After the Great Terra War, the seven Supercontinent nations now achieve world peace. But one day, one of the Osean platoons of soldiers found the dimensional gateway technology that is allowed to open the portal to the multiverse
The seven leaders w...
(BGM: Call of Duty WWII Soundtrack: A Brotherhood Of Heroes)
The scene opens up to show a multiple burning world covered in war, death, and chaos.
Radio Broadcast: "As you all has been seen, The entire multiverse is now in a great chaos..."
In the world called Remnant, an city that is called Vale city been under attack by the terrorist called White Fang. The White Fang killed the civillan consist the elder, younger, women and even the children. One by one the civillan have been brutally executed and leaving nothing behind. Meanwhile a horde of monster called Grimm attack an academy that is called Beacon Academy.
Radio Broadcast: "...We can't just watch and sit here without the fight."
In the world that is similar to earth, a outbreak happen in the city called Nagazora, the civillan is trying to run but it's too late. They slowly change into some kind of zombie. As the outbreak still happen, the three girl is trying to escape from Nagazora.
The Nagazora soon become a death place, with zombie and a monster called honkai roaming around the city.
With Nagazora fallen to the honkai, the world is on high alert. A organization called Schicksal mobilize the Valkyrie the Schicksal elite warrior to remain on high alert
Radio Broadcast: "As we brace for our darkest hour, we must summon our strength to be the bulwark against oppression."
Meanwhile somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, A massive fleet of warship that is belong from country called Britannia invade the Japan and manages to defeat them in just one month. After Japan was defeated, Britannia soon annex Japan and renamed it as Area 11.
The entire universe is now at chaos as each world is trying to find a way how to defeat them and hoping for someone for come to help them
Radio Broadcast: "Their onslaught will be the greatest test we'll ever face."
But one day, everything will changes. As the 7 sleeping giant titan is now rise from is sleep
Radio Broadcast: "But with our Allies, face it and defeat it, we must."
Elswhere, a massive portal is seen being opened in the ocean where an massive unknown fleet is seen coming out. Suddenly a massive Mega carrier are seen coming out of the portal along side with the rest of the fleet. A women with white hair and sky blue eyes who looked to be around 24 years old with the rank of Admiral appear, and she raised her hand forward as if she was giving the orders to the entire fleet to advance.
Ayaka: "This day we set upon a new and mighty endeavor."
Multiple F-15, F-16, A-164, Su-35, MiG-29, MiG-35, Me-368 and Me-365s can be seen flying and strafing across the ruins of city or nation as thousands of men are seen in advanced combat gear rushing into battle
Ayaka: "A struggle to preserve our civilization..."
The White Fang and Britannia can be seen staring in total shock and disbelief as their stare at the multiple number of tanks and AFV rolling towards them, with thousands of infantries following behind them.
Ayaka: "... and to set free a suffering humanity"
We now see NOTO soldier fighting back as they push back the White fang from Vale land, Britannia from Japanese land, and Honkai from Nagazora city. In the middle of the battle, an Osean soldier is seen standing on top of high ledge and is seen screaming as he waves the Osean Flag in the air
Ayaka: "Our Sons and Daugthers."
A massive fleet of NOTO warships are seen lauching a counterattack in occupied Japan. Multiple landing crafts are seen deploying troops, AFV and tanks onto the beaches and shores as they push their way into Japan
Ayaka: "The pride of our nation."
NOTO troops are seen parachuting into the ruins of Nagazora. From there, they are seen attack the Honkai beast and liberated the city from the Honkai.
Ayaka: "Lead them straight and true."
In the pacific, multiple Britannia Royal Navy warships are sunk due to FA-181, F-35, J-15, and J-35 firing anti ship missile at the ships, sinking them instantly. The Britannia Fleet is soon pushed by due to the superior and more advanced warships and aircraft commissioned by the NOTO.
Ayaka: "Their road will be long and hard. The souls of Men and Women will be shaken with the violences of war."
A massive fleet of NOTO warships are seen making landfall onto the Vale. A General is seen walking on the shores of Vale with a microphone in his hands. He shouts, 'we have arrive!', indicating that they are going to liberate the Vale city from White Fang and the Grimm
Ayaka: "In this hour of great sacrifice..."
Multiple Osprey and Condors are seen flying overhead in Japan as NOTO ground troops are liberating the nations that were occupied by Britannia. Many comfort civillan are saved while Britannia soldier are the tortured and killed. This also happen a same thing in Remnant with White Fang being tortured and killed and the Grimm being annihilation.
Ayaka: "... we shall prevail"
The final scene shows the UDN flag being raised by NOTO marines with American style Iwo Jima Flag Rising in the earth.
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The screen fades black and out came the title.
========== (BGM Ends) ==========
The Great Liberation: Rise of the Freedom and Democracy Across The Multiverse
A/N: Hi guys with me Osean_FederationAs you guys can see this just a trailer not the real chapter. the real chapter might be long to update because I'm very busy with school and such. So I hope you guys be patient to wait the prologue of this story. See you in the next time.