29. Failures

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A burning smell could make his stomach lurch in fear. A paper on fire could trigger a defense reflex in him. He hated smoke. Or even the word itself. And fire. Even just that word could anger him. That word mixed with Namjoon; he knew he could kill. It lingered in him since he was thirteen. On that fateful day, he and his brother escaped their burning house. That memory was engraved in his head forever.

That day, he promised himself that he would protect his brother. He regretted a lot of things, and one of them was that promise because he knew that he had failed to protect Taehyung. Not just once but twice.

Yoongi was so reassuring. He kept on reminding him that he was young. He was weak. It was true. Yoongi was always honest unless he needed to be tamed. It seemed Yoongi knew him better than himself. He was thirteen. How could a thirteen-year-old protect his brother from all the cruelty of this world? He could. But not against the same man who killed his parents. He chanted that in his head. He was young.

He failed to protect Jin. But Yoongi was reassuring. It wasn't his fault. No one saw that coming. Even Jin didn't expect his father would sell him for power and wealth. He made a promise again that he would rescue Jin. And his brother. He needed to do that because he failed once when he used to be young and weak.

He had many failures and tried to make it up to those he failed. Though they didn't blame him, he was blaming himself. But Yoongi was so reassuring. And Taehyung. Reminding him that he wasn't the one running their lives. Or their fate. He tried. And for these people, he succeeded.

They were free.

Though he couldn't say the same to Taehyung, who was under investigation, he couldn't tell if he would be behind bars or under probation. Whatever the decision, no matter how unfair, he knew Taehyung was a brave man. He would endure it. He endured so much.

Jungkook's eyes were looking straight at a gray door. The whole room was gray with a mix of navy blue. He was sitting on a black chair. The one you could fold. His fingers tapped impatiently on a concrete table. A glass with small holes separated him from a small room with a gray door.

How long had it been? It had been several months since it happened.

The gray door swung open. It was a metal door from how it creaked. Police guided the man with an eye patch on the right side of his eye. Both wrists were in a handcuff. Wearing a smug look, Namjoon smirked as he settled on the chair.

"You missed me, didn't you?"

Jungkook scoffed, maintaining eye contact with Namjoon. "A bit? I miss seeing you being deceived by everyone around you. When you thought you were the boss. Remember that? It was fun, to be honest."

Silence followed as Namjoon tried his best to maintain his formidable aura. Though Jungkook knew Namjoon was just pretending. He witnessed how Namjoon almost went crazy when he was told his right eye could not be saved and how he cursed Taehyung for making his one eye go blind.

"Taehyung will join me here soon. So shall I say, see him soon?" A sarcastic chuckle followed.

Jungkook leaned in closer to the glass, maintaining eye contact with the man who ruined their once beautiful life. He ensured the smile on his face would remain there, no matter how furious he was. "I doubt? The witnesses were saying the exact opposite. Let's stop this bullshit. I know how miserable you are right now. Stop pretending it doesn't matter because it does.

You raised yourself for power, but your power pulled you down. You don't have a family. No one cares about you. Jimin? Did he ever visit you? He stood up against you, didn't he? Your money and power cannot do anything for you. Your men, you didn't have them. Yoongi has them. You're weak. You're a fool. Everything that was yours was gone. You were powerful, but you are stupid. Yes. You are an idiot.

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