-Chapter III-

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"Don't worry, it's a small tattoo. It'll only hurt for a couple minutes." Evelyn said to Teresa as she washed her finger to avoid infecting it.

"You sure about this?" She asked Evelyn to which she nodded and smiled holding up what she liked to call, 'the tattoo gun'.

"I am not but hey, you're going first so if it's that bad at least I did a test run first." Evelyn laughed, Teresa staring at her as if she was crazy.

Evelyn had drawn a little flower design that she ended up loving so she wanted it to be permanently drawn onto her and who's better to do it with than your best friend.

"Okay...don't move." Evelyn said as she carefully started to tattoo Teresa's pinkie, the girl wincing as she started.

"It hurts." Teresa groaned as Evelyn sat there very focused on her work.

"Shh. You're distracting me." Evelyn said.

Moments later she finished and placed a bandage over Teresa finger so it'd heal.

"How did you even get this stuff?" Teresa asked as Evelyn cleaned her own finger to give herself the same mark.

She glanced up at Teresa, a smirk coming to her lips as she put the stencil on her finger. "Borrowed it."

Teresa only laughed knowing full well what Evelyn's 'borrowing' meant. "You gonna give it back?"

"Well that depends. If I like this tattoo I'll want to do more so I might just have to keep it."

Minutes past as Teresa watched Evelyn continuously let out curses as she drew on her own finger with the tattoo gun.

"Okay, thank god." Evelyn said letting out a sigh as she placed a bandage on her own finger.

"Can I ask why you wanted these?" Teresa asked as she scooted closer with her legs crossed.

"Because. You and I have many secrets between the two of us so this just seals the deal, you know?" Evelyn explained as she held up her bandaged pinkie. "I promise to never let any of those secretes be told to anyone. And that's a big promise because you know it's hard for me."

Teresa giggled as she too held up her pinkie. "Never letting a secret slide."

The girls laughed as they intertwined their pinkies for a brief moment before letting go.


Evelyn's eyes shot open quickly as she tried to remove her skinned wrists from the restraints that held her tightly to the chair.

     Her breaths were staggered and her vision blurry as she glanced around the room wishing she were anywhere but in the chair. Even the maze.

     She held back a few tears as her muscles that had been zapped with electric shocks ached all over, her head pounding and mouth dry from screaming. She had a stinging pain in her neck from something being carved into her neck. At least that's what it felt like.

     "That's enough." Janson said holding back a laugh as she tried to catch her breath, his finger tapping a small container that was connected to her arm by a tube, it containing a blue liquid.

     Her head ached feeling as though a rock was being bashed against her skull as she tried to shake the image of a griever killing her and tearing her to shreds. It felt so real. Following the pain in her neck was some memories, probably the only good outcome of all this. They just popped up like she never forgot.

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