Chapter 10

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I was exhausted from running, I was sitting against Michael's chest. And I could hear that his heart was beating fast and his breathing became faster. I heard him doing something behind me, I jokingly thought to myself that he was taking off his mask. He took his hand off of my mouth, "Michael..?" I turned around to look at him and he had taken his mask off. I stared at him for a while, he looked incredibly handsome. He had short, brown hair, and a scar on his eye. He looked pretty young, like in his 20s. I could see that his face was red, I gave him a kiss on his cheek. He looked down, I'm guessing he didn't want me to see how embarrassed he was. "Come on, Michael." He looked up and was about to stand up with me before grabbing the mask and putting it back on. I saw David and I took a step back and hit Michael's chest. I didn't see David in sight anymore so I started running to the exit gate, Michael was simply walking but he walked fast. We got to the gate and I pulled the lever down, but I saw David. Leon was faster than David though, and he got to me before David did. "Jake! I'll power the rest of the gate, don't stay in David's line of site."
"Okay, Michael, we need to go!" He nodded. He lifted me and took me behind a wall, when we went back there, we heard Leon yell in pain. What was David doing to him? "Michael, we have to help Leon!" I might have said that too loud because we heard the footsteps of David. Michael had grabbed my hand and pulled me to the other side of the wall. Michael opened a locker and pointed for me to go inside, he put his finger over his mouth, telling me to be quiet as he closed the locker. It was five minutes before I started hearing screaming, yelling, and the dripping of something. I decided to leave the locker and I see Michael stabbing David in the chest. I couldn't process much but all I see is David's blood splatter everywhere and all over the ground, Michael dropped David and was about to turn around. In a panic, I went back in the locker so he didn't know that I had left it. I felt sick and uneasy but I kept it in to act normal, Michael opened the locker.
He didn't even try and hide what he just did, but he used his sleeve to wipe the blood off of his mask. I tried to ignore what I had just saw, "Michael, we have to check on Leon.." I was still disturbed at what I saw, so I kept my distance with Michael. I saw Leon leaning against the unopened exit gate, he wasn't injured badly but he said that David punched him in the face. I pulled the lever down to the exit gate so that we can leave, Michael let Leon lean on his shoulder so he didn't fall. As soon as the exit gate was opened, Michael passed over Leon to me so that I could support him. "Leon, I'll catch up with you. I have to talk to Michael for a second" he nodded, "Okay, I'll wait around the campfire for you." I waved at Leon. "Michael, I'll see you soon." I hesitated to hug him, Michael knew that I saw him do that to David though, and he took a step back. "I'll just.. see you tomorrow" I didn't wave to him, I just walked back to the campfire with Leon.
      I saw David and Ada at the campfire, I sat Leon down next to Ada. "Ada, can you make sure Leon isn't injured anywhere else? He was punched in the face really hard and I'm not sure if he was injured anywhere else." She nodded, "Who punched him? Was it one of the killers?" I wanted to say no, but David would be able to hear me. I leaned to Ada's ear, "David punched him" I whispered to her. Ada glanced at David with an annoyed look. She started asking Leon if he was okay. I looked at the empty space next to David, instead I just stood up next to Leon. It had been 15 minutes before my legs started to get tired, eventually I HAD no choice but to sit next to David. I looked down at the ground, I almost fell asleep before I heard someone whisper in my ear. "Jake, can I talk to you privately" it was David, I lifted my head up and sighed. "Why should I?" I whispered back to him, what was so important that he needed to personally tell me. "Please, it'll be quick." I groaned, "Fine, come on" I got up and I lead him to Haddonfield. If he pulled anything, I knew Michael would be here if I screamed.
"What did you need to tell me soo bad? Do you have any idea how much you're pissing me off just by acting super innocent." "I know, I know. I just really wanted to tell you that I feel bad, and that I apologize. I really do mean it and even if you don't forgive me, I just wanted to apologize." I wanted to feel bad, but I was still angry at him for what he did to Leon. I don't care about what he was going to do to me, but I wanted him to apologize to Leon. "If you apologize to Leon, and he forgives you, I will forgive you. And I won't be as angry at you as I am now." David smiled, "I'll make sure to apologize to him as soon as we get back to the campfire." I nodded at him, I glanced at the houses and the windows and I saw a figure in the window. It was most likely Michael, and I don't think he'd be happy that I'm talking to David again. I grabbed David's wrist and we started walking back to the campfire, "If Michael saw you, he'd attack you." he didn't say anything but we made it back to the campfire.
      "Leon, David has something to say to you." I nudged David towards Leon. "I'm really sorry for punching you." Leon looked away for a second and whispered something to Ada. "I forgive you, partially. I don't wanna ruin anything between us, we still need to stick together against killers in trials." David nodded. "Alright then, I forgive you. And David, thank you for apologizing to Leon." David smiled at me, "I just wanted us to still be friends, but could I hang out with you for a while?" "Sure, David."

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