Chapter 3|Accident

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(09-11-22; 10:39PM)
This little moment is inspired from myself as well as a little part from another PAW Patrol story. (PAW Patrol: The Love Triangle [COMPLETE] is the name btw-) Also, this is inspired by myself because when I'm reading stories and get little like rp ideas or cosplay ideas I start like-.. Roleplaying? it and just do stupid crap, so yea-.. Uhhmm, enjoy I gues- (I mean, or don't 💀)

**✿❀BxB; BoyxBoy❀✿**
**✿❀Sexuality questioning❀✿**
**✿❀Strong language❀✿**
**✿❀Spanish words/sentences❀✿**

»»---->Chapter Start<----««
Only one person gets him.. And it will be me..

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛1st POV; Marshall♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
I was walking down the hallway to my room when I get stopped by Skye holding a piece of paper, she looked pretty pissed.
"You like him?"
"Like who?"
Skye held up the paper she was holding and my eyes widened.. Did she really rummage through my shit?! I snatched the paper and looked at her, okay now I'm sure I'm more pissed than she is.
"You went in my room?!"
"You like my crush!"
"So?! Who gives a fuck?!"
"Me!! I do!"
"Well I don't! Stay the hell out of my room!"
"I will have him."
"Sure, you have fun with that Skye."
I said as I walked off, and because of how clumsy I am of course I trip over something and fall. Why did I have to be so clumsy? I finally get to my room and lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling. Does she really think she can take him? He doesn't even know her, let alone talk to her! They barely communicate and she likes him, how does that work out? I sigh as I turned over and grab my phone, I opened my text messages and try to find someone to talk with.
**✿❀four minutes later❀✿**
I found someone to talk with, finally! I'm gonna talk with Tracker for a bit until my head is cleared of this crap and I fall asleep or something-

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛1st POV; Chase♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
I was walking with Zuma since we were talking about his and Rocky's relationship. He needed help and I sorta knew how to help him, we stopped by some benches near the lookout and sat there to chat. The entire time we talked I felt eyes burning into my soul. I looked around me and saw no one, I sighed and shook my head.
"You okay?"
I heard Zuma ask, I nodded and motioned him to continue talking. We started conversating and when we finished talking I heard footsteps approach us. I turned around and saw Skye, she seemed like she was hiding some type of emotion, dunno what, but I just ignored it.
"Hey Skye! Whatcha need?"
Zuma asked, I smiled a little and waited for her answer.
"Oh nothing much, really, I just wanna talk with Chase about something."
"Mkay! You know whewe Wocky is?"
"Yea, I think he's in his room!"
"Alwight, thanks!"
"You're welcome!"
I waved to Zuma as he walked away, Skye walked over to where Zuma was sitting and sat down next to me, I turned to face her and asked her what she wanted to talk about. If anything she might want to ask me who I like, since I'm very sure she saw me raise my hand when she asked about it. I saw her smile before she asked a question.
"I wanna know if you have a crush on anybody, if so what gender?"
I held my breath-.. I am not saying I have a crush on her-... I don't mean it in a rude way, but I'm way too nervous of a person to confess my feelings to someone. I sighed and leaned back against the wall of the lookout.
"Nope, I don't have a crush, if I did it would be either male or female."
"So you're bisexual?"
"Mhmm, I just remembered that I'm closeted-"
"Yea-.. Well, I'm gonna go talk with Everest now, uhm, you should probably check on Marshall, he seemed pretty pissed earlier."
"Bye, c'ya later!"
"You too?"
I watched her walk out of my eye sight before I got up and took a short cut to Marshall's room. I walked up to his door and knocked on it. I heard a groan before Marshall opened the door.
"What? Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?"
"Oh, she didn't confess, huh? Hm, guess you'll be living with this confusion for some time. Anyway, what do you want?"
I looked To Marshall with a confused look, when Skye said Marshall seemed pissed I didn't think she meant this pissed-
(Going to bed, I am so flipping tired😭/09-11-22; 11:24PM\)
(Went to bed then went to school and yea-😃/09-12-22; 11:00PM\)
I sighed as I learned against the door frame.
"What's wrong-?"
Marshall rolled his eyes and walked over to his bed, sitting down before falling backwards and staring at the ceiling. I walked in his room and closed the door behind me, I walked over to his bed and sat at the foot of it.
"Something's been bothering me.. Dunno what it is."
Marshall said in almost a whisper. I looked at him with a confused look and put a hand on his leg.
"What do you think it bothering you?"
I asked, Marshall shrugged and closed his eyes, placing an arm over them.
"I don't know, but I do know what pissed me off."
I hummed in a confused tone, Marshall removed his arm and sat up.
"Skye, she rummaged through my room and found something. I'm sure that it pissed her off but Im almost positive I was more pissed than she was."
"Why'd she go through your stuff?"
"I don't know, but she did and I'm annoyed by it."
"I would be too. She could've at least got permission to be in your room. Plus rummaging through it? I wouldn't even be in the lookout, I'd be outside getting anger out on a tree or something-"
I heard Marshall giggle a little, I smiled and stood up. Before I went to walk out of the room I felt a hand pull my arm and I fell back on the bed. I looked at Marshall confused and he gave me a awkward smile.
"Need a buddy-?"
Marshall nodded and pulled me closer to him, I felt a little weird but ignored it. I felt him cuddle me and I turned over to face him.
"Uhm.. Are you okay?"
"U-uhm.. Y-yeah, I'm f-fine.."
He put his head down and pulled himself closer to me, his head was then nuzzled into my chest. I still felt weird, I pushed myself away from Marshall a little and saw he had already fallen asleep. Why'd he cuddle me? Does he.. Like me? I mean, we've known each other long enough but.. How would I break it to him that I like Skye..? I mentally sighed, I shouldn't worry about this, just play it out as you friend zoning him without friend zoning him.. Maybe that'll work..

𝗣𝗔𝗪 𝗣𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹: 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖲𝖾𝖼𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗌Where stories live. Discover now