How we met

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"Hufflepuff!" Exclaimed The Sorting Hat, sorting me into my house.

I made my way towards my cheering table (it felt as if I was walking on glass), shaking hands with other students and getting to know their names.

I was nervous to the gut, seeing my -abusive- sister, Hermione, eyeing me very badly, visually upset I wasn't sorted into Gryffindor along with her.

Hermione's a year older than me. She knows very well that I'm terrified of her, also knowing how well she made me feel worthless and small.
She abuses me, just to "steam off" or "let her anger out". I've never been so glad that I was separated from her, only God knows what she would've put me through if otherwise.

Some time after the feast, Hermione pulled me aside into an empty classroom.
She didn't say anything for about 15 awkward, long seconds. Finally, she said, "Hufflepuff? Are you kidding?"

I just stood there, not saying anything. What was there to say? Anxiety was building up very fast.

"Hermione, please-", I said with a scratchy throat, starting to get teary eyed.


I started to get frightened.

"Not another word from you!" She started to yell, but quiet enough not to be heard from anyone outside the room. I flinched, hoping she wouldn't beat me, also hoping she was smart enough to think about the bruises she would leave for other people to see and question.

She started to walk closer to me, every step she took towards me, earned a step I took away from her. I was so scared, what was I gonna say if I showed up to the Hufflepuff common room with a black eye? There weren't certain objects to run into, or accidentally hit myself with. And there was NO WAY I would tell anyone what she does to me, I don't even want to think about what will happen if I did.

She raised her hand, which ended up shooting down very fast, all happened in slow motion.

She was inches away from slapping me, probably hard enough for me to cough up blood, when the door opened. We both heard a voice, but from the look on her face, which was pale and drained, she knew who that voice belonged to.

"Hermione? Are you in here? I saw you come in here with that Hufflepuff gir-"

His voice cut off, seeing our state.

Inside came a skinny, ginger haired boy. He seemed a year older than me. I saw him talking with Hermione during the feast, so I assumed he was her friend.

Hermione almost immediately shot her hand down to her side.

"Ron... what are yo-"

He completely ignored her and ran towards me, leading me to outside of the Hufflepuff common room.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I look up at him, making sure he was talking to me.
"Yeah" I said, looking back down.

"It looked like she was about to..." he paused for a second, then leaned in closer where only I could hear him. "... slap you"

I smiled forcefully. I could tell he was confused when he saw me, but I didn't want to tell him about Hermione almost slapping me, so I just said the first thing that came off the top of my head.

"It was a prank" I spat out.

He looked shocked. "... a what?"

"Yup" I look back up at him. "It was her idea, to see the reaction of whoever came in that room. Coming from me, I liked your reaction" I started to force a laugh.

"Oh" he chuckled. "Well, I should probably apologize to Hermione for ignoring her then. By the way, what's your name? I'm Ron-"


We both looked to the side to see Hermione running towards us. "Well that answers my question" whispered Ron, laughing.

Before she could say anything, I said "Oh, hey! I just told Ron about the prank. It was actually a good idea of yours to see if anyone here had a good heart" I laughed, hoping Ron wouldn't get suspicious.

Hermione looked confused for a second, then started fake laughing (which sounded real). "Of course! You wouldn't think I'd hit my own sister, would you?"

"Sister??" Said Ron, a bit shocked. "Wow, I just thought you guys were friends, considering the fact that you're in different houses"

"You should probably pay attention to the sorting then! If you did, you'd probably hear 'Y/N Granger'"

Ron laughed. "Well, I should go to bed now, I think I ate a bit too much"

"Okay" laughed Hermione. "I should also get to bed as well"

As they were walking away, Hermione looked back to me and mouthed 'you're lucky', then turned back around.

It was the next morning. Ron offered me to meet up with him so he could introduce me to his friends. I was a bit nervous, hoping they wouldn't think too low of me.

I was sitting under a tree just outside the Forbidden Forest, where he told me to wait.

A few minutes later, Ron and Hermione came towards the tree with a bunch of other people. They all sat down and we started talking.

These two, identical looking twins, tall and skinny with ginger hair, sat on either side of me as everyone was sitting in form of a circle. I have to admit, they were good looking, but I couldn't tell them apart.

"That's Harry" pointed Ron. "Aka Harry Potter"

I look at Harry in shock. "Wow! Nice to meet you!" I said shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you too" he said, smiling.

Ron was a little too excited to introduce us for some reason and rushed a little.

"That's Nevill Longbottom, that's my sister, Ginny Weasley, that's Seamus Finnigan.."

Then he pointed to the twins beside me, "and those are my older brothers, Fred and George"

Ron then did a dramatic pause. "And here, right here, is the one and only Slytherin friend of ours.."
Ron leaned towards me to whisper, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "We treat him like royalty here"

Everyone laughed at the joke.

"Here is Draco Malfoy"

After the unnecessary introduction, everyone turned to whoever was beside them to talk.

Pretty much the whole time, I was talking to Fred and George. We were laughing and telling jokes, I had an amazing time.

We became best friends since..

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