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"Being brave means knowing that when you fail you don't fail forever."

Next day,
Early morning,

        Nandani woke up early and got ready then went downstairs.She made coffee  for herself and sat their checking the patient's reports on her laptop. She had her specs on and she was looking like a nerd but a cute one. Manik came down and saw her working. He sat beside her. On sensing someone's presence she turned towards him.

Man:- Good Morning Chasmish

Nan:- Oi am not chasmish.

Man:- Yes you are

Nan:- No am not

Man:- Yes 

Nan:- No 

Man:- Yes 

Nan:- No 

Man:- Yes 

Nan:- No 

Man:- No

Nan:- Yes

Man:- gotcha

Nan:- Manik I won't leave you today

  And soon tom and jerry fight started. All came down and saw this. They all were very happy when they saw Manan happy. Raj held Nandu by her shoulders and asked

Raj:- What happened princess why are you chasing him?

Nan:- Dad he called me chasmish. I won't talk to him.

   Manik smiled and went towards her and said

Man:- Sorry na Nandu 

   She turned to the other side. All smiled when she made a cute angry pout.

Man:- Ok I will do situps till you forgive me.

    Manik started doing situps. He did nearly 10 situps when Nandu stopped him.

Man:- I am sorry Nandu.

      She hugged him and said.

Nan:- I don't like it when my best friend asks for forgiveness.

  Manik smiled and hugged her back. They all admired their friendship. Later they moved towards the dinning table to have breakfast. Manik  asked Nandani.

Man:- So what you want to do today?

Nan:- I want to do adventure sports today.

Man:- Ok so we all are leaving after breakfast. Make sure you all wear comfortable clothes.

They all had breakfast and then left.

They all  decided to do leave on bikes. They all left in pairs except for Aryaman who left alone. Nandani was unusually silent and Manik observed it.

Man:- Bacha what happened why are you so silent?

Nan:- Manik I and Saurabh bhai  decided  that we both will come here becuz we both love adventures. But couldn't as we became busy in albums and concerts and then the accident. After that I left to London there I did nothing except for studies no chill outs, parties, no road trips I became a nerd. 

Man:- Ha but you shouldn't be upset now okay. We should na leave our past back and enjoy what is there in present.

Nan:- Manik thank you for coming in my life.

Man:- Oi chasmish if you will thank me again na then I will leave you here only and then you won't be able to do adventure sports.

Nan:- I know you won't do this and if you do then also you will come back to pick me up. 

Man:- So much trust on me?

Nan:- How can I not trust you the one who gave me my friends back who gave me new friends and who taught me to see things in a different way.

Man:- Ok enough of your praises. Chalo now get down we reached.

They both reached their destination.Soon everyone arrived and then they decided to do ice skiing. They all were skiing when Manik saw that Nandani fell he rushed to her and helped her to get up.

Man:- Are you ok?

Nan:- I am ok just got misbalance.

He helped her get up. They all enjoyed alot and then left for doing other sports.

Kar:- So princess what's next?

Nan:- How about bungee jumping?

   All agreed except for Navya. Nandani went towards Navya and asked her 

Nan:- Navya you don't want to do bungee jumping?

Nav:- Nandu I am acrophobic (phobia of heights)

Nan:- Ok then do one thing close your eyes and remember the best moment of your life. Let's tie all the safety belts then if you still feel that you can't do it you can quit ok?

Nav:- Ok

First Nandani went. She stepped  towards the cliff and when she jumped she shouted

Nan:- Love you Yaari, Love u Fab 5

   Everyone smiled. She came back then they all completed. Even Navya did it. Then they all left to have lunch. 

Man:- So what's next?

Nan:-  I don't know 

Dev:- Let's go for paraglyding

Sonakshi:- No Dev we will do it tomorrow becuz it's nearly 6 and I think it will be close now.

Cab:- Ok then what else?

Nav:- Let's go back and relax.

Everyone came back after a day full of happiness. They all freshened up and came back. 

Kry:- So now what to do 

Kar:- Let's play something.

Nan:- You all play I will make something to eat.

Nyo:- Wait I will also join you

Nan:- No mom you all sit and dare anyone of you entered.

  She went to make light dinner. She opened the cabinet and saw Maggie and Pasta packets. She got some veggies from the refrigerator so as to add something healthy in junk food. She completed making dinner and arranged the table. They all had their dinner and then left to their respective rooms.
                 Nandu is angry.
Next update:-
Insta Id:- daydreamer_2205

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