How You Saw Me

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Someone came, bursting inside the room, seeing me lying there. My neck was hurting so bad, I couldn't even look up to see who it was.


It was Fred.

He ran up to me, it looked like he's been running for hours, due to his sweating. "ARE YOU OKAY?! WHAT HAPPENED-"

I started to cry, cutting him off.

"I'M SO MAD AT YOU. ALL OF YOU. IF YOU HADN'T LEFT ME ALONE, I WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN BEAT LIKE THIS" I yelled, pointing at all the bruises on my face.

"Don't think that" Fred said. "I've have been looking for you everywhere"

I looked at him. "You have?"


"And what about Ron, Harry, George?"

Fred hesitated to speak.

"I'm not sure where George is, but Harry and Ron are at the tree"


I was heartbroken. 'Do they not even care?'

I'm done with them.

Screw them.

Fred pulled out an invisibility cloak over me.

"Here... by the way, I stole this from Harry"

I laughed at his sudden confession.

"I have a healing potion in my dorm, which I also stole from Harry, if you want, I can bring you some"

"Is it okay if I just come to your dorm?"


As I was sitting on Fred's bed, Fred was looking through his bunch of stuff.

"Here you go"

I look up to see Fred giving me the potion.

I took the potion and drank it. I started feeling changes throughout my face and my whole body. I started getting worried because of it.

"Don't worry" Fred said, noticing my confused expression. "That's your body healing"

After all the weird feelings disappeared, I hugged Fred, tearing up a bit. "Thank you, so much" I said, hugging him tightly, feeling like that was the first time I've ever been cared for.

"No problem" he said, hugging my waist. "I'm just glad you're okay"

'He really does care about me'

I pulled my face off his shoulders, looking at him. He looked back at me.

10 seconds later, he was pulling me in closer. Another 5 seconds later, he was kissing me. It felt right. I felt comfortable with him.

"Hey Fred, do you know where Y/N is-"

George burst inside, with his sentence cut off.

I pulled away from Fred and sat on his bed without looking at George.

'I'm so mad at him'

"Y/N...", George said.

Fred cut him off. "Where were you?"

"I was kicking the shit out of her sister"

With that sentence, I immediately stood up, facing George. "You did what?"

George kind of looked scared. "Was that ok-"

I hugged him. "You have no idea how that makes me feel"

He hugged back, not saying anything.

I pulled away and sat on the bed.

"Wow.." I sighed. "You guys are amazing"

Fred and George looked at each other, accomplished. They both came and sat beside me on the bed.

"We're just glad that you're alright", said George.

"Yeah", said Fred, "we love you too much to leave you alone"


I shockingly looked at Fred.

"...what?" I looked back down at my legs. "We..?"

'They love me?'

'No way..'

"And we know you like us too" said George.

I continued to look at my lap, feeling my cheeks get rosy.

Fred scooted a bit closer to me and gripped my waist.

'Oh my god..'

Both Of You  | Fred and George Weasley |Where stories live. Discover now