25. Result

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While writing this book, I can't help but laugh at myself for even writing or thinking of writing something complicated. As much as I want to challenge myself, there are times when I'm just laughing it off. Like, why am I pressuring myself too much? Like here, Namjoon, is a stupid criminal. Right? Lol. But thinking about the dramas I watched, the antagonist usually turned panicky as the story ends. So, that would be it.


Yoongi laughed uncontrollaby as Jin detailed what Namjoon had ordered him to do. He was so embarrassed but he knew he had to come to Yoongi.

"No one in the right mind will give another three hundred million because it was stolen from him. I should demand for a refund, shouldn't I? This is business, well, not exactly. But still, why would I? I thought he's smart? That's what he kept on boasting to my father. He has gone crazy."

Jin lowered his head as he absorbed all the laughings and mockings Yoongi said about Namjoon. That was the same words he said to Namjoon but he had no choice but to come to Yoongi and ask for money. "I'm sorry. He keeps on threatening that he will kill my son. I don't have a choice but to come here."

Yoongi stopped laughing and took a deep breath to hush, "I apologize for the way I act. I tend to be rude at times. It's not your fault. You don't need to say sorry and I fully understand why you need to come here.

Jin, let me assure you. Namjoon hurting your son is the last thing that he can do apart from catching Jungkook's hidden agenda. My men are living inside that mansion for years and yet, he hasn't has a clue. Unlike him, I work clean. Maybe illegal, but clean.

What we are doing has been planned for years. Carefully and well-defined. Jungkook need not to be there, that's our original plan, but he wanted to see you. So some changes needed to be made. And there he is, walking free inside his enemy's mansion. I'm telling you, we're not here to play around. We are here for a result and the result is already in our grasp."

Yoongi placed a blue-print of the mansion on the table, "Jungkook made this every night and is completed after two weeks. I know the ins and outs of that house. My men knows the place but it's hard to visualize without a floor plan. You get me? We are planning for your son's escape. Whatever happen, we will get him to safety.

And the money was stolen by my men. The reason why no one was killed. I learned his plans that's why we planned the heist. Jimin informed Jungkook."

Jin's eyes widened hearing Jimin betraying his own brother. "Jimin?"

"I should not be telling you this but yes, he did. He wanted to save Taehyung so badly. Because he knows whatever happen, Taehyung will serve a term in jail. Listen, let's not bother ourselves with that in the meantime. I know Namjoon will ask for money thus a plan has been made already. All you need to do is to stop worrying and trust us. Can you do that, Seokjin?"


Namjoon sat in the middle of the huge conference table inside a hall. His board of directors requested for a meeting after the reported incident of robbery. After a long silence and Namjoon having no interest whatsoever, someone spoke from the board. "Mr. Kim, we never once question your authority and knowledge. We were surprised and worried about the robbery incident some days ago. We wanted to know what happened?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes, "That question just opposed of what you think about me. That money was my personal savings and I would invest it to a new property. You see, I am using my money so as not to lose the integrity of this company that has been feeding you and your family. Because some assholes betrayed me and pulled out their stocks."

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