Chapter One

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Madeleine's POV
Today was the first day in three years since I thought about my parents, I've been in and out of the foster care system for six years now and now I'm in an orphanage something I never thought I'd say, the director kind of sucks she only cares sometimes only when she wants something, she said that today was adoption day, I'm never excited for it because I always get ignored anyway . Some people finally showed up, one happened to be Carrie Underwood but uh she's a celebrity so... All of a sudden the director of the orphanage called my name "These people would like to talk to you" I went over to the people "Hi I'm Carrie and this is my husband Mike, we'd like to adopt you if you are okay with that?" I said "yes! Absolutely!" I finally get to leave this place! I started packing when Maya walked up to me and said "oh it's you, I heard someone got adopted, kinda hoping it wasn't you" Carrie walked in to my room "Hey sweetie, do you need help" I told her that I was almost done and I would meet her downstairs "Okay sweetie" I finished packing and looked at Maya and said "at least they wanted me" I went downstairs where Carrie and Mike were Mike said " Ready?" I said yes and the brought me to their house Carrie brought me upstairs and showed me to my room. She said "so this will be your room, Mike and I are right across the hall, if you need anything just knock okay sweetheart" I said "okay" it was about 12:30 am and I was still awake, I couldn't sleep I was thinking about my family, not this one but anyway I was just laying in my bed just staring at my ceiling, I walked out of my room and went into Mike and Carrie's  room. Carrie woke up immediately and said "hon, it's almost one am is everything okay? I said "I'm sorry, I'll go back to my room" she said "no sweetheart it's okay" Carrie moved the blanket on her bed and moved over she said "come here honey, you're probably just nervous being in a new place, try to get some sleep sweetheart" she gently started rubbing my back until I finally fell asleep. The next morning I woke up alone, I could feel my heart going faster

Adopted by Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher Where stories live. Discover now