Alternative Emiya Shirou

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Emiya Shirou's Status as Magus

She(Illya:Heaven's Feel Route)emerges,following Shirou.

The battle has already ended.
The Giant(Hercules)once protected her disappear,his eyes fixed on her.

The figure is all that's left in her vision.
The battle has ended.
It's not power of Heroic Spirit has been possessed him.
Using his own power,Shirou fought against death and won.
The girls(Illya,Rin:Heaven's Feel Route,Sakura:Heaven's Feel Route,Artoria:Heaven's Feel Route,Medusa:Heaven's Feel Route,Gudako and Olga)keeps staring his back.
He will never turn around and look back again.

He has released the power of Heroic Spirit possessed by him and defeated the giant(Hercules).His figure looks heroic and powerful.
There's no doubts left in him now.
He cast away all his fears and agonies when he released the power of heroic spirit and used projection.
--------------------- Shirou."
The girls keeps watching him,filled with sorrow.

-The Narrator

Emiya Shirou has been taught and train all about Magecraft by Emiya Kiritsugu very same and similar to his Miyuverse Emiya Shirou counterpart.Emiya Shirou is 100 percent proper magus and his use of Magecraft such as Mystic Code,Spiritual Healing,Healing,Ancient Runes,Analyze,Reinforcement,Time Manipulation,Lighting,Baptism Rite and Projection Magecraft and his use of them are at advanced levels very compare to all of his counterparts as well his Miyuverse counterpart.Shirou uses his Reinforcement Magecraft to enhanced his vision and other senses which he can see in the pitch black darkness even the total darkness and can feel vibrations and hear sounds far away and his eye sight is so enhanced he can see the living individuals and objects at far distances and up close as well closed distances including seeing Arcueid's fast movements.according to Tohsaka Rin(in Chaldea),Alternative Emiya Shirou can able to supply his one the only servant with magical energy at their peak performance as well their use of Noble Phantasm and the power they have in life as well keeping his or her Battle Continuation Skill at same rank he or she has in life despite his or her endurance is at higher rank including Artoria Pendragon as well her counterparts and they can even used their high rank Noble Phantasms including high magical energy consumption Excalibur and Excalibur Morgan about 25 times before their exhaustion takes over and not disappear instantly only showed signs of exhaustion.Alternate Emiya Shirou has twice and many times magical energy output as Artoria Pendragon.Emiya Shirou is able to supply his servant Angelica Ainsworth with magical energy and make her stronger,durable and faster which her physical parameters are all Rank A and her use of Ea is Rank EX and Angelica Ainsworth states,not only Emiya Shirou trains in Magecraft also trains himself physically and he is superior master she ever had otherwise her physical parameters will not be Rank A and her use of Ea will not be Rank EX.Emiya Shirou is able to detected and sense all life-force and purity of heart of living individuals due to him traveling around the world about 7 years in summer and winter break without needing to detected and sensing magical energy of non magus and he knows how to not be detected and sensed by magus by fully surpassing his magical energy to zero as well his body heat temperature and scent to not being detected and sensed by Magus as well many beings including Heroic Spirits.he can even sense the presence of Heroic Spirits including Assassin Class servants despite their Presence Concealment Skill and Spiritual Form to hide their presence as well Scáthach including her counterparts and they're surprised by Shirou to able to sense them very easily and Shirou's ability to sense servants surpassed Ruler Class Servants' ability to sense servants.Emiya Shirou can overpowered nearly all of Heroic Spirits as well overpowering all of Fairies,Vampires,Demons,Demon Gods,Fallen Angels,Angels and Devils abd different beings despite they're stronger than humans however Emiya Shirou can't defeated Goddess Rhongomyniad in physically.Shirou is able to make himself to act as the source of magical energy to Jack The Ripper without killing Jack The Ripper's Master Reika through he is supplying both Angelica Ainsworth and Jack The Ripper at the same time without issue due to Assassin Class servants possessing low magical energy consumption which Jack The Ripper possessing low magical energy consumption.Emiya Shirou puts his Ancient Runes on his body to give him full protection from 2 reality marbles Unlimited Blade Works and Time Alter as well granting him regenerative healing abilities as well Avalon enhanced his regenerative healing abilities at full potential however Avalon's potential regeneration and healing abilities still has it's own limits which is cut off his head or depending on amount of his body's serious injures and wounds which takes time for Avalon to able to keeps him alive and healing him at same rate unless he allows himself to be fully healed and recovered by giving himself safe place to be fully recovered.with Avalon,Shirou can easily heals those all types of wounds and injuries such as his heart are healed instantly and counteracting the curse of Gaè Bolg to completely his wounds and injuries in the matter of seconds including Shirou can heals and recovers his own self inflicted wounds and injuries are healed instantly.although Shirou using his Reality Marble Time Alter caused his body to be damaged by using advanced levels of Time Alter that surpassed Time Alter:Double Accel which is his limit of using Time Alter:Double Accel and Time Alter:Triple Stagnate however with Avalon,it easily healed those wounds and injuries as self inflicted wounds and injuries even using the advanced levels of Time Alter such as Time Alter:Triple Accel and Time Alter:Square Accel that caused his body to be wounded and injured as self inflicted wounds and injuries are instantly heals and recovers the wounds and injuries completely and allowed Shirou using his Reality Marble Time Alter at it's full potential and allows Shirou fight against his enemies in the full potential of Reality Marble Time Alter prolonged his good condition and peak,Shirou can even regenerated and healed his insides from Dark Sakura due to her authority(Avalon is able to keep alive him from Dark Sakura killing him and put timer on him to how long he stays alive until he ran out of time and dies and keeps regenerating and healing his blackened heart)with her magical energy and keep regenerating and healing his insides until Avalon ran out of magical energy however since Avalon has over decades worth supply of magical energy which prolongs his agony and pain and Shirou will be pain and hurt from his insides and his Blackened Heart from Dark Sakura's authority and makes him very harder to kill which he is reviving from near death and come back to alive again over over until Avalon's over decades worth supply of magical energy is fully depleted however Dark Sakura decides not to do it to Shirou since she loves him in her heart and Avalon's decades worth supply of magical energy will not depleted which it is relived for him and Avalon gain more magical energy from it's connection to it's original owner Goddess Rhongomyniad and her alternative counterparts to keep Avalon at it's full potential.Emiya Shirou can't even be hypnotized by Ciel's Mystic Eyes of Whisper and different types of Mystic Eyes due to his 7 years of experience life of Magus Killer and his will power including Avalon and his strong mental mind to not being infected by them.Emiya Shirou can't be infected by all different types of brainwash his father Emiya Kiritsugu,he can by passed bounded fields even high rank bounded fields and not to be detected by all forms of bounded fields and not let his presence to be detected by his enemies and all of Magus.before Greater Holy Grail War starts,Shirou states himself,he can even easily beat,defeated and kills all of Dead Apostles with Command Seals as his another source of magical energy and his use of Black Keys including his Martial Arts and Hand to Hand Combat Skills if he came contract to one with Reality Marble that can put mage's magical energy to zero with his or her magic circuits as their source of magical energy and Shirou uses Command Seals as alternative source of magical energy as counter measure to Sasuke's Reality Marble(since it only targets on mage's magic circuits to put his or her magical energy to zero.)and he can even easily defeated and kills Sasuke(from Type Moon not from Naruto series)with Command Seals to kill her and dead apostles with his own Martial Arts,Swordsmanship and Hand to Hand Combat Skills while he was empowered by Command Seals if given opportunity since he has to save up and conserves his Command Seals and 22 Black Keys from outcoming Greater Holy Grail War and he will get himself chance to kill them for good.after Greater Holy Grail War,Goddess Rhongomyniad aka Artoria Pendragon and Jeanne D'arc Ruler including Angelica Ainsworth states in their thoughts,Emiya Shirou has the high chance to completely beatened and defeated all of saber class,archer class,lancer class,caster class,assassin class,berseker class,ruler class,avenger class,alter ego class,pertender class,beast class and moon cancer class servants including blackened and incarnated servants as well grand class servants in close range combat of his swordsmanship,marksmanship,martial arts and hand to hand combat skills alone and beat them while he was empowered by Command Seals,Reinforcement and Ancient Runes Magecraft.after Emiya Shirou wons in Greater Holy Grail War,he has gain access to Third True Magic and Heaven's Feel Ritual which his magical energy is endless and he won't age and his body and soul won't not decayed over decades and he is able to easily keep up with Angelica Ainsworth and Jack The Ripper's upkeep to keep them materialized in the world even after Greater Holy Grail War is over forever and he can even summon endless amount of servants with Heaven's Feel including everytime he summons new servant or make master and servant contract with servant he gains more Command Seals and everytime he summons new servants he summons gain incarnated flesh and blood body instead of possessing spiritual body and they can't no longer turns his or her spiritual form and make them more powerful they are in life in his or her legends and at his or her peak when he or she was still alive in his or her legends and gain nearly infinite amount of magical energy and Saber Alter and her counterparts can used their Noble Phantasms especially high magical energy consumption Excalibur and Excalibur Morgan without limits.despite being outclassed by Goddess Rhongomyniad,nearly all of servants are completely afraid of his presence even Chu Chulainn Alter is afraid of him and they don't have an chance to defeated Alternative Emiya Shirou in hand to hand combat,skills and swordsmanship even Chu Chulainn Alter doesn't have hope to defeated him due to him can also fight dirty.despite Goddess Rhongomyniad outclassed him in physically,Emiya Shirou has to use Reinforcement and Ancient Runes Magecraft as well Command Seals to strengthen himself to be equal to Goddess Rhongomyniad in physically to fight and battle equally to have better chance with her in combat which in course sparing match between him and Goddess Rhongomyniad.after he made his master and servant contract with Caster Chu Chulainn in The First Singularity,Shirou is able to changed Caster Chu Chulainn's servant class into Lancer Class by using Heaven's Feel to change his Caster Class into Lancer his Miyuverse counterpart,he can also trace and projected Divine Constructs and he even perfectly projected Excalibur without suffering degradation due to Avalon's connection to it's original owner Goddess Rhongomyniad aka Artoria Pendragon as well her counterparts.he is about twice and many times stronger than Bazett and Ciel in physically and he is even more faster than them with his reality marble Time Alter.Emiya Shirou is able to grab Olga's hands without being sucked away by Demon God Pillar's Holy Grail and remain at his feet on the ground while another members of his party are floating away for trying to stop him.using Projection Magecraft for 3rd time,he traces and projected Rule Breaker(with Medea letting him to see her memories of her history and past to trace and projected her Noble Phantasm Rule Breaker in The Throne of Heroes)and throw it at Lev and it is able to stab Lev in his stomach which it is able to destroy his connection to Demon God Pillar's Holy Grail and cancel out his wish to Demon God Pillar's Holy Grail completely and he is able to safety grab and save Olga in bride style completely in 2 seconds as well overwhelmed and overpowered Lev and used Kyrie Eleison to kill him completely.Ciel mention and states,Emiya Shirou's use of Kyrie Eleison is at advanced levels and it can even harm and kills all lawful and chaoic evil different types of beings and reflect pain and agony of his enemies which it can also work on all chaoic and lawful evil different types of beings of his enemies of his or her greed,sins and crime he or she has committed and it is also painful for(lawful and chaoic evil)demons,(lawful and chaoic evil)demon gods,wrathful spirits,(lawful and chaoic evil)heroic spirits(without being spiritual linked and connected to his or her container via master)living spirits,vampires and even on devils and fallen angels including(lawful and chaoic evil)humans,succubus and fairies due to him or her committed greed,sins and crimes and make them scream in pain and agony which it is so unbearable and Shirou claims his use of Kyrie Eleison doesn't work on chaoic,lawful and natural good beings due to him or her did not committed greed,sins and crimes in his or her life including Shirou can even punish the person despite his or her alignment is good through Emiya Shirou is able to punish Amakma Shirou with Kyrie Eleison due to his sins and greed of capturing 6 Red Faction Servant's masters and stole their Command Seals as well leaving them being as source of magical energy of their servants while being out of consciousness and not able to move as well using Greater Holy Grail to capture humanity to take and capture their soul and make them immortal including wanting to executed Ruler Jeanne D'arc and Sisigo and Amakma Shirou has been punish of his crimes,sins and greed completely(Amakma Shirou lost his master during Third Holy Grail War since he can be infected by Emiya Shirou's holy words aka Kyrie Eleison otherwise Amakma Shirou will not be infected by Kyrie Eleison through his spiritual connection to his container via his master however he lost his master long time ago and he is nothing but stray spirit lurking around the whole world over decades and Emiya Shirou's holy words Kyrie Eleison can infected him now).Emiya Shirou has greater agility,speed and reaction than normal humans without the need of magical energy and he sometimes uses his magical energy and Command Seals to enhanced his agility,speed and reaction which he is comparing to nearly all Heroic Spirits and he is equal to Goddess The First Singularity,after he gain access to Nameless's power,he traces and projected different version of Hercules's Noble Phantasm which it is called Nine Lives Blade Works and he kills and defeated blackened Hercules 9 times in the row(at the time he was defeated by Saber Alter with her Noble Phantasm Excalibur Morgan which it is able to kill him and enough takes away all of his lives and he is still alive due to his Battle Continuation Rank A+ Skill and he gets currupted by Saber Alter with Demon God Pillar's Holy Grail and he regains 8 of his lives after many days have been passed and not enough to survived against Nine Lives Blade Works not even his Battle Continuation Rank A+ will not able to save him from ninth and final attack of Nines Lives Blade Works)with pure skill alone.using Projection Magecraft 2nd time,he is able to block the blast of Excalibur Morgan from Saber Alter with Rho Aias and it destroys 4 layers of Rho Aias to protect and allows Rider Medusa to use her Noble Phantasm as well charge at Saber Alter while remaining 3 layers of Rho Aias to protect Rider Medusa more blasts of Excalibur Morgan and last layer of Rho Aias is protecting Medusa with Shirou putting and pouring more magical energy out of him to keep last layer of Rho Aias too stay strong and durable and last long enough for Rider Medusa go through the final blast of Excalibur Morgan to reach,harm and defeated Saber Alter completely.Emiya Shirou has strong Pain Tolerance Resistance to pain even not feeling pain of 7 layers of Rho Aias being destroyed and remain unbothered of pain even Dr.Roman checks on Shirou and he remains fine after First Singularity is over.after Shirou summons Saber Alter,he restores Saber Alter's Riding Skill,Magic Resistance and Instinct Class Skills as well her agility and Saber Alter's restoration class skills and agility are Rank A as well Saber Alter's Charisma turn back from Rank E to Rank B and change Saber Alter's Luck Rank C stat turn into Rank A+ by using Heaven's Feel to restore them at their peak including change luck stat as well.Emiya Shirou has monsterous endurance and durability to remain uninjured by most times of injuries and wounds even jumping at 3 meters of castle and his foot and legs remain undamaged without using magical energy and he can surrive with his Reality Marble Unlimited Blade Works,Ancient Runes and Reinforcement included Avalon from nearly many his firth,sixth,seventh and eighth times using Projection Magecraft to trace and projected Kanshou and Bakuya(he remembers Kanshou and Bakuya due to himself seeing the two swords in First Singularity during the fight and battle between Currupted Heroic Spirit Emiya,Lancer Chu Chulainn and Goddess Rhongomyniad and he admitted Kanshou and Bakuya are too beautiful too existed and he is captivated by them completely and their existence are too beautiful)and he used his Reinforcement and Ancient Runes Magecraft as well Command Seals to evolved them into their evolve form which it called Overedge Kanshou and Bakuya which it produced Rank A+ attacks which it killed Berseker Hercules 6 times in the row which 4 copies of Overedge Kanshou and Bakuya are throw together which it's parameters are improved and it self destructs in contract due to his Ancient Runes Magecraft and Berseker Hercules lost half of his lives and Shirou states he can't used Overedge Kanshou and Bakuya seventh time again due to Berseker Hercules's Noble Phantasm God his ninth and tenth times using Projection Magecraft to trace and projected Caliburn(through Avalon's connection to it's original owners)and it broke after he slice Berseker Hercules's left arm due to his error and flaw of his visualization of projection and he traces and projected Caliburn second time and recorrectly of his visualization of Caliburn and projection version of Caliburn has all of it's abilities and full potential thus he and Saber Artoria used projection version of Caliburn together to kill Berseker Hercules 7 times in the row(Shirou kills Berseker Hercules 6 times by using 4 copies of heavily reinforce Overedge Kanshou and Bakuya).since he is descendant of Senji Muramasa,he is able to craft and created or recreated swords,lances and spears with no problems in blacksmith style.Shirou can also completely fixed and repair the weapons very easily.Shirou is able to craft and recreated Artoria Pendragon's first sword aka Caliburn(he did not make new model of Cailburn rather Caliburn is reborn to the whole world again)with help of Proto Merlin(she is able to give him the original fragments Caliburn to recreate Caliburn and be reborn to the whole world again and return to it's original owner Goddess Rhongomyniad aka Artoria Pendragon)and the rebirth of Cailburn became Noble Phantasm since it's original owner has became heroic spirit and Shirou gives reborn Caliburn back to Goddess Rhongomyniad aka Artoria Pendragon.Emiya Shirou fully mastered his Noble Phantasm Unlimited Blade Works:Infinite Creation of Swords(he also gain access to Nameless's knowledge and techniques as well his Noble Phantasms)after he gain from Heaven's Feel Route Timeline(aka the alternative timeline which Heaven's Feel Route Shirou died in nornal ending),Shirou is able to save the life of near death experience Bazett by using his Spiritual Healing and Healing Magecraft to reconnect her severed arm and completely healed her from blood lost,injury and pain instantly in matter of seconds and Bazett is still feeling dizzy and exhausted from blood lost and pain even capturing leaking out blood to reentering her body without side effects and according to himself,Bazett will be completely recovered from blood lost and exhaustion in the matter of the Babylon Singularity,Shirou is completely unaffected and unbothered by the atmosphere of magical energy from the Age of Gods without using specialized mystic code to protect himself from the unsuddon take of magical energy.before being incarnated and resurrected by Dark Sakura,Shirou can't be corrupted as well not being harm and infected by curses and can't being corrupted All The World's Evil Holy Grail Mud.After he defeated Kirei Kotomine(Heaven's Feel Route)and kills all demon God pillars left behind by Goetia and he is already injured and wounded due to his fight against Goetia including he used projection version of Excalibur to kill him as well using Command Seals strengthen himself to utmost limits,Emiya Shirou can't be corrupted and Dark Sakura couldn't currupted Shirou only bring him back to alive(due to his master and servant contracts)and his personality remains intact and he is only kept alive by Dark Sakura's magical energy due to her being mother of Angra Mainya and she has full authority of his life and set the timer of how long he can stayed alive with his blackened heart being destroyed very similar to Kirei Kotomine(Heaven's Feel Route)however due to Shirou having projection version of Avalon which it can easily heals and regenerates all wounds and injuries including restoring and regenerated damage or destroyed heart thus make it harder for Dark Sakura to kill him since Dark Sakura loves Emiya Shirou too much and let him stay alive with the magical energy of All The World's Evil Holy Grail's Vessel and mother of Angra Mainya aka Dark Sakura and let him do whatever he wants aslong he gives her an equal amount of love,affection and attention to her and unlike Kirei Kotomine(Heaven's Feel Route),Shirou's artificial heart is still beating and bumping like human heart and he still has his body warmth temperature.Shirou can't not be killed by curses since his blackened heart is curse of it's own kind and True Assassin's Noble Phantasm will not work due to his blackened heart's recognition as curse which they can't attack and harm eachother which makes True Assassin's Noble Phantasm useless to him.Shirou is able to overpowered True Assassin in close range combat due to him not having normal human heart.Emiya Shirou is able to successfully created Magic Core with magic and technology as suitable replacement for low quality magic circuits of Spell Casters including(lawful and chaoic good)mages and it is also 100 percent safe to transplant into him or her and since Aoko Aozaki became his wife,she gain Magic Core and she gain an endless amount of magic circuits and her endless amount of magic circuits generates infinite amount of magical energy and she can even used her Fifth True Magic at it's full potential and this feat alone is enough for Chaldea and it's systems to recruiting and accepting him to be master candidate number 57.he is capable off perfectly creating flesh and blood human body and unlike Von Einzbern Family's creations,Human bodies have same numbers of lifespan as humans and it has high qualities of magic circuits compared to his or her normal qualities of magic circuits and Shirou states,he created them to be used for transplant his or her soul out of his or her body and put the soul into new body which artifical human body becomes identical to his or her original body or looks different as well keeping his or her gender same as he or she are born to be and in Illya's case,she looks different and her appearance looks identical to her mother Irisviel due to her soul is not being damage only her original body has been damaged and she even calls him miracle doctor and Shirou states,he or she will still have and retain all of his or her Magecraft usage and knowledge and Shirou even states it is only used and access for emergencies or ordered in his Holy Church and Dr.Roman,Olga and Da Vinci states Shirou's feat creating artificial human bodies is impressive not even spiritual healing doctors and Von Einzbern Family members are not even capable of doing this feat alone.he can also make and turn different living individuals into immortal and gain access to Third True Magic and Heaven's Feel which he is able to turn Bazett into immortal and gain access to Third True Magic and Heaven's Feel.Emiya Shirou is able to permanently sealed away Michael Roa Valdamjong's soul inside of Ciel and Ciel still possesses her immortality due to Roa is still alive by using Heaven's Feel Ritual to seal his soul away permanently.Shirou is able to manifest more Black Keys by passing the magical energy through pages of Bible to manifest more of them and Emiya Shirou's other many feats of his magic.

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