Ocean Breeze- A female humanoid huge sea dragon hound (adult)
Shea- a female humanoid red dragon (teenage)
Bookie- A male humanoid book snake (adult)
SeaPie- A male humanoid shark/wolf (teenage)
Eloise- a female humanoid sun snake (young)
Tider- a male humanoid sea dragon (young)
Knifera- a female/male humanoid blood dragon (adult)
Coral- a female humanoid beach/sea wolf (adult)
Blizzard- a humanoid male snow dragon (teenage)
Niko- a male humanoid vanilla fox (teenage)
Auka- a male humanoid eagle (adult)
SnowIce- a male humanoid sea/ice dragon (Teenage)
Torres- a male humanoid vanilla fox (teenage)
Hurricane- a male humanoid sea dragon (AquaMarine's boyfriend) (Young)
SeaBun- a male humanoid sea dragon (Tider's and AquaMarine's father) (adult)
Drake- a male humanoid corn snake/ dragon hybrid (teenage)
SeaKiss- a female humanoid sea dragon (Tider's and AquaMarine's mother) (adult)
Cocoa- a male humanoid brown monster (adult)
Printer- a male humanoid fire supoki (adult)
Jamie- a humanoid love bird (adult)
Green Tea- a male humanoid green tea dragon (young)
Kila- a male humanoid tea dragon (adult)
Sunner- a male humanoid corn snake (adult)
Snowdrop- a female humanoid ice dragon (adult)
Sianna- a normal humanoid male dragon (young)
Kairo- A female humanoid slimy dragon (young)
Freezia- a female humanoid ice dragon (young)
Kanaan- a female humanoid snake (adult)
Harrianna- a male humanoid hurricane dragon (adult)
SeaBerry- a humanoid small female sea dragon (adult)
Choco- a big humanoid male chocolate dragon (adult)
Astra- a female humanoid giant star dragon that is the ruler of all cosmic dragons (Starlette's and Nashria's and Kulia's Alula's mother) (adult)
Lunar- A male humanoid moon dragon (Alula's friend) (Young)
Starlette- an intersex humanoid star dragon (teenage)
Alula and Kulia- a female humanoid double-headed star dragon (Starlette's sibling) (Young)
Nashira- A male humanoid giant star dragon (Alula's and Starlette's older sibling)
King Romie-a male humanoid giant sea dragon (adult)
King Azrael- a huge humanoid male dark/ice/sea dragon (adult)
Queen Cosmic- a giant humanoid female galaxy dragon (adult)
Ex-Mayor Jackal- a male humanoid jackal (he was betrayed now he seeks revenge) (adult)
Ex- Queen Germy- A huge humanoid unipeg Shepherd (german shepherd with pegasus wings and Unicorn horn) (adult)
AquaMarine- a female humanoid sea dragon (Tider's sister and Hurricane's girlfriend) (Young)
Azmar's Wood
Horrorthis may seem nice and quiet during the day, but at night, it's not safe A group of friends wanders the forest. one disappears one by one... only to know, that a dragon-like monster is taking them... who will save the friends, nobody knows.....yet