarc. Pleasure to meet you, sir Reito.

Reito: *Laughs* Just call me Reito. I'm not one for formalities.

Melty: I can't do that! You're the fifth hero. A hero should be treated well.

Reito: That's great to hear, but I haven't done anything to be treated that nice.

Melty: You were recently summoned. It makes sense that you haven't accomplished anything yet. But you will in the future. So allow me to address you with the respect a hero deserves.

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