vance? ch.1

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It's been a week when finney was kidnaped he still was sitting on the matters on the floor waiting for the next call to happen, he was so in thought he jumped when the door slammed open expecting the grabber to put his anger on him but instead meet with a sight of the grabber bloody with a person on his shoulder, he walked over to the matters and dropped whoever he captured and left with no words right when the door closed finney walked to this person on the other side of the matters he couldn't tell who it was because there hair was in the way so when he pulled back there hair finney was shocked vance hopper the person that had a little bit of anger issues and got in many fight I was thinking so much that I did not notice he was slowly waking up

when I was fully awake I saw . . . FINNEY BLAKE?! vance sat up quickly while grabbing on to finneys wrist, finney panicked not knowing what to do he could tell that vance was confused, angry, worried the boy was looking around quickly while he was tightening his hand on finneys wrist

''ow your hurting my wrist'' whined finney, vance loosened his grip but still held on to finney he turned to face him ''where is he'' ''where's who'' ''THE FUCKING SHIT HEAD THAT TOOK US DUMBASS'' ''I I don't know upstairs'' he pointed to the door vance quickly ran to the door pulling hitting and kicking vance could not hear the footsteps coming down the stairs but finney heard them he got up and pulled vance out of the way pushing him behind him which made vance fall backwards and really pissed right about when vance was going to yell the shit out to finney grabber came in ''whos making all that noise'' finney turned around ''it was me i'm sorry it won't happen agai-'' finney was hit to the ground ''YOUR FUCKING RIGHT YOU WON'T'' and there vance watched in horror as finney was getting wiped with a belt

grabber was finally finished and went upstairs finney was covered in blood vance quickly crawled to finney holding him saying his sorry

''shit i'm sorry I really am uhh'' he picked up finney and placed him on the matters looking around for something to clean his wounds he saw that little hallway and when thru it grabbed the toilet paper took off the lead to the toilet and started to wet them with the water inside after he was done with it he went back to finney and found him passed out 

after cleaning the poor boys wounds he tried his best to wrap them up with whatever he found was useful after waiting there thinking he herd the phone ring he was confused why was it ringing the wire was cut there is no way, but he knew he had to pick it up so vance walked over and put the phone right next to his ear

''. . . hello?'' ''hey thank for fixing up my amigo'' ''robin?'' ''ya that's me listen hombre finish a job for me k'' vance was fucking talking to a dead kid he didn't know what to do but he accepted it so he did what robin told him to do and with that the phone hung up he could of sworn that he heard other voices telling him what to do too, he had it all figured out now but for now he was going to rest cus shits crazy right now 

right when he laid down finney wrapped his arms around vance had no time to react he just froze up did not know what to do he just slowly put his arm around finney and fell asleep

sup thats chapter 1 right there mhm

this toke me so long but I did it and I have no regrets

also there might be miss spells cuz I can't spell lolz

but ya let me know if it was good or bad bye :)

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