[ONE] don't blame me - Taylor swift

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The start of the day was slow as izuku woke up. His headaches and body were sore from the hard mattress of his bed. He got up grumbling and got dressed into his school clothes.

Izuku's mum was already in the kitchen making breakfast for the both of them. A warm cup of tea sat on the counter, waiting for him.

He thanked his mum with a kiss and sat at the kitchen table and waited for his food while going through his phone.

He slightly felt twitchy and his fingers shook and twitched on the table. He ignored it, for the most part, just thinking it was his anxiety.

A plate sat Infront of izuku as his mother sat down across from him with her food.

They both bowed and picked their chopsticks up and began eating. Midoryia inko made slight small talk with her son, eyes watching as he nodded his head.

She had a small frown on her face as she gazed at him. Somehow he seemed more... Unaware, and twitchy. Izuku finally finished, bid his mum goodbye, and made his way to school.

As he walked through one of the alleyways, he heard a small sound. He twisted his head back but found nothing there. Izuku shook his head before turning around.

His head twitched slightly as he clenches his fists closed, tightly. he turned around and made his way to the school, students were mingling around at the front gate as they watched for their friends or other reasons. izuku ignored the scheming looks from the other people around him as he made his way past them all.

he paid no mention to everyone and went to his cubby to put away his stuff and grabbed his workbooks and went to his classroom. the door was partly blocked by a few people. izuku cleared his throat gently to get the attention of the people, "e-excuse me...?"

the students didn't even look at him as he stuttered. his eyes burned behind his eyelids, he wouldn't cry over something so stupid.

In the back of his mind, he could hear the smallest of whispers.

"you're worthless! they didn't even care that you were there. what would your mum say?"

izuku choked up slightly at his mind's harsh words, he tried to ignore it whenever he heard the mean words of his mind, but he shook his head before he spoke up more. "excuse me, can you please move?" finally the students at the door looked at izuku with a scowl before they moved into the classroom.

he let out a sigh of relief before he made his way to his desk that sat closer to the back. he liked it there, where most people couldn't throw stuff at him every turn the teacher made.

while he sat there, his body slowly started going fuzzy, he felt like his body was having an outer experience, his hands started to twitch more than this morning at home, and he felt those worried eyes of his mother on him most of the time during breakfast.

he cleared his head and made sure to concentrate on his work and the teacher, less than halfway through the class, izuku felt like he was going to throw up everywhere.

Izuku midoryia sat at his desk for a while, soon, his head felt heavy and fuzzy. It had gotten worse over the day, but he paid no attention to it.

He normally didn't care for such small pains, but he couldn't concentrate at all.

He sat silently, except for the small whimpers when the felt a sharp sting. He felt eyes on him and he looked up, he could see the whole class watching him. They all had blank looks as they stared.

Izuku tried not to pay attention to them, so he looked down at his desk. He tried to concentrate but couldn't.

The stares got more easier to feel, he looked up again to see everyone had their eyes out of their sockets and were all around him.

Their eyes swivelled around him, watching him with manic looks.

His scream was loud as he fell to the ground. He fell onto his elbows and back, and the eyes followed him, they got closer and closer as he scooted back.

Izuku finally got to the back of the room and covered his eyes and kept screaming.

He felt pressure against his body, and he flinched hard, back pressing further against the wall. He felt like his body was moving on its own, the world spinning too fast and he fell over, curling up on himself.

The feeling of eyes on him slowly ebbed away, but he didn't take his hands away from his eyes. The world outside of his mind was muffled as he heard heaps of shouting, hushed whispers and laughing.

He heard muffled concerned shouting. Rough hands grabbed him, and he swung and tried to break free of the hold. He kept telling and screaming.

He felt trapped in his head and thought that he was going to fall far back. He scratched and kicked at the person that had a tight hold of him. More hands on him and then a hand covering his mouth, he opened wide and but them.

The person let out help and loosened their hold ever so slightly. He pushed hard, the person fell and he ran. But not far.

Someone had managed to grab hold of him quickly.

He fought their tight embrace and he was pinned to the ground by multiple people and restricted. His head was pushed to the side and a sharp sting in his neck made him cry out, he struggled for a while till he slowly came weak.

Izuku finally blacked out and slumped to the floor as the Anesthesia kicked in.

During the whole ordeal, the class was a mess. The students all were worried for him, although they bullied him.

And the teacher was the worst, he didn't know what was happening to his student, it was scary.

The words he was screaming made his bones shake, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up.

The whole hour of screaming and kicking was the worst of everyone's life. It made their hearts squeeze.

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